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[1.4.3]ALCOR,"Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous" by ASET (08/02/2017)


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Yeah but there are only monitors no keys and swiches to push and not all the staus displays and glowing lights :D

yeah but RPM makes such switches possible and actually there a revised status displays... Mihara mainly makes the plugin so the stock capsules aren't changed in a scope as ALCOR for example

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May sounds silly and/or already answered : why the ButtonBlockers on MJ right buttons ? Will they be removed on the next release ?

I actually asked this awhile back. It's because it's not fully implemented yet, not sure when that will be though.

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Love this pod... and the while idea of the dynamic cockpit in general.

I am looking to get my entire game interface IVA. to this end I need a few mods to be supported. I am happy to work on the support process myself if possible. as long as it is just .cfg editing etc. and not .dll creation I can do a lot of the work.

looking for support for: Infernal robotics, alternate resource panel, kerbal alarm clock, KOS, Mechjeb "edit ascent path", TAC life support, TAC fuel balancer, TAC self Destruct, TAC Atomic clock (mostly redundant already), Final Frontier, KSP Engineer Redux, Ship Manifest, remote tech, shielded clamp-o-tron. and probably many more...

some of them can be done with the action groups. and the buttons assigned to them already so that will be easy...

And on the topic of the custom buttons for AG1 to AG0. Is it possible to get the label text to automatically center justify either by default, or with some ctrl code we type in the vehicle description box along with the label text for the button e.g. (AG1= &c SOME TEXT)? And is it possible to change the button types from the current "latch on" to a "momentary on"? Such that the light around the button will light as I push it, then go out after I let go rather than latching in the "on" state. Again by using a ctrl code on the text line e.g. (AG1= &C SOME TEXT &T) will center justify the text and latch it on as a toggle, while (AG1= &R SOME TEXT &M) will right justify the text and make the button a momentary contact switch. And as a further bonus maybe change the text field based on the state of a button e.g. (AG1= &C SOME TEXT &/ &L SOME OTHER TEXT &T) will center justify the text in the default state then after you toggle it the label would change to a left justified alternate text label. and as a multi state button you could possibly set the label to rotate through a list and have the light color cycle through several colors to follow the state. e.g. (AG1= &c TEXT1 &/ &c TEXT2 &/ &c TEXT3 &/ &c TEXT4 &/ &c TEXT5) would cycle the text labels each time I push the button from text 1 to text 5 and then wrap back to text 1. and each of these states may have a configurable colo for the light to go with it.

I guess these questions may not be for the ALCOR pod forum but maybe for the raster prop forum instead.

any help or tutorials that will get me started in making cockpit internals for a pod like this would be appreciated.

Edited by Bit Fiddler
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I love this IVA!

I have an interesting challenge though. Somehow MechJeb and ScanSat refuse to work.

I have installed them as you normally would, but it seems to me that some steps should be followed still, to get them operational on the module. Can anyone help me out so that I know what to put exactly where? Are there any config files that need to be edited to make them work?

Thanks for any help in advance.

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Sorry for the big picture, but I couldn't find another way to show you... you spelled STRENGTH wrong, on the far bottom right. Thought you'd want to know...

Also, could we please get a brake button or lever? I use the ALCOR also as a rover cockpit, because, well, it's the best capsule period, and I notice that it's the one thing that's missing in IVA.

Thanks for making this and sharing it, btw. :)

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...I use the ALCOR also as a rover cockpit, because, well, it's the best capsule period, and I notice that it's the one thing that's missing in IVA.

Thanks for making this and sharing it, btw. :)

Agree, this is the best. I wish there was a capsule like the Mk1-2 as good as the ALCOR. After trying every command pod I could find over the last week, I'm just going to use this one for everything, even for re-entry. Will have to figure out how to use an ejectable over-sized heat shield for the ALCOR with DeadlyReentry.

Oh well, I might as well ask. Alexustas, do you have any interest in making a Mk1-2 sized command pod in the style of your ALCOR and with its electronics?

edit: Reading back through the thread I found that Horus had a similar idea with a different solution at post #720:

Yes, ALCOR's own landing trunk with heatshield (similar to HOME one) would be really nice.
Edited by WhatsThisButtonDo
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Sorry for the big picture, but I couldn't find another way to show you... you spelled STRENGTH wrong, on the far bottom right. Thought you'd want to know...

Thanks, I’ll fix it.

Also, could we please get a brake button or lever? I use the ALCOR also as a rover cockpit, because, well, it's the best capsule period, and I notice that it's the one thing that's missing in IVA.

Hmmm… An interesting coincidence, just yesterday I made a quick ALCOR-based rover, and then recorded and uploaded a video. :)

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Oh well, I might as well ask. Alexustas, do you have any interest in making a