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[0.20.2]Kerba Cola boosters!


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Who knew the budget cuts for the KSP had gotten this bad.

lol xD

Cool. With KAS mod, i can attach this to a kerbal's back...

Thats awesome!

Make more Novelty parts, like more brands(Pepsi,Etc) of boosters with varying power levels (not to exceed 9,000)

BTW what should I call Pepsi?

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About to download this. You should look into the plugin that makes surfaces reflective to give it the texture of actual glass :) (if this isn't the case already)

I'm probably going to do that, there will be an update soon with more types of pop.

Edit: It looks too shiny for me. What do you guys think?


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You only get the violent reaction when you put mentos into DIET coke I believe. If you take a look at youtube videos you'll see that they always use bottles with silver stickers on them, never red ones...

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You only get the violent reaction when you put mentos into DIET coke I believe. If you take a look at youtube videos you'll see that they always use bottles with silver stickers on them, never red ones...

Both work, but the Cola light (diet coke?) gives a bigger reaction ;)

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You only get the violent reaction when you put mentos into DIET coke I believe. If you take a look at youtube videos you'll see that they always use bottles with silver stickers on them, never red ones...

At 4:20 it turns into a rocket.

This fits the t-shirt I'm wearing today almost too perfectly:

That is awesome! xD

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You only get the violent reaction when you put mentos into DIET coke I believe. If you take a look at youtube videos you'll see that they always use bottles with silver stickers on them, never red ones...

All carbonated beverages have the same reaction, beer, sparkling wines, all kinds of soda pop, even plain ol' water carbonated in a home soda maker - the physics are identical and the violence of the reaction varies only with the level of carbonation.

Diet sodas are used because they contain no sugar and thus only create a wet mess rather than a wet sticky sugary mess.

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Oh, if it isn't too much work... Can you make a "normal sized" bottle? Maybe for attaching it to a rover seat... and doing some evil experiments.

I can do that :)

Horrible mod, a well, as long others like it, i'm ok with it its their game. but not for me

Do you not like Coca Cola or something? :huh:

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All carbonated beverages have the same reaction, beer, sparkling wines, all kinds of soda pop, even plain ol' water carbonated in a home soda maker - the physics are identical and the violence of the reaction varies only with the level of carbonation.

Diet sodas are used because they contain no sugar and thus only create a wet mess rather than a wet sticky sugary mess.

Actually, diet sodas also have lighter propellant which nets you somewhat better ISP in the end. :)

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Kerb Cola is a mod that adds Kerba Cola and Mentos so it acts like a booster.

You can strap this on your rockets for a fast extra boost but it runs out fast and you can shut it off.

Writing mistake? you CAN'T shut it of

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