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[0.25]KSP Interstellar (Magnetic Nozzles, ISRU Revamp) Version 0.13


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Good Afternoon,

Created a microwave network (3 orbiting satellites) and then a thermo jet via microwave. Been reading others recent work on this type of jet. My initial result is a very long take off and very sluggish power craft. I have also worked on figuring out what steps (sequence) are need to produce what. Tested using this refinery complex: gTSQ1GH.png

Has there already been a chart or graft made of the sequence (steps) needed to produce what substance IE. Tritium breading to get H3 (if I read the posting right)

Also playing with Anti Mater production - trying to add multi generators to one reactor. not much success.

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How can I use this mod with b9 and kW rocketry?

KSPI works just fine with them. If your experiencing crashes on startup after installing KSPI with them try installing the texture reduction packs for B9 and KW. Both are rather large in their default state and take up a majority of the avalible ram footprint leaving little room for other mods.

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Hello y'all!

Would like some help over here. I was experiencing with anti-matter and for some reason there's this specific craft that I just can't get to work properly.


The antimatter container is charged, and the antimatter collectors say they're getting flux, but the reactors themselves stay stubbornly "antimatter deprived". Anyone has an idea of what I'm doing wrong? I can provide more details. Cheers!

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The antimatter container is charged, and the antimatter collectors say they're getting flux, but the reactors themselves stay stubbornly "antimatter deprived". Anyone has an idea of what I'm doing wrong? I can provide more details. Cheers!

Assuming that's your container at the back of the collector stack, you shouldn't be having fuel crossfeed problems - I'm pretty sure that B9 part is enabled - so I'd assume that the reactor is eating it way faster than it's being collected. I'd disable the reactor and timewarp a bit to see if the container starts to accrue any. Is that Kerbin you're over?

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Assuming that's your container at the back of the collector stack, you shouldn't be having fuel crossfeed problems - I'm pretty sure that B9 part is enabled - so I'd assume that the reactor is eating it way faster than it's being collected. I'd disable the reactor and timewarp a bit to see if the container starts to accrue any. Is that Kerbin you're over?

I don't see any antimatter tank in the stacks so it looks to me like fuel crossfeed is in fact the problem. Thus the solution is putting the antimatter tanks inline with the collector stacks or adding fuel lines.

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I have also worked on figuring out what steps (sequence) are need to produce what. Tested using this refinery complex: http://i.imgur.com/gTSQ1GH.png

Has there already been a chart or graft made of the sequence (steps) needed to produce what substance IE. Tritium breading to get H3 (if I read the posting right)

You had several questions, but I'll answer this one. No, until now nobody has created a graph of the resource creation options. The refinery is fairly well documented on the wiki (see <https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Isru-Refinery>) and creating graphs with graphview is easy and fun, so I went ahead and did it. You can view it at http://db48x.net/temp/isru-refinery.svg; I'll get it up on the wiki as soon as I can, but you can't do that via github's simplistic wiki editing interface.

And yes, any fission or fusion reactor can produce He3 from Tritium (aka H3) by neutron bombardment.

Fractal_UK: How would you like me to get this graph up on the wiki? I could email you the diffs, push to your private repository, you could pull from mine, etc.

Edited by db48x
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You had several questions, but I'll answer this one. No, until now nobody has created a graph of the resource creation options. The refinery is fairly well documented on the wiki (see <https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Isru-Refinery>) and creating graphs with graphview is easy and fun, so I went ahead and did it. You can view it at http://db48x.net/temp/isru-refinery.svg; I'll get it up on the wiki as soon as I can, but you can't do that via github's simplistic wiki editing interface.

And yes, any fission or fusion reactor can produce He3 from Tritium (aka H3) by neutron bombardment.

Fractal_UK: How would you like me to get this graph up on the wiki? I could email you the diffs, push to your private repository, you could pull from mine, etc.

I've never had any problem hotlinking images on the wiki. If you're worried about where to host the image, you can always just stick it on imgur.com or something. Oh, and it looks like you missed one thing: Electrolysing Alumina produces oxidizer in addition to aluminum. Otherwise, great chart!

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I've never had any problem hotlinking images on the wiki. If you're worried about where to host the image, you can always just stick it on imgur.com or something. Oh, and it looks like you missed one thing: Electrolysing Alumina produces oxidizer in addition to aluminum. Otherwise, great chart!

Good catch; I've updated it. Thanks!

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I've never had any problem hotlinking images on the wiki. If you're worried about where to host the image, you can always just stick it on imgur.com or something. Oh, and it looks like you missed one thing: Electrolysing Alumina produces oxidizer in addition to aluminum. Otherwise, great chart!

The problem is that it's an SVG, and I'd prefer to put the image (and the dot file it was created from) on the wiki itself.

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This may be a little offtopic, but I've been playing with the microwave transceivers and am a bit confused.

Lets say I have a transceiver network.

I notice that Transceivers have a Relay/Transmit/Receive option.

If I have a ship and it produces power but I'd also like it to receive power, do I need 2 Transceivers or can I just use 1 and set it to "Relay"?

-- Does relay add power the ship itself produces during relay, or do I need Relay + Transmit and thus 2 Transceivers?

-- Can relay be used in part as Receive? Lets say I have a ship with 10 power consumption set to Relay and 20 units come in. Do 10 units go out? If I have a ship dependent on Microwave power but also want to use it to Relay at the same time do I then need 2 Transceivers?

Thanks in advance

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This may be a little offtopic, but I've been playing with the microwave transceivers and am a bit confused.

Lets say I have a transceiver network.

