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My Aunt Died. Here's a memorial to her.

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I wasn't so unhappy I couldn't don this, as i didn't know her very well, but she is much lost. Rest In Peace, Aunt Judy.

(how do you embed the imgur Album?)

Here's the link to the launcher I used.


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Edited by GregroxMun
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Yeah. I will probably send a rescue mission with KAS to refuel the lander. The mission was also supposed to be a test of the Constellation Mun lander, and it has failed. Then again, it was supposed to be used with a CSM which it rendezvous with in LKO, so that may be the problem. I could use a special unmanned refueling variant of the Constellation, and use it with a proper CSM, and then try it. I actually do have a CSM, used for stationkeeping. It's called the Kurian Space Shuttle. It's an Apollo-Style CSM, but it's function is a "Shuttle to Space".

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GregroxMun, it's obvious you loved your aunt very much. Your tribute to her was lovely and touching. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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No offence to anyone, but I really don't like threads like this for multiple reasons.

1. Everyone will go through this, since death is a natural occurrence and part of life.

2. I don't know your aunt, so knowing it is really not needed. It only makes me feel like a jerk because I can't feel sadness since it has nothing to do with me.

3. Can you imagine if everyone posted when one of their relatives died?

4. People comfort the person as if it's something unique, yet this happens to everyone. Not saying it isn't ok to comfort the person, but you have to think about all the people who do not post. Instead of grieving for one person that was mentioned we really should grieve for everyones lost relatives. Which is probably everyone.

Well besides that, Sorry to hear about your aunt and everyone else who has lost someone in their lives. Hopefully you don't take any offence to this post. I just feel it's a general social rule that mentioning a dead person tends to create an awkward atmosphere that probably most people don't enjoy dealing with.

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No offence to anyone, but I really don't like threads like this for multiple reasons.

1. Everyone will go through this, since death is a natural occurrence and part of life.

2. I don't know your aunt, so knowing it is really not needed. It only makes me feel like a jerk because I can't feel sadness since it has nothing to do with me.

3. Can you imagine if everyone posted when one of their relatives died?

4. People comfort the person as if it's something unique, yet this happens to everyone. Not saying it isn't ok to comfort the person, but you have to think about all the people who do not post. Instead of grieving for one person that was mentioned we really should grieve for everyones lost relatives. Which is probably everyone.

Well besides that, Sorry to hear about your aunt and everyone else who has lost someone in their lives. Hopefully you don't take any offence to this post. I just feel it's a general social rule that mentioning a dead person tends to create an awkward atmosphere that probably most people don't enjoy dealing with.

Hey, guess what, these forums are optional-participation, you can go on your merry way if you don't like it.

I think this was you?

lol wow. I like how so many people here are jerks to newcomers. Good job, first impressions are everything.

Way to go hypocrite.

In the meantime, those of us with souls can take some small joy in what this person did.

OT: I never thought to use a picture as a flag, that's cool. Touching too.

Edited by Xaiier
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Hey, guess what, these forums are optional-participation, you can go on your merry way if you don't like it.

In the meantime, those of us with souls can take some small joy in what this person did.

OT: I never thought to use a picture as a flag, that's cool. Touching too.

You did exactly what I said not to. I clearly said "no offence" yet you took offence to it. It's also not like I said anything mean either, so there really is no reason for you to imply I don't have a soul. Even though, that is an entirely different subject matter I rather not get into as I am an atheist. However, it's very clear to me you tried to personally attack me, so I think you should rethink your stance and apologize.

Hey, guess what, these forums are optional-participation, you can go on your merry way if you don't like it.

I think this was you?

Way to go hypocrite.

In the meantime, those of us with souls can take some small joy in what this person did.

I would like you to point to me where I was a jerk. Again, I didn't say anything mean at all, I just said I don't like these types of threads. It's my opinion, so I do not see the issue. What, am I not allowed to have my own opinion?

Edited by Brabbit1987
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You did exactly what I said not to. I clearly said "no offence" yet you took offence to it. It's also not like I said anything mean either, so there really is no reason for you to imply I don't have a soul. Even though, that is an entirely different subject matter I rather not get into as I am an atheist. However, it's very clear to me you tried to personally attack me, so I think you should rethink your stance and apologize.

Saying "no offense" isn't some magic catch all that saves you from any retribution.

While what you said was true, nobody else seems to have been bothered by it. There was no need to bring it up and you shouldn't have said anything in the first place.

I would like you to point to me where I was a jerk. Again, I didn't say anything mean at all, I just said I don't like these types of threads. It's my opinion, so I do not see the issue. What, am I not allowed to have my own opinion?

I don't like a whole lot of threads. I don't go and post in every one a list of reasons why I don't like them. Its unnecessary and can only be taken badly, especially in an already emotional situation. You had no right to come in here and go ranting.

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Saying "no offense" isn't some magic catch all that saves you from any retribution.

While what you said was true, nobody else seems to have been bothered by it. There was no need to bring it up and you shouldn't have said anything in the first place.

Again, there is nothing wrong with what i said, you are simply over reacting.

I don't like a whole lot of threads. I don't go and post in every one a list of reasons why I don't like them. Its unnecessary and can only be taken badly, especially in an already emotional situation. You had no right to come in here and go ranting.

I don't either, this one in particular though I did, because I felt it was needed. You are some how assuming I do this in all threads i hate. Which is also wrong. Also, I have every right to do so, just as much right as you have arguing with me about this. That also doesn't mean I am a jerk. It just means I told the truth. Big freaking deal. Now if I want to continue to argue, take it to a PM.

Edited by Brabbit1987
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Again, there is nothing wrong with what i said, you are simply over reacting.

I don't either, this one in particular though I did, because I felt it was needed. You are some how assuming I do this in all threads i hate. Which is also wrong. Also, I have every right to do so, just as much right as you have arguing with me about this. That also doesn't mean I am a jerk. It just means I told the truth. Big freaking deal. Now if I want to continue to argue, take it to a PM.

I know neither you nor I will back down on our views, it's pointless to continue this debate. Good day.

@OP: Sorry for filling your thread with our arguing.

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Aww, what a lovely idea to remember a loved one :D

About your stranded Kerbal, there might just be enough fuel to get into orbit. If not, there is enough fuel to get you off the surface and well on the way to orbit. Then you can use the ample amount of fuel in your Kerbal's EVA suit to bring him into orbit. I find it much easier to save a Kerbal stranded in a circular orbit than stranded on the surface. Although Mechjeb (or practice, neither of which I have lol) makes landing close to a surface target easily doable.

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