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Most G's achieved

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Hi there, this is my first challenge post so please forgive any basic mistakes.

the challenge is to take off and and on Kerbin, but to try to achieve as many G's as possible in the process. Only stock parts allowed and no cheating mods that could assist with this are allowed. I'll get the ball rolling with 26.3 G's endured by the brave crew. If I can figure out how to upload an image then I will.

Edit: forgot to add, Kerbals must be on board and survive the impact with Kerbin

Edited by matt3526
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My worst was 77.000 g, however it was using an orion pulse drive probe using only the largest bombs, some rcs and torque modules. Accelrated the ship to close to 1000 Km/s hit Eve after a bit over a day traveling and did an aerobrake. Ship itself survived but the side mounted rcs tanks and torque modules was ripped off without me noticing making it impossible to turn.

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My strategy. Give me a day to test this.

build reentry vehicle sitting on pile of SRBs. Go to Minmus. Escape minmus. set periaps to kerbin surface. Upon impact with the atmosphere, ignite SRBs. Pray to God they burn out before you trigger parachutes.

Other option: Do this from Eeloo using true interplanetary velocities.

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My strategy. Give me a day to test this.

build reentry vehicle sitting on pile of SRBs. Go to Minmus. Escape minmus. set periaps to kerbin surface. Upon impact with the atmosphere, ignite SRBs. Pray to God they burn out before you trigger parachutes.

Other option: Do this from Eeloo using true interplanetary velocities.

if or when you do it from Eeloo try to go counter kerbin orbit so you ca nhit with the maximun speed posabal

and i think i will have to try that

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