I notice that Transceivers have a Relay/Transmit/Receive option.

If I have a ship and it produces power but I'd also like it to receive power, do I need 2 Transceivers or can I just use 1 and set it to "Relay"?

-- Does relay add power the ship itself produces during relay, or do I need Relay + Transmit and thus 2 Transceivers?

-- Can relay be used in part as Receive? Lets say I have a ship with 10 power consumption set to Relay and 20 units come in. Do 10 units go out? If I have a ship dependent on Microwave power but also want to use it to Relay at the same time do I then need 2 Transceivers?

Thanks in advance

That should all be covered on the wiki <https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Microwave-Power-Transceivers>, but if anything is missing you could always just drive some craft out on the runway and experiment. The power details window will tabulate the numbers for you.

Also, I note that RadHazard added a great guide to microwave power <https://github.com/FractalUK/KSPInterstellar/wiki/Basic-Microwave-Powered-Plasma-Spacecraft> to the wiki a few weeks ago. Thanks RadHazard!

Edited by db48x
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I'm having a bit of an issue with microwave power, wondering if it might be a bug. I've set up a network at kerbin putting out around 45GW in proximity, obviously dropping out the further you are away. Thought I'd try it out using a ship fitted with the D/T vista engine, and a bunch of recievers. All works great, no problem. However, when I get far out my input power dropped off massively (as expected) but the vista kept working. Now I thought the vista needed a constant 2.5GW to work? I found that so long as I had ANY power coming in, it still worked fine. At one point I was receiving less than 1MW but the vista refused to give in. (stored MJ power was 0) Is this right? Sorry no pics, forgot!

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This may be a little offtopic, but I've been playing with the microwave transceivers and am a bit confused.

Lets say I have a transceiver network.

I notice that Transceivers have a Relay/Transmit/Receive option.

If I have a ship and it produces power but I'd also like it to receive power, do I need 2 Transceivers or can I just use 1 and set it to "Relay"?

-- Does relay add power the ship itself produces during relay, or do I need Relay + Transmit and thus 2 Transceivers?

-- Can relay be used in part as Receive? Lets say I have a ship with 10 power consumption set to Relay and 20 units come in. Do 10 units go out? If I have a ship dependent on Microwave power but also want to use it to Relay at the same time do I then need 2 Transceivers?

Thanks in advance

Relay mode doesn't work that way, I'm afraid. When a transceiver is set to relay mode, it acts as a mirror for microwave transmissions, meaning it just bounces incoming transmissions. It doesn't receive or transmit any power of it's own.

Can I ask what you're specifically trying to do? In most cases, it should be possible to just have a single transceiver and swap it between receive, transmit, and relay mode as necessary.

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Cassonator: I'm pretty sure that's a known bug with the Vista (don't use it myself yet). Fractal is, I beleive, going to include a fix in the next version

Thanks for the quick response! Be good to get that fixed. Although flying around with almost limitless power and d/v is fun.. Kinda dulls the challenge for me.

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My Interstellar is not working. I can place the cooling things on my shuttle, but i dont need to. My solar panels are not generating ANY waste heat. In VAB i can see when i see on solar panel the value "waste heat 0.0"

Edited by Mathematicianx
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Is anyone having troubles with the magnetometer?

I can place them on my ship and I can activate and deactivate them. I see the readings but there is no button to log the results for scientific collection.

I have tried removing and re-installing the mod. Does anyone have any ideas on what my next step should be to trouble shoot this.?


I found another post suggesting that the issue was a conflict with having the user created science messages installed and keeping the original messages there as a back up. I can confirm that after moving the original science messages file to another location (for storage) the error are gone. the Magnetometer now works as expected.


Edited by Antaguana
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Hey, I can't understand the point of the 62.5 cm thermal rocket engine, the weight of the reactor plus fuel far outweighs the use of it, also I think it would be better if there was a 62.5 cm thermal receiver, because the you wouldn't need the weight of the reactor.

(I want the 62.5cm to run well because I'm launching a mini rockets :P)

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Hey, I can't understand the point of the 62.5 cm thermal rocket engine, the weight of the reactor plus fuel far outweighs the use of it, also I think it would be better if there was a 62.5 cm thermal receiver, because the you wouldn't need the weight of the reactor.

(I want the 62.5cm to run well because I'm launching a mini rockets :P)

If your transmitting power then use the plasma thrusters.

Thats what I am currently doing in my career and I can lift a 40T load off the Mun (w/LF) with the power from 2x 3.75m upgraded reactor/gens sitting 5km from the KSC. I have a small network of 3 relays at 1Mm and im working on a second set about 15Mm.

I think a single 62.5cm is good for up to about 4gw of power.

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If your transmitting power then use the plasma thrusters.

Thats what I am currently doing in my career and I can lift a 40T load off the Mun (w/LF) with the power from 2x 3.75m upgraded reactor/gens sitting 5km from the KSC. I have a small network of 3 relays at 1Mm and im working on a second set about 15Mm.

I think a single 62.5cm is good for up to about 4gw of power.

Yeah I'm transmitting power but I haven't got plasma thrusters yet, but I'm preparing for them ;)

I just want to use a little thermal rocket, I think a 65.2cm thermal receiver would be a good addition

But thanks anyway :)

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Is anyone having troubles with the magnetometer?

I can place them on my ship and I can activate and deavtivate them. I see the readings but there is no button to log the results for scientific collection.

I have tried removing and re-installing the mod. Does anyone have any ideas on what my next step should be to trouble shoot this.?

Are you in space?

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