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Kerbals, do they or don't they? This one has the right name...


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perhaps there is an extreme case of sexual dimorphism in the kerbal species, and the females are just like tiny little parasites that attach to the male (or vice versa, maybe jebediah is a chick O_O), and feed off their bloodstream in exchange for fertilization

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Could be they're like Discworld dwarfs*. Only Kerbals can tell their genders apart, and they aren't divulging the knowledge.

*Yes, dwarfs. That's the plural of dwarf on Discworld.

It's also the actual plural of dwarf in the dictionary. "Dwarves" is purely a Tolkien creation - try typing "dwarves" in a message box in Chrome, Firefox or Word. You'll get a red squiggly telling you that you misspelled it, unless you've already added it to your dictionary.

Spikeyhat, are you describing something like anglerfish?

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perhaps there is an extreme case of sexual dimorphism in the kerbal species, and the females are just like tiny little parasites that attach to the male (or vice versa, maybe jebediah is a chick O_O), and feed off their bloodstream in exchange for fertilization

Would not really work with the females being tiny as they have to produce the offspring, unless kerbals are also like seahorses and the male gives birth. However having thought of the idea of extreme sexual dimorphism... maybe the Goos are female Kerbals! :o :O :o *extreme surprised face*

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Would not really work with the females being tiny as they have to produce the offspring

Maybe newborn kerbals are also tiny but then the males gain a lot in size while they grow up? Just like tadpoles which are also tiny compared to the adult animal.

Edited by Crush
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And here I thought crashing was the key to Kerbal reproduction, where they shatter into bits on impact and the bits grow into new astronaut recruits. You learn something new every day. :D

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Grabbed this shot from my second tryout with .22. Alas, this roster is gone after loading my .21 save file. Check out the last name on the list. :wink:

Does he get the ladies' attention or drive them away?

I think Mating is looking at the cute Dilble with a passionate glance.

I want a slash-fic and I want it now!

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I shudder to think what sort of hairy jokes will be created on this forum when/if devs actually create female Kerbals. :D Although...if we'd send two Kerbals on Jool mission riding a mothership, with like 5-6 crew space...Wonder if ship would arrive full? :P

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