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Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.7 - Pipes as fuel lines and even fewer explosions!


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Thanks for that. Another resource I didn't know about :)

Looks like attachNodeName is what we want. Now to find out how nodes are named...

Looks like it - I'll have to see if its set up on the part cfg or if its hard coded in to the model itself. Also worth a try pressing ctrl+k while in eva and then ctrl+click on the part your playing with - its a debug mode that'll bring up the properties of the part and enable you to tweak them - not sure what it'll show as I never knew it existed until now. It might save you having to make the changes to the file itself and reload the game each time!

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last weekend I spent a long time stabilizing my Orbital yard with KAS struts. During EVA Bill placed 24 strut endpoints and connected them. It worked perfectly and the station was no longer shaking itself apart as soon as I turned on the SAS.

Now, a few days later I come back and guess what. The end points are still there but all the struts are gone. Please don't tell me I have to reconnect them each and every single time when I come back.

Are/were you using an outdated version of Kerbal Joint Replacement?

Kerbal Joint Replacement? I know, and use, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement but WTF is Kerbal Joint Replacement???

If you meant Kerbal Joint Reinforcement then no, I've got v2.0, the most recent version at the time of my original question (it was updated today to v2.1). But I can't see why this could be related in any way.

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Kerbal Joint Replacement? I know, and use, Kerbal Joint Reinforcement but WTF is Kerbal Joint Replacement???

If you meant Kerbal Joint Reinforcement then no, I've got v2.0, the most recent version at the time of my original question (it was updated today to v2.1). But I can't see why this could be related in any way.

It's a typo, is what the **** it is.

The previous version of KJR did cause issues with KAS struts, exactly as you described. The newest one should fix it.

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I read a bit of the Wiki, it's not really well explained how to add new grabable/attachable/placableincontainers parts(for example I'd like to add some mod solar panels to them, and also batteries).

I saw this:


Okay I got how that worked, but... Where do we put those lines? In a cfg in the kas folder? In the part's cfg? In gamedata?

And is there anything we have to add? Name?


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I read a bit of the Wiki, it's not really well explained how to add new grabable/attachable/placableincontainers parts(for example I'd like to add some mod solar panels to them, and also batteries).

I saw this:


Okay I got how that worked, but... Where do we put those lines? In a cfg in the kas folder? In the part's cfg? In gamedata?

And is there anything we have to add? Name?


It's best to use ModuleManager to add them. Majiir warns against touching the addModules.cfg.

I've got a small project going to add it to most things that a Kerbal should be able to carry, you can find it here.

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I made some small radiators attachable via KAS. However after attaching them to a satellite (you know what happened...), the waste heat doesn't seem to go down. Anyone else has tried this, or know what could be wrong? (the increase the radiators give to the wasteheat limit works though, so the part seem to be correct attached)

The way I did it was simply adding these lines in addModule.cfg;

///////// RadialRadiatorzzz2 ///////



stockPartName = RadialRadiatorzzz2

evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.00, -0.35)

evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)

storable = true

storedSize = 10

attachOnPart = True

attachOnEva = False

attachOnStatic = False

attachSendMsgOnly = False


Is that the correct way, or what am I missing?

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Is there a way to edit the changes made by addModule.cfg using ModuleManager instead of editing the file directly? I tried both @PART[smallRadialEngine]:HAS[KASModuleGrab]:Final and @GRAB[*]:HAS[#stockPartName[smallRadialEngine]], but neither seems to work.

Specifically, I'm trying to remove the light engines and fuel tanks from KAS. But anything I try seems to have no effect.

EDIT: exactly what I'm doing for module removal:

!MODULE[KASModuleGrab] {}

!GRAB[*]:HAS[#stockPartName[smallRadialEngine]] {}

Neither works.

Edited by Starstrider42
Gave full code, for clarity
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Is there a way to edit the changes made by addModule.cfg using ModuleManager instead of editing the file directly? I tried both @PART[smallRadialEngine]:HAS[KASModuleGrab]:Final and @GRAB[*]:HAS[#stockPartName[smallRadialEngine]], but neither seems to work.

Specifically, I'm trying to remove the light engines and fuel tanks from KAS. But anything I try seems to have no effect.

I have never tried to remove a module using ModuleManager, but the documentation seems to say that this will work:

!MODULE[KASModuleGrab] {}

...but I've misread the documentation before so I'd not be surprised at all if I got something wrong.

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First, it could be that KAS is doing its adding of modules to stock parts after ModuleManager does its own work, in which case even :Final wouldn't let it strip the module off after it's been added. Don't know if this is the case or not.

Second, you can't delete any of those GRAB nodes entirely - they're root level, which KSP makes read-only. There's nothing ModuleManager can do at that level. But you should be able to search for a GRAB node that HAS a certain key/value pair and change or remove the keys from that node.


(assuming the # is correct syntax) to find the right part, then












should remove all of the keys from that part. I don't know how KAS would handle a completely empty node - hopefully it would just gracefully ignore the node and not crash anything, but you never know. If that doesn't work properly, try something like:


@stockPartName = asdfasdfasdf123


That should create a situation much like where the player has removed the stock part KAS is looking for, and my guess is that KAS might be more likely to handle it gracefully.

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@Majiir: I have had today a very similar issue to my previous one with an evil winch (unhandled null exception which lead to block some game control): I have just a rover, with a winch and a magnet connected to it, I have extended it a bit, then retracted but magnet have some angle prevented a fully retract. Left the rover, do something nearby with a kerbal, going back to the rover... boom winch issue. Not sure of the exact actions done, seems these winches need more care :/.

I was able fortunately to recover vessel but going back to space center was not working, it's weird.

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That's already fixed too, and as a bonus, the KAS pipes will have toggles to enable operating like the stock yellow pipes in the next release.

If you are interested in the technical details, the cause for the engine flow bug is that KAS didn't configure the surface attach node on the part, and only added it to the parent-child hierarchy. It turns out, stack fuel flow does use the nodes in flight - hardly anything else actually needs them. In the meantime, Scott mentioned editing the saves, and the way that you'd do it in this case is to copy the missing "srfN = ..." line from one of the engines that weren't moved.

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So, maybe I'm missing something, but do the attachable struts actually do anything to increase stability? For instance, if I dock two space station modules, and then attach them as well with several struts, will that reduce the wobble between them?

It seems like that's how they should work (like stock struts, but attachable), but whenever I try to use them this way, it seems not to make a difference...

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For anyone else who's tried to make the container bay storable, grabbable, and/or attachable...

!mesh = containerBay1.mu
!scale = 1
!node_stack_bottom = = 0.0, -0.8050, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0

@rescaleFactor = 1
@node_stack_top = 0.0, -0.35625, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0
@node_attach = 0.0, -0.4025, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0

model = KAS/Parts/containerBay1/containerBay1
scale = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5

name = KASModuleGrab
evaPartPos = (0.0, 0.10, -0.15)
evaPartDir = (0,0,-1)
storable = true
storedSize = 8
customGroundPos = True
dropPartPos = (0.0, 0.2, -0.55)
dropPartRot = (-10.0, 0.0, 0.0)
attachOnPart = True
attachOnEva = False
attachOnStatic = True
attachSendMsgOnly = False

This combines the config heralo came up with that fixes the model with some parameters I'd picked to position things better and make the racks storable.

According to a comment in the part.cfg for the container bay, there was some kind of bug with scaling that must have prevented the use of the model node. I tried to look it up, but there isn't any bug listed at the given URL (either open, closed, or anything else, as if it was deleted). However, everything *seems* to work just fine using this config.

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