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Does the courage and stupidity of one Kerbanaut change during the flight?

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  • 2 months later...

I've noticed that some of my Kerbals have variable courage. Sometimes it drops to zero when they're in space for a really long time. I haven't actually noticed any change in stupidity or if the courage increases upon landing on some body, but it climbs back up when they're back on Kerbin.

Can someone confirm this?

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  • 1 year later...

I can confirm this... I sent a manned satellite to Jool to orbit, my girlfriend insisted on picking "Joebald Kermin" because his courage was maxed out and stupidity was 0%.

Let him orbit and do some other things, come back 254 days later in game time, courage is totally depleted. The feels! Poor Joebald. Guess it's time to send a station with other Kerbals to him.

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