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[1.0.4] SciFi Shipyards [Discontinued]


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I did manage to get the Enterprise to work with a warp engine. So that was nice. I set it to 31.4x c warp speed, which is 1/10 of the max safe speed of the Enterprise (Old scale Warp 6). I had to remove the Impulse Power and replace it with more powerful RCS engines so that you don't thrust and warp with the throttle.

I've basically done the same thing so far. The balancing is hard though. Since I made the ships heavier, I also need to make them more powerful, and then that leads to even more complications. I think I've got them balanced for stock, I just need to somehow find a way to get them to work with the warp plugin. I'm hoping I'll be done sometime tomorrow.

Also the photon torpedo is really awesome with BDArmory now.

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I've basically done the same thing so far. The balancing is hard though. Since I made the ships heavier, I also need to make them more powerful, and then that leads to even more complications. I think I've got them balanced for stock, I just need to somehow find a way to get them to work with the warp plugin. I'm hoping I'll be done sometime tomorrow.

Also the photon torpedo is really awesome with BDArmory now.

Would it not be possible to make the impulse engine a separate part? You could then separate their throttles. I suspect the high thrust from them would

pull (push?) it apart unless you could somehow guarantee a perfectly solid connection.

And please have some method of docking the shuttle to the Enterprise without an ugly docking port.

I tried a claw, but then

happened. Edited by GregroxMun
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Would it not be possible to make the impulse engine a separate part? You could then separate their throttles. I suspect the high thrust from them would

pull (push?) it apart unless you could somehow guarantee a perfectly solid connection.

And please have some method of docking the shuttle to the Enterprise without an ugly docking port.

I tried a claw, but then


I guess I could make the impulse a separate part, but that would require editing the model and putting the whole thing through unity again. I'm kind of scared to do that because I've been using the same exported model for a really long time now, so I'm worried I'm going to break it if I change something. I suppose Voyager wouldn't have this problem, because it already has two big parts. I just have to use MODEL{} to put in a new thrustTransform, because the current one is designed for landing vertically..

Something that might work though is to have just another engine on the part. That would mean two 'activate engine' things, but it would be pretty obvious which engine you activated by the presence of the giant warp bubble.

There's still another solution to this though: obscenely overpowered RCS.

On the topic of docking, maybe I can edit the existing docking port to blend in better, and barely stick out of the hull. Something like that would be a lot nicer. Or I could just create a new one entirely. Maybe it could have an animation that makes it invisible, kind of like the Tardis but even more so.

edit: problem solved

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Edited by StarVision
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I guess I could make the impulse a separate part, but that would require editing the model and putting the whole thing through unity again. I'm kind of scared to do that because I've been using the same exported model for a really long time now, so I'm worried I'm going to break it if I change something. I suppose Voyager wouldn't have this problem, because it already has two big parts. I just have to use MODEL{} to put in a new thrustTransform, because the current one is designed for landing vertically..

Something that might work though is to have just another engine on the part. That would mean two 'activate engine' things, but it would be pretty obvious which engine you activated by the presence of the giant warp bubble.

There's still another solution to this though: obscenely overpowered RCS.

On the topic of docking, maybe I can edit the existing docking port to blend in better, and barely stick out of the hull. Something like that would be a lot nicer. Or I could just create a new one entirely. Maybe it could have an animation that makes it invisible, kind of like the Tardis but even more so.

edit: problem solved


And I am very excited to be able to use a warp engine without a noobish hack that I used. And for photon torpedoes.

edit: I tried that docking port thing, but do NOT have any superhigh impulse power unless you want both the shuttlebay and the shuttle to fall off. No more than six gees of accelleration should be available to the Enterprise.

Also, a bit of a request. It would be really neat if a more accurate simulation of resources was simulated. Deuterium+Antideuterium used to create Warp Plasma and Deuterium and Warp Plasma used in a warp engine, where Warp Plasma is massless (as the unheated material that becomes warp plasma never leaves the ship, it is just stored elsewhere), and Deuterium/Antideuterium has mass. Warp Nacelles that have bussard collectors (which are all of them in the mod so far) can constantly replenish Deuterium/Antideuterium, especially at higher warp factors.

This is supposedly how Star Trek propulsion works.

A request:

Firespitter textureswap for renaming starships, including Kerbalized starship names.

Edited by GregroxMun
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hmm can i have the code for the phaser and the torpedo subsystem of the lcars mk 2 mod??

