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What's the biggest thing you've docked?


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So today I docked these two behemoth space station parts together using nothing but sas torque, nerva engines and my nav ball, I was pretty impressed and it led me to wonder. What's the biggest thing you've ever docked in awkward circumstances?

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The biggest thing I ever docked was in 0.18, and it was something I was glad to be rid of.


The name was Enterprise. She was destined for Jool, but not too long into construction, things got far too laggy to be playable. However, I wanted to see the final result. Looking back, there are many ways that it was flawed.


Then came the Jool transfer window. The only reason I had put up with the lag was to see if it could actually get going.


It's working! IT'S WORKING! Let's try physical warp :D



No casualties though. It made a very big debris field, which I was glad to see, for it signalled the end of the torture through frame drop. I think it must have totalled around 800 parts, but I'm not sure. Either way, I still remember that frame drop... it was a nightmare :0.0:

Also, I'm pretty sure this thread would be better suited to General Discussion as opposed the Fan Works section.

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The fuel can on the left was especially dicey, as combined with the tug it amounted to six (full!) tanks on one standard-sized clamp-o-tron port with a TON of torque on the joint. The whole reason I had to use the tug in such a horrible manner was because I forgot to put RCS on the fuel can, so I couldn't use the nice, large clamp-o-tron sr. docking port it had *facepalm*

Edited by Meltro
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" Also, I'm pretty sure this thread Also, I'm pretty sure this thread would be better suited to General would be better suited to General Discussion as opposed the Fan Discussion as opposed the Fan Works section. Works section."

I'm pretty new to the forums so I'm not completely sure what goes where, I shall bear that in mind for future posts though :)

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In 0.21 it's my new functional prototype Duna transport ship the Shepard Magnificent II at 154 tons.

Crew vehicle docked bringing it to its full mass. The CV was left behind on this journey for the sake of having a larger safety margin but in the future it'll be brought along.


The ship sans CV, ready to depart.


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