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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller 3.2.0 (Final Version) (Updated 6/25/2021)


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Quick question. I really want to install this mod but I fear that the tech tree from the Interstellar mod and the tech tree for this mod might conflict and make things go haywire. Are they compatible or if not is there a way to make the tech trees from both mods compatible?

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Quick question. I really want to install this mod but I fear that the tech tree from the Interstellar mod and the tech tree for this mod might conflict and make things go haywire. Are they compatible or if not is there a way to make the tech trees from both mods compatible?

Mission Controllers Tech Tree is separate from the in game techtree.

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Well, hello everyone!

For a long time MCE seemed like the thing that's missing for me from KSP, so with science being fixed with .23 (no more transmit-spam) I've finally decided to start a new career save in a somewhat hard(er) mode and use MCE in it. For the first couple of missions I've used the included RandomMissions pack. It was recommended for career mode (searched the thread) and I also tried to but couldn't find any other mission pack that was fitting for my needs. I like that the missions don't (usually) depend on each other (except for where it actually makes sense, like refueling stations requiring a station first) and I also appreciate the generic nature, where I can find a fitting mission for most things I'm doing or planning on doing.

That being said, I do have a few issues with the package (most are rather minor), which I can of course just fix for my personal use but I thought I'd share my thoughts on what I have to change and why.

I am playing with a few mods (like I assume most people are), but the only one that affects the missions I can do (or rather the progression) is RemoteTech2: I can't just go and fly to the poles or to the crater with a probe just because I have the Stayputnik unlocked (as I'd loose radio contact with KSC and therefore control). I'd have to put up some ComSats first. By the time I'm done with that such early home-world exploration missions make little sense anymore (and strapping a Stayputnik to a manned mission is just silly :) ).

Since there is only one (generic) suborbital mission in the beginning, I've lowered the required altitude to 10-20k instead of 50k+. This allows me to get some science with little flights to different biomes. I've considered changing mission 2 accordingly (which is basically identical to mission 3, see below) but didn't have any good ideas as to what to change it to...

I obviously need to put up communication satellites sooner or later, I'll probably use either the random probe missions (removing the inclination requirement from the high orbit mission (18)) or mission 27 (high orbit satellite) with a more relaxed apoapsis range. I'm also thinking of changing one of those to be more specific to polar(-ish) orbits with adjusted payouts. Not sure about those yet though.

Since we now have the new science lab module, I thought I'd use it instead of the Communotron on the station, but it doesn't seem to be recognized by the name "Large_Crewed_Lab" (which is the one from the corresponding part.cfg). I haven't tested if it works, but at least the name isn't resolved correctly as the other names are...

Lastly, a few inconsistencies I've noticed (which may or may not be intentional)

Mission 2 & 3: (touched on above already) In practice these are identical. Yes, the ranges for valid orbits differ a bit, but since both require a Kerbal to be on board, the only difference is that you have to click "EVA" once for the second one. At least in a career save you'll likely do that anyway.

Mission 5: The "crater land formation" isn't exactly precisely specified. It only specifies a Latitude range, but no longitude. Where is the intended spot? Is it the crater along the coastline (about 105° west of KSC) or the bigger, fully land-based one at about 30 longitude? For both the given Latitude of 7.5-10.5 doesn't make too much sense (both are roughly around the given latitude though), or is it meant to cover both?

Mission 8: Minmus FlyBy has no "land at Kerbin" goal, but the Mun version does (and so do most missions up to that point). Is this intentional, like for a probe leaving Kerbins SoI?

Mission 19: Nothing odd about the mission itself, but it seems a bit out of place, with the other missions for Kerbins moos being 6-9. It seems it might belong between 6 and 7, progression wise?

While I've thought about and started editing the missions for my needs I've quickly wished for a new feature or two in the specification language: Often the PartGoal is just an indirect solution to the problem. For example to specify a "communication satellite" mission, I don't want to ask for 3x Communotron 16, but I want to ask for three parts that are an antenna. So I'd like to ask for 3 parts that contain the module "ModuleDataTransmitter" or (for when RemoteTech2 is installed) the module "ModuleRTAntenna".

