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If needed I can redesign the fuel tanks on the depot and the battery module on the science station (even though it isn't meant to be there).

The fuel depot does actually have only 1.25 meter ports on it, let me redesign the fuel tanks and upload another save.

Edited by Cooly568
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That would solve the problem :-). All we need is two senior ports on the ends of the fuel tanks to be able to continue extensions :-).

We'll leave the battery module on the science station i guess untill we experience docking or lag problems :-).

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Yikes. That persistence file is a huge mess.

Come on, guys. How hard is it to deorbit your stuff - or, at least, if you aren't going to deorbit it, terminate it from the tracking station! There are freakin' 46 pieces of debris in orbit, and I don't even know how you strung the stuff out for a quarter orbit all along the same trajectory. 46 pieces in orbit? I never had that many, even when I was a noob; I learned to deorbit stuff long before I had forty six pieces of it floating around. Geesh. Even if your mission requires you to dump debris without using the fuel to deorbit it, at least have the courtesy to terminate the flight.

Not only that, there's junk all over the Mun. It looks like there was a crash, which, nevertheless, four or five "Jetension" probes survived, so the save thinks there are nine flights ongoing, which destroys framerates for guys with less heavy-duty computers. Apparently there's a Mun base ongoing, even though no-one discussed that here.

Also, both stations are overbudget on parts. I don't know how many modules are on the fuel depot, but it's at 92 parts already (which makes me think it's three modules). The science station, which I know only has three modules, has 107 parts - that's 17 parts over budget between the two other flights, because I made darn sure my module had exactly thirty parts. Seriously? 30 parts is the hardline, guys - you're supposed to shoot for 25, but you get 30 in case you absolutely need one more part for something. I agonized over my core, thinking about what I could take out to pare it down to 30, and I did everything I could do to eliminate extra parts. Apparently, I needn't have bothered, because no one else has seemed to follow that rule. And if one of the guys on the science station did, then the other one absolutely failed and included 47 parts (at minimum) which is well over half again as many parts as are allowed.

Come on. There have only been, what, six or seven flights, and the save file is a huge mess. Don't fool around with landing on moons. Just do what you're supposed to. I don't know how hard it is to follow directions. I put up a good module with followed the rules and a nice video detailing everything about it, and deorbited the debris. I followed the rules. Why can't everyone else?

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Does this merit moving the save back to a prior point? Or are we moving forward? If we are moving forward then some house cleaning is in order I think just to keep things tidy and keep any frame rate issues at bay that were discussed in the prior posts and agreed upon rules for the project. JM419 I think covered the bases in his recent post.

As for the part counts I'm thinking we can play it a few ways.

1. We can continue with the limit of 30 parts making sure on future modules we stick to that limit. Might run into some frame rate issues but who knows. If I remember right though we were pushing the limits already.

2. Future modules could take a part hit to make up for the extras. Stinks for the people down the road. Wait.. that is me! grrrr.

3. Roll it back.

After we get the part count issue sorted out we can then work on the mess of debris and extraneous flights that were added. At the very least someone gets to laboriously click terminate, ok, click a new piece, terminate.....

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After we get the part count issue sorted out we can then work on the mess of debris and extraneous flights that were added. At the very least someone gets to laboriously click terminate, ok, click a new piece, terminate.....

It would be far easier to go into the persistance file and remove anything that isn't the two stations.

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Okay, lets keep calm here.

But JM's got a good point. We need to keep a strict order her. We had a limit set for 30 parts, aiming for 25, and everyone should be able to keep themselves to that. 300 parts in total on the station doesnt leave much room for big ships to dock, so we really cant go past that. Everyone should also make sure all thats flying is the two stations after they're done.

Im in favor of just snipping the two stations from the persistence file and dumping all the debris an unneeded stuff. We'll get to a Mun base in due time, but lets get these orbital stations finished first.

Remember, if you're on the fuel station, you can still add parts to your private copy of the science station once everyones parts are in and vice versa. Thr save file version thats going around needs to be clean, but once you have the clean persistence file uploaded you can keep a personal copy and do whatever you want with it.

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I don't understand how debris hundreds of kilometers away can cause lag. I have a save with 400 pieces of debris and it runs as good as one with none. I know I only left 4 in orbit. It was twice as much because decouplers always fail so I use stack separators. I have NO idea where the other 40 pieces came from. My module is under 20 parts IIRC. I also have no idea where the mun stuff came from.

