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Mecha Pants' Misc Science fiction ship warehouse!

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I was was playing around with some interplanetary designs and things got out of hand. Fast.

It all started with this:


With ~5500m/s dV I had intended to use this as a crew rotation vessel for some kind of Duna station.

Then I decided to throw the station idea away and just build long range research ships instead.

What I ended up with were a bunch of pretty, if useless, ships with interplanetary capability, here they are, in no particular order:

Nomad class heavy research vessel:


Available Here: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/nomad-class-heavy-frigate/

Haven class medium research vessel:


Wanderer class small research vessel:


Sojourn class hydroponics research vessel:


note: this ship has an absolutely miniscule amount of monopropellant, 300 to be more specific, use it for emergency turns only.

Available Here:http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/soujourn-class-research-frigate/

mods used: B9 Aerospace, Fustek Station Parts, Sumgai's Fustek Expansion, KW Rocketry, RLA Stockalike, AIES Aerospace, Nucleonics ltd. sockalike, KSPX, Kerbal Crew Manifest, and zzz's great greenhouse part, which I acquired here

I think that's all of them, i assume someone will catch any omissions pretty quickly :blush:

They're all fairly mod heavy, only a few of them have fully capable launch rigs, those that do are litterbugs,

dumping stack decouplers when separating from their launch cradles.

I'm a bit OCD about left behind strut heads, so the launch rigs are monstrously overcomplicated, only attaching to the ship via stack decouplers.

Most of them look something like this as they strain to get off the ground.


I'll look into posting the .craft files as soon as they all have reliable lift rigs if anyone wants to test them out.

Bonus Round Spacecraft

These are one-offs that add a new mod, or are otherwise special.

KSN Farsight



This is a monstrously huge ship, weighing in at 1096 tons and 407 parts.

Requires USAF Orion mod, By Nyrath. Available HERE

NOTE: To prevent Rapid Unexpected Deconstruction Turn on unbreakable joints and no crash damage cheats for the initial physics load, then turn them off.

edit 7/7/13: mod link updated

Edited by Mecha Pants
added download, modlist
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Thanks! I played waaay too much Homeworld 2 in days gone past, and its ship design style has stuck with me.

Also, download up for the Sojourn class spacecraft, and links to (hopefully) all the mods used in these ships.

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If you'll keep adding them I'll keep downloading them, I too am a Homeworld fan, I've played all 3 of them: Homeworld, Homeworld:Cataclysm, and Homeworld 2!

Love All of the designs!!!!!!!

(Here's hoping that Gearbox software makes a kickass homeworld game now that they own the IP!!!)

What is fueltanklunderl??

Edited by Railgunner2160
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Working on the lifter rig for the Nomad, it's probably twice the mass of the next biggest ship, so it's giving me some issues. I hope to have it ready by the end of the day.

Edit: Quick and dirty Nomad lifter is done, but it has some flaws. Like the Sojourn lifter, it uses the payloads engines during final ascent, but to a greater degree, leaving the Nomad with about 3600dV once circularized. On the upside, the Nomad has more docking ports and is easier* to dock with, so refueling before any interplanetary transfers shouldn't be a huge problem.

Will have a download up shortly.

* About as hard, really. Just more options. It is recommended that the nomad be the static element in any docking procedures, as its RCS control isn't well arranged for the port locations.

Edited by Mecha Pants
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Take your time, I might eventually build your designs in orbit using the OrbitalConstruction Redux mod, handy little mod, just haul 125% of the weight of the ship to be built as spaceparts/rocketparts into orbit and then build them in orbit, handy little mod......

Edit: Also even with mechjeb I still can get the soujourn and it's cradle into 120KM orbit circularized, surprising... Had to send up a wreckage tug to de-orbit it....

Edited by Railgunner2160
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I am probably running a very inefficient ascent path then, I'll have to play with that and see what happens. I've been pondering adding a probe core and some RCS blocks to deobit the cradle, but my launches tend to have it fall back on its own.

On a probably more exciting note: Nomad download here

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And now for the special Bonus Round I now present my god-awful monster of an Orion drive vessel for your slideshow flying pleasure!

KSN Farsight


This ship is so laggy on my computer that I dare not even keep it on the same SAVE file as my other vessels for fear that their reality may spontaneously fail.

Instructions are similar to most of my ships, with some tweaks for the Orion drive.

Set ascent height to something like 1000km, kill all feeds on the Orion engine except 80MN, turn on RCS, then SPAAAAAACE. Once apoapsis is acquired start 10MN feed, start 3.5 feed at around 30m/s remaining burn, KILL ALL OTHER FEEDS. Kill 3.5MN feed in single digit remaining burn Dv and press 4 to start up the "fine control" nuclear rockets to finalize orbit. Congratulations!

Action groups are as follows: 1 toggles Hangar doors, 2 toggles greenhouse doors, 3 toggles solar panels, and 4 toggles the fine control rockets.

you should notice minor cosmetic changes from the picture, moved some solar panels around and added a ring of red lights around the drive unit.

As you might expect, this vessel requres Nyrath's Orion mod, available HERE.

If anyone out there can put this to some use I'd much appreciate some pictures, I play on a laptop and just can't handle the lag. ;.;

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hello, your ships look awesome bit I keep missing 3 parts from the mods coud anyone send them to me please? these are the names:




greetings, prohalo11

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Umm, how old is the version of the Orion engine your using??? I've tried Orion Versions 0.14 and 0.15, they keep saying I'm missing a USAFOrionmag1kt2mn part.....

The NR280 is from the Nucleonics ltd. stockalike pack(NOT included in the Fatman pack), and the CL.Large.TripleFueltank From the KSPX or kerbal stock part expansion mod.....

Other than the USAFOrionmag1kt2mn I'm not missing any of the parts you listed.....

Edited by Railgunner2160
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I thought I updated my orion drive mod a couple days ago, just before the build, I guess not. I'll update the .craft file momentarily. Sorry again, I shouldn't post ships at 3 in the morning :blush:

Edit: Attempts to bring the Farsight up to current technologies are proving more difficult than anticipated, haven't been able to get new versions to recognize the updated orion engine unit, which could be some sort of error on my end, It turns out I was using version 11 when I was building it. current plan of action is to dig around for the 2MN bomb part and add that to the current version, then delete the 2MN bombs from the stacks.

Edited by Mecha Pants
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Umm, how old is the version of the Orion engine your using??? I've tried Orion Versions 0.14 and 0.15, they keep saying I'm missing a USAFOrionmag1kt2mn part.....

The NR280 is from the Nucleonics ltd. stockalike pack(NOT included in the Fatman pack), and the CL.Large.TripleFueltank From the KSPX or kerbal stock part expansion mod.....

Other than the USAFOrionmag1kt2mn I'm not missing any of the parts you listed.....

USAFOrionmag1kt2mn was removed from Orion 0.14. (the 2MN magazine is practically the same as the 3.5MN magazine, and the blasted texture file is 3 megs)

You can find it in version 0.13 here:


sorry for the trouble

Edited by nyrath
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Thanks Nyrath, it was my fault really, not keeping things up to date properly.

KSN Farsight downloads fixed and updated, they should work now. I really need to keep my (rather massive) mods list in better shape.

Additional note, Turn on the "unbreakable joints" and "no crash damage" cheats for just long enough to absorb the initial shock of physics loading to prevent castastrophic ship deconstruction on the pad.

Once physics are applied to the vessel, cheats are no longer needed. Flight profile should remain the same, newer version carries 6 400MN magazines, just in case. :P

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