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My Aunt Died. Here's a memorial to her.

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No offence to anyone, but I really don't like threads like this for multiple reasons.

1. Everyone will go through this, since death is a natural occurrence and part of life.

2. I don't know your aunt, so knowing it is really not needed. It only makes me feel like a jerk because I can't feel sadness since it has nothing to do with me.

3. Can you imagine if everyone posted when one of their relatives died?

4. People comfort the person as if it's something unique, yet this happens to everyone. Not saying it isn't ok to comfort the person, but you have to think about all the people who do not post. Instead of grieving for one person that was mentioned we really should grieve for everyones lost relatives. Which is probably everyone.

Well besides that, Sorry to hear about your aunt and everyone else who has lost someone in their lives. Hopefully you don't take any offence to this post. I just feel it's a general social rule that mentioning a dead person tends to create an awkward atmosphere that probably most people don't enjoy dealing with.

I just think its a bit awkward to share the death of a loved one with a bunch of strangers because then all of the strangers feel obligated to feel bad and if they dont they get called jerks.

I dont think he shouldnt have posted it, but I partially agree with what you're saying.

Sorry for your loss GregroxMun, the flag was very cute and touching :')

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