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Cooly - I owe you an apology; my initial post came off too strong. We all appreciate your enthusiasm - you're one of the very best kinds of KSP players, one who plays for the love of the game, and you go the extra mile. I'm sorry if I made you feel badly; it was not my intention to do so, and I regret any harm I've done. Besides, once we get to the Mun, I know a guy who's got a good probe design for choosing a place to land. :)

I just wanted to keep this thing on track, that's all. If we stick to the part limits, first and foremost, we'll be in good shape later on. The debris isn't a huge problem - we can always go through and terminate flights - but if we all left stuff in orbit, we'd be running into rings around Kerbin later on. ;)

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Oh boy, it's been an exciting couple of days, huh? Sorry I haven't been around to help defuse the situation, work has been rocking my face off again. Thanks for keeping things civil, guys :) It looks like things have calmed down, so let's figure out what we can do to avoid any more issues in the future.

Cooly, your modules were pretty badass, dude. I really enjoyed your video, too, you've got a good sense for editing and it was highly entertaining to watch. We're not upset with you or anything, have no fear! I'll take part of the blame myself, I should've made a concise list of all the rules before we started building, so everyone had an idea of what's what. In fact, I'll be doing that here (as well as adding these to my first post)! These are things we've all agreed on throughout the thread, so hopefully there's no confusion. It's understandable if someone missed a rule when it was being discussed, so we'll have this list for reference. Anything else you guys would like to see added, lemme know!

KCBP Rules:

1. The limit of 25 parts per module, this is perhaps the most important with so many people involved. We need to keep the parts count as low as possible, since we all know how bad the lag can get, especially for those with not so beefy PCs. There is a leeway of 5 parts, in case of an emergency and you absolutely need to add a few extra pieces. Keep in mind this still means you should aim for 25 parts, not 30. We're currently over-budget on both stations, so we have to keep a close eye on this for future modules.

2. No docking dead-end modules. If you take up a docking port, there should be at least one additional docking port on your module of the same size. Station-to-station ports should be Senior-sized. Should be pretty obvious why this rule is in place, we don't want to block off the expansion. In the same vein, try to attach your modules to a port that makes sense. We'll probably have to rearrange some modules around anyways, but as long as there's plenty of docking ports available it won't be an issue.

3. Debris - don't leave it behind! More specifically, when you launch your module, have a way of deorbiting any debris. Still, it's not a problem if you're unable to deorbit, as long as you ensure that you terminate its flight before posting the save file. We wouldn't want a random piece of rocket to crash into our awesome builds, after all. Keep those orbits clear!

4. Mods - they are sort of allowed, just not on the final module. It's no problem if you use mods for the launch, as long as whatever you leave behind on the station is built solely from stock parts. This also ties in to the rule above about debris, since we don't want modded parts floating around in orbit.

5. The builds and the order of uploading - please stick with what's been assigned. I don't want to be a jerk about it, but we've got so many people involved in the project that we absolutely need everyone to follow this rule. The order might change depending on the situation, but the builds we're currently working on should be our focus. The project will eventually have stations and ground bases all over the system, so let's take it one step at a time.

6. The recording - your video should be of good audio and visual quality, though that's a given. Let's put a time requirement on it, too, say between 10-30 mins. Most importantly, please talk a bit about the project and your module's intended purpose. Cinematic videos and such are totally cool as well, just make sure to leave a little tidbit at the end with the previously mentioned info. This is just to keep things a bit more coherent than it currently is, it might be a little hard to keep track of what's going on to someone unfamiliar with the project.

6. Please post your submission in the other thread. I don't mind if it gets posted here as well, I just want to make sure that the other thread gets the attention it needs. Since it's in the Live from Mission Control sub-forum, it only makes sense that the actual videos get posted there.

I think I got all the important things? Again, please let me know if I missed something! It wouldn't be at all surprising, heh.

Edited by Nauthy
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The kerbal I threw on the Mun was named Kirrim, for reasons of I dunno.

And I put Batman there for reasons of... well I'M CRAZY THATS WHY.

But thanks for not having this forums be forced to go because of me. Next time I will actually follow the rules and do what I need to. :)

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Maybe you'd best wait untill everyone else has finished their modules on the stations, that way whatever you add on your own won't conflict with any docking port usage of their modules.

Btw, i think i'm next on the fuel station. My current design for the docking module has 6 seniors and 8-12 normal docking ports, so if i can get that to orbit and docked you should be okay with attaching stuff :P.

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I built my module yesterday, wanted to launch it but i ran out of time and KSP was being troublesome. Since .21 i've been having the feeling its a bit laggy in the actual space centre. But right now the problem was in the VAB: launch button did nothing except gray out all buttons exept 'exit from VAB', and once i exited and came back my load craft button didn't work either. Hoping to get the module up this week, although there might not be narration on my video yet.

This is my current design. Layout of the tanks is subject to change, depending on how well this actually gets to space, but the docking ports will generally stay where they are. The floating probe cores, RCS tanks and thrusters will be decoupled once the module is attached to the station, they're just for docking.


Hoping to get this in space in the next few days, after that i'll just have to refuel the tanks and ill be done :-)

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