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Neon Jool


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I mean, I took a Screenshot and then Re-drew it. I do this by putting the Screenshot on one side of the screen and draw it on the other. I spend hours on these to try make them as real to the screenshot as possible, People may then ask, Whats the point? Use the screenshot? It's because usually when it's not edited to this Extent, It has a different look to the actual game. It usually looks very cartoony compared to the original. In this picture here, I redrew Jool and the Space plane. The Water and the sky are the same as the screenshot.

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It's okay, and I like that you didn't just apply a filter to it, but you should really draw your inspiration from sources besides just screenshots. That, or pick a different art style, because at first glance I was positive this was just another filter applied to a picture in an attempt to make it art.

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