This leads to the second thing: being able to ask for one of many goals to be fulfilled for the mission to be completed. It's already possible to combine conditions so they need to be met at the same time (SubMissionGoal is basically an AND of all subgoals), it would be excellent if we could also ask for one of multiple subgoals (implementing an OR). This would also allow to "fake" the module-goal from above, as you can just list all antennae in one such goal. If it let's you (optionally) set a replacement name (and doesn't display all sub-parts when this is defined) it would just show as "Module: 3x Antenna".

Side note: also a +1 from me for using the toolbar. While I'm not a huge fan of the aesthetic, I love that I don't have buttons for various mods in random places, but a central toolbar for all additional buttons.

Ok that's enough wall-o-text for now (sorry, got a bit carried away). Thanks for reading it all (if you actually did :confused: )...

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gentlemens, i faced the following problem.

if there is a SubMissionGoal case in mission, all following goals after SubMissionGoal becomes uncompletable.

goals can becomes green, but no "hide finished goal" button appeared. and no final window appeared when mission finished, despite all goals are green.

where is a bug live?

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I have been playing the Bootstraps By Anthony Pendleton mission set... but it is broken once you get to docking missions. The docking goals are all set as sub goals rather than independent goals which just doesn't work due to the way KSP defines vessel IDs. I will probably make a quick fix with the docking goals separated just so I can complete the missions and move on... but does anyone know about something Malkuth mentioned called vesselIndependant?... sounds like a way to disable the vessel ID so it accepts the docking as valid. I cant find much info on writing files for mission controller so can anyone give an example of how to use this command?

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I have been playing the Bootstraps By Anthony Pendleton mission set... but it is broken once you get to docking missions. The docking goals are all set as sub goals rather than independent goals which just doesn't work due to the way KSP defines vessel IDs. I will probably make a quick fix with the docking goals separated just so I can complete the missions and move on... but does anyone know about something Malkuth mentioned called vesselIndependant?... sounds like a way to disable the vessel ID so it accepts the docking as valid. I cant find much info on writing files for mission controller so can anyone give an example of how to use this command?

Vesselindependant is same method that is used to make EVA missions work. Since EVA has no technical ID. When you add it to the Goal the ID of vessel does not matter. Can even be used to make 2 seperate vessels do 2 seperate goals in the same mission.

Also is the Special Field which gets rid of the ID for that Mission Goal completely for it does not save any ID.

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gentlemens, i faced the following problem.

if there is a SubMissionGoal case in mission, all following goals after SubMissionGoal becomes uncompletable.

goals can becomes green, but no "hide finished goal" button appeared. and no final window appeared when mission finished, despite all goals are green.

where is a bug live?

No idea what mission your playing but the only reason this ever happened in the past is if you used KSP Revert button. A few Updates ago I added my own Revert button that is meant to work better and not have this issue happen.

If you use the KSP revert button and do a mission goal with a vessel. Then on the way to mission goal 2 you exploded and revert you cause your vessel to get a New ID. And since you already did Goal one with the Old vessel, your IDs don't match anymore.

Use Mission Controllers Revert. Only way around this problem.

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Vesselindependant is same method that is used to make EVA missions work. Since EVA has no technical ID. When you add it to the Goal the ID of vessel does not matter. Can even be used to make 2 seperate vessels do 2 seperate goals in the same mission.

Also is the Special Field which gets rid of the ID for that Mission Goal completely for it does not save any ID.

can you give me an example of how I add this into the text file?

Or do I literally just type...




... as a separate goal?

A link to a mission file that has it in already would be a great help.

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I've asked about this in my way-too-long post on the last page, but I guess it got lost in the wall-o-text:

How can I specify the (newly added) Lab Module (aka. Mobile Processing Lab) as a part goal? Neither the actual model name (Large_Crewed_Lab) nor the folder name (LargeCrewedLab) works. The part entry in the mission info window also doesn't change to the common in-game name ("Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2") but remains as whatever is specified in the mission file. Is an update required to fix this or am I just doing something wrong here?

Edit: and one additional question, how and where do I specify an appropriate price/cost for additional resources (like ablative shielding of deadly reentry)? And where can I read about how the price of modules is calculated? Where can I influence this in general?

