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Really Really Really Tall Building

The Jedi Master

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Floor 4555: The weird overly obsessed F/A-18 fan again, this time talking about the F-14 Tomcat.


I'm probably going to make someone mad by saying this, but uh...

The F-14 is only okay.

A lot of people really love it, and I can kind of get why: it's the main star of Top Gun. And it also has an okay service history, but at the same time, it's not the best fighter jet. But what makes me upset is that so many people who like the F-14 on the internet always trash on the F/A-18 because it replaced it. The reason the F/A-18 replaced it is because it is better!

Like, today I watched a pretty popular YouTuber compare the two jets, and he literally used comparisons that obviously favored the F-14, like speed, service ceiling, and climb rate. Those are the literal only things the F-14 does better at over the F/A-18. The F/A-18 has better radar, is more maneuverable, can carry more advanced munitions, has a full fly-by-wire system, is affordable and low-maintenance, and DOESN'T HAVE AN ENGINE FLAMEOUT AND ENTER A FATAL FLAT SPIN EVERY TIME IT ATTEMPTS A SLIGHT TURN. So now, because almost the entire internet practically worships the Tomcat I now HATE IT!!!

Okay. Okay... I got that all out now.


Edited by TwoCalories
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Floor 4561:

It's painted exactly like the top of a skyscraper. The false sky causes a brief rush of adrenaline to your tired body. Only for you to see the next set of stairs piercing one of the painted clouds.

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Floor 4563: A long hallway that looks like an abandoned school hallway. The lights are off, and it goes on fore- wait, there are two exits? Which one do I use.... Huh, this one seems to be going to the side. Should I go there. Ah, whatever. Floor 4564 can wait for the next traveler I guess. Do I really want to do this? Maybe I should document this place first, just in case.  Floor 4563: A long hallway that looks like an abandoned school hallway. The lights are off, and it appears to go on forever on both sides. The doors on the sides are locked and don't open, and there are no windows, which means you need to bring a flashlight. Occasionally, one may stumble upon a staircase that says Service Staircase, which presumably leads to the next floor. One can also find a small passageway marked Plus I, which is another exit to this floor. 

Should I do this? Ah, screw it, what'll happen will happen. This is on the internet already. I should be fi-

Huh? Why is everything... so fake? Like there's ... nothing there, but a black void. But at the same time it feels like everything is there. Where is the exit? I'm trapped, aren't I? Oh, damn it. Maybe I can find a way out of here. That's a white void there. Maybe that's another one of this chain of floors? Should I even explore these floors?

The passageway had a sign saying "Plus I". Maybe I should name this floor Floor i, and the next one, 2i. It fits, the floor feels almost imaginary....

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Floor 4566: A 10Kb size MM Patch designed to do nothing but fill your KSP log with random Null Reference Exceptions, seems that nothing is attached or connected to it, and seems safe to grab it. And so you pick it on your pocket, just in case.

Edited by Venusian Explorer
how the hell i?... ... nevermind...
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