Why would you ask for that here? Anyways, as required by the forum rules you can look over Philotical's code if you want to, but you can't copy it or anything, as that would be stealing. His thread is here.

In regards to my mod, I think the balancing update is good to go. I took the sort-of-easy way out for the warp drive. I just made a separate part for the module, so you can attach it to the current ships, which have had a node placed at 0,0,0 for you to place it into (except for the phoenix, which has it's own part as it should). I'm actually on holiday right now, but I might be able to get it uploaded later this week, after a bit more testing.

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i thank you have missunderstanded me. i want to make your voyager for me lcars ready with guns

btw your pack is great

From what I gather, you just have to copy the modules from this post into Voyager's cfg (located in SciFi/_Voyager/Parts/voy_saucer/part.cfg)

So basically just copy this code into the cfg somewhere before the final closing bracket and you should be good:

name = LCARSMarkII
engine_type = 0.1 // valid settings: 0.1,0.25,0.5,1,2,3,4,5
CrewQuartiers_MaxCrewSpace = 0 // int seat number; set to a reasonable value for this model
// resource options
max_resource_tanks = 1 // int tank number; set to a reasonable value for this model
max_resource_amount = 0.5 // float in tons; set to a reasonable value for this model
TractorAssembly_GameObjects = // a list of GameObects, that are actually present in the model. If you don't know the exact name(s), leave it empty.
name = CondensedDeuterium
amount = 100
maxAmount = 500

and you'll have to change Voyager's current ElectricCharge resource to this (delete the old one and paste this one in.)

name = ElectricCharge
amount = 50000000
maxAmount = 50000000

Of course there are no guarantees this will work, but here's hoping.

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yes that have i already in the cfg but the ship says ingame that there are no phasers or torpedos

I think I know how to fix it. From what I can tell, the torpedoes and phasers are emitted from gameObjects which have to be specified in the cfg. In the LCARSMarkII module, after the line where it says TractorAssembly, paste this in:

PhaserBanks_GameObjects = thrustTransform

TorpedoTubes_GameObjects = thrustTransform

It's kind of a dirty way of doing it, but unless they need some sort of special of tag or collider, I don't see why it wouldn't work.

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that is not working. i have tried that in this way:



name = LCARSMarkII

engine_type = 5 // valid settings: 0.1,0.25,0.5,1,2,3,4,5

CrewQuartiers_MaxCrewSpace = 100 // int seat number; set to a reasonable value for this model

// resource options

max_resource_tanks = 6 // int tank number; set to a reasonable value for this model

max_resource_amount = 1000 // float in tons; set to a reasonable value for this model

TractorAssembly_GameObjects = BackLight,FrontLight // a list of GameObects, that are actually present in the model. If you don't know the exact name(s), leave it empty.

PhaserBanks_GameObjects = thrustTransform

TorpedoTubes_GameObjects = thrustTransform


Edited by flori1994
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that is not working. i have tried that in this way:



name = LCARSMarkII

engine_type = 5 // valid settings: 0.1,0.25,0.5,1,2,3,4,5

CrewQuartiers_MaxCrewSpace = 100 // int seat number; set to a reasonable value for this model

// resource options

max_resource_tanks = 6 // int tank number; set to a reasonable value for this model

max_resource_amount = 1000 // float in tons; set to a reasonable value for this model

TractorAssembly_GameObjects = BackLight,FrontLight // a list of GameObects, that are actually present in the model. If you don't know the exact name(s), leave it empty.

PhaserBanks_GameObjects = thrustTransform

TorpedoTubes_GameObjects = thrustTransform


You could try removing the BackLight,FrontLight stuff, as that isn't supposed to be there. I'm not really sure what else to do. There must be some special thing in Unity that it needs.

The new version is uploaded, and hopefully is bug free. Voyager can fly a lot better in atmosphere now that I've adjusted some things. No more flipping out (within reason). Everything in the pack has also been rebalanced, and should run a lot better. Anyways, try it out.

And don't be afraid to tell me if something doesn't seem right or should be adjusted. That's one of the main reasons this update came out anyways.

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Oh, man, this looks sooooo awesome.. but I've had a truly insane day and this looks just too incredibly cool to actually work without me deleting, changing and tweeking for hours, and I'm just not up to it.

But the gallery was worth viewing and was interesting, so thanks for that, and thanks for creating such a incredibly great looking mod.

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