Edited by Creat
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I've asked about this in my way-too-long post on the last page, but I guess it got lost in the wall-o-text:

How can I specify the (newly added) Lab Module (aka. Mobile Processing Lab) as a part goal? Neither the actual model name (Large_Crewed_Lab) nor the folder name (LargeCrewedLab) works. The part entry in the mission info window also doesn't change to the common in-game name ("Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2") but remains as whatever is specified in the mission file. Is an update required to fix this or am I just doing something wrong here?


Do not go by the ingame name. That is a seperate name then what is needed. You need to open up the part.cfg file and read the line that says. name = Large_Crewed_Lab (keep the _ intact)

can you give me an example of how I add this into the text file?

Or do I literally just type...




... as a separate goal?

A link to a mission file that has it in already would be a great help.

name = 3 - Early Missions Manned EVA Mission
description = Launch A manned Vessel Into Kerbin Orbit and Perform an EVA, Then Return To Kerbin Safely.
category = MANNED, EVA
reward = 52000
randomized = true
repeatable = true
packageOrder = 3
[B]vesselIndependent = true[/B]


body = Kerbin
maxApA = RANDOM(200000,300000)
maxEccentricity = RANDOM(0.01, 0.08)
crewCount = 1

body = Kerbin


Edited by malkuth
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Do not go by the ingame name. That is a seperate name then what is needed. You need to open up the part.cfg file and read the line that says. name = Large_Crewed_Lab (keep the _ intact)

You misunderstand. I already tried that and it doesn't work. Please just try it yourself quickly, doesn't seem like there is a way to require that part for a mission. I tried with and without the _, both didn't work (as I already said in my last post).

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The second payout increase in the MCE techtree does not work for me. Rocket Basics, in the random missions package, still gives 24,000 with both. It should give 33,600 in that case. I did not confirm the first increase either way yet. Anyone else having this issue? using MCE .38

edit: first increase fails on its own

Edited by Ogamaga
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The built in missions are not balanced for .22 or .23 and some of the rewards don't even pay out properly. This mod needs some TLC and not just shoehorning it into new versions. It won't be me because I'm no programmer.

Well... you know... it does say Beta in the title.

"Shoehorned in" seems to be a rude descriptor for a mod that is still in development.

And I've been using the mod just fine. The payouts have even been raised considerably from when I was using the mod last, and there are more missions to choose from.

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Can you make an exception to the code algorithm specifically for that mechjeb part? Make it cost a community agreed upon amount? I'm thinking 10-20g range.

The first post has an easy to use edit to make the part cost about 12K.

But yes I will try to make an exception for it at some point. Right now I'm in a huge overhual of the whole game and might take a bit to get it too you.

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The second payout increase in the MCE techtree does not work for me. Rocket Basics, in the random missions package, still gives 24,000 with both. It should give 33,600 in that case. I did not confirm the first increase either way yet. Anyone else having this issue? using MCE .38

edit: first increase fails on its own

Might of been broken, I will check it out and try to get a fix for it as soon as possible. Thanks for info.

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The built in missions are not balanced for .22 or .23 and some of the rewards don't even pay out properly. This mod needs some TLC and not just shoehorning it into new versions. It won't be me because I'm no programmer.

Im sorry but this post is not helpful? Whats unbalanced To much payments? To little Payments? Rewards pay out the way they are suppose to. If its too easy then try hardcore mode. If not enough you can use notepad to edit all the mission payouts you do not like.

At some point maybe next release I will release and easy to use config option that you can set up to tailor the payments to your liking. I can't possibly make a payment system that fills every single persons needs or play style. Everyone plays different. But if you want something fixed. Less ranting and more info would be more helpful thanks.

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You misunderstand. I already tried that and it doesn't work. Please just try it yourself quickly, doesn't seem like there is a way to require that part for a mission. I tried with and without the _, both didn't work (as I already said in my last post).

I didn't misunderstand. I actually made a mission that uses the part and it shows up fine in the mission description. I will make an example for you as soon as possible but its Christmas and I have zero time right now. I will help you out as soon as possible. Thanks a bunch for understanding.

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