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Stock or mods?


Stock or mods?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Stock or mods?

    • I hate mods i play stock with skill
    • I use some mods parts and stock parts
    • Mods for life I hate stock parts

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I try to keep it stock, unless I want a compact rocket (with KWRocketry tanks) or whatever. I want my part packs balanced, like KWRocketry, KSPX and AIES. Unbalanced packs like novapunch or b9 are not really my thing as I like the challenge.

About plugins, I use K.E.R. and a mix of realism enhancing plugins like remotetech, deadly reentry and such.

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I currently have 2 instals, one is stock, one is modded. I use mods that are in line with stock performance only however. I also enjoy the mods that add more to the game, like ioncross for life support, KAS, firesplitter for propellers, B9, amp year.

I've got kethane installed and I scan every planet but honestly I've only ever mined kethane on kerbin.

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Balance, Just as there will always be light to oppose the darkness, gameplay vs. realisim, (insert other methphors here), there will always be a balance. the exact balance depends from person to person and the situation.

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I use some mods to supplement parts of the game that are useful (some additional parts, but not a lot, alarm clock, docking camera, crew manifest, etc.) but I kind of feel like if one does too much it starts feeling like cheating. Also, I think it gets one used to stuff that may later get replaced by the actual game. *shrugs* but that's just me.

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I occasionally go all stock, and occasionally mods galore! :D

I'm gonna try to play stock only for a while with my new computer. I just got so much more of a rush playing without stuff like Mechjeb!

Of course, I have to play with mods once in a while considering I am a mod creator. :rolleyes:

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Note this is about mod parts not mechjeb, far, subassembly, Etc.

Cool, I was about to go off on a diatribe about different kinds of mods

Stock parts with skill all the way.

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Stock as much as possible, too many parts to choose from, and/or too many specialised parts that only do 1 thing take the fun out of the game.

Though I have added ISA Mapsat, Kethane, Mechjeb, because they add a lot of extra play-goals and a bit of help optimising rockets.

I also had Damned Robotics, but it doesn't work anymore..

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I like playing the game how the devs intended it to be played. Dont get me wrong, some mods are cool though.

I don't think the devs intended us to play only stock. Neither to play with mods, or neither to build space station and stuff and being serious or simply building a bunch of impactors for the fun of it. In such a game (especially that they themselves decided to leave the game able to be modded), I don't think the devs aren't expecting us to play in whatever way.

Also, this poll's options make me feel like they're falsely assuming that:

a) If you play stock only you necessarily hate mods

B) If you play with stock parts you aren't playing "with skill"

c) If you nearly only use mod parts, you hate stock

Got no problem with the poll itself, but the questions are poorly formulated to me.

Anyway, I have a whatever attitude. Stock is great, mods is great, I use both and I really don't care, I'm having fun.

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i dont believe people claiming they know how far their rockets can go without reading the flight data mechjeb/VOIP/engineer when they are building their ships.

If those mods didn't exist people would be working from spreadsheets/calculators because the math for delta-V is quite accessible.

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that's the same idea as using mods anyways...

Yes, well, you could always test the ship and time how long you can burn for, then do some simple math based on data from a maneuver node. But then, both methods use math, so I suppose math is technically a mod...

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