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What would happen to this community if pewdiepie played KSP?


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I remember this same discussion about Redditors and Steam players.

But the lack of treads about cats and comments like "pwned noob" makes me think that we are safe.

To be fair, those two crowds did play a large part in displacing the initial Orbiter players.
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What is it with people assuming the worse?

What will happen is what happened with other large population increases here - some people will stay, and others will leave. Any "immaturity" in the community will balance itself out with the players not being able to handle the game leaving.

That's it.

The game won't 'go like minecraft', because the devs here have a set goal in mind that they aren't going to change. Notch bowed to community pressure, which caused the game to deviate massively from it's original idea of a dwarf-fortress feel.

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I doubt it.. and if they did they'd just get moderated..


We're still around folks, and we're not going to let the KSP forums sink down. If this ever happens (which is very unlikely, KSP doesn't fit Pewdiepie's channel at all) and we get a ton of new users, we'll be doing our best to keep the community together. Though it is most likely those users would not stick around for too long, KSP is not a game for everyone and the learning curve is most likely not suited for the common Pewdiepie fan.

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Skydoesminecraft has already ruined minecraft with hes awful fans

Tell the mods to thread lock a thread titled Pewdiepie plays ksp omg

If its uncontrollable get out of here quickly

Threads named Pewdiepie station post a module: i suspect they have no skill and use hyper edit

At least Scott manley's fans are not crazy (im one)

The welcome aboard being spammed with Hi!!! Pewdiepie sent me! Threads

Hes fans are young immature use don't even know what grammar is like in he's channel comments they use awful spelling like Hei pew WOud you lik 2 be in my vid

Yeah id get out the forum quick if he joined ksp it would become worse then what minecraft has become

Edited by Dooz
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The reason I asked this is because I considered how hilarious it would be to see every one of his creations explode (his failures are usually what entertain the most) but then I remembered that lots of the "bros" are total jerkwads.

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I would retreat into the far corners of the internet, never to return to here. In all seriousness, it would not be good, The swarm of pewdiepie fans on the forum making posts like "H0w tO M0Ve up?!" would overrun all the good posts here and everything would fall apart.

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Skydoesminecraft has already ruined minecraft with hes awful fans

Tell the mods to thread lock a thread titled Pewdiepie plays ksp omg

If its uncontrollable get out of here quickly

Threads named Pewdiepie station post a module: i suspect they have no skill and use hyper edit

At least Scott manley's fans are not crazy (im one)

The welcome aboard being spammed with Hi!!! Pewdiepie sent me! Threads

Hes fans are young immature use don't even know what grammar is like in he's channel comments they use awful spelling like Hei pew WOud you lik 2 be in my vid

Yeah id get out the forum quick if he joined ksp it would become worse then what minecraft has become

Might want to work on your own grammar a little bit, your post is extremely difficult to read.
Minecraft has little to no learning curve, a game like ksp wouldn't attract the people who like those channels.
Because the first thing that comes to mind is to punch trees with your bare hands. :)
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...unintelligible mess...

I think you're making many assumptions that aren't necessarily true, and ironically many of them would suggest that you're a fan of pewdiepie.

It's best not to judge people before you know them :)

I think it would be lovely to welcome some new members to the community, there are bound to be at least a couple that can type coherently which is more than can be said for an unfortunate number of current members :)

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Honestly I don't think many people will flood us, as said before KSP is a game with learning curves and I don't think 70% (just guessing) of his fanbase will put up with all the physics involved. Likely most will not even get the game, and even less will bother creating a forum account.

Also, KSP isn't one of those competitive games where people go around saying "huh I'm so boss I totes pwnz u yestaday".

Again, KSP is more about rocket science rather than guns, swords, and zombies.

So in conclusion, I don't see much more activity in the community.


If it does happen, we can handle it. (Moderating, etc)

But what if...

Worse case scenario we are flooded by millions of senseless kids, causing the servers into heavy load, just flooding us with useless threads, immature comments, driving away members, and ultimately turning the community into a mess.

But thats just the unlikely, worse case scenario right? Right? Please dear god.

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Honestly I don't think many people will flood us, as said before KSP is a game with learning curves and I don't think 70% (just guessing) of his fanbase will put up with all the physics involved. Likely most will not even get the game, and even less will bother creating a forum account.

This. This is my general sentiment.

KSP is a unique game and its community is almost self-limiting, due to the nature of the game itself.

You see, KSP is both an incredibly attractive, yet somewhat repulsive game, to the outside, uninformed user. First off, there are a LOT of very nice KSP cinematic videos that may make people super interested in the game, not to mention all the streamers and commentators. This provides an initial hook to a wide variety of people, I think. However, I think there's another group of users that simply isn't interested in space, plus there are those who cannot, or will not, put up with the learning curve involved in the game. So, that said, I think the game will self-limit its userbase to only those who can put up with the game itself, which in turn implies a generally friendly community like we have now.

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I could have sworn that pewdiepie did do a KSP video at some time in the past, several months ago... Or maybe I'm just misremembering him as another LPer with a similar reputation.

Either way, the forum has weathered this sort of attention before, and I'm fully convinced it shall again. The sorts of people who the doomsayers are worried about tend to have short attention spans and little regard for places with fairly strict moderation, and will move on to the next shiny object that catches their attention. The ones who really are interested will settle in, learn the proper etiquette, and integrate seamlessly.

Also, one final note: I was one of the people introduced to KSP through kurtjmac's videos, and I remember when people were afraid that his fans getting interested in the game were going to ruin it forever. (To anyone who might have been throwing those accusations around back then: I'm still slightly miffed about that.)

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Totally agree with M5000, the nature of the game will always seperate the wheat from the chaff. Bro's are generally not keen on games that test their problem solving skills.

They're more into shooting things in the face and hooters. Not that I'm saying those things are bad, but there are other things in life; like being in perpetual freefall around a planetary body.

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Satcharna, while I agree that a lot of the Legacy fanbase has left, I disagree that it was because of the newer fans. Rather I argue it might be for a few other reasons:

1. Lack of/ Percieved lack of content

2. Disillusionment with reality of what KSP will really be

3. Change in development priority

4. Game Fatigue

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Any publicity is good publicity.

When a lot of uninformed people start to play this game either one of 2 things can happen:

1 - They can't get the hang of it and leave. Not our problem.

2 - They learn a thing or 2 about space and become regular players. Also not our problem.

So I'd love it if Pewdiepie did a video on KSP and we got a massive influx of players. At first it would be chaos and drama everywhere (Which is also hilarious) but after a few days it'd settle down and we end with more players and more creativity than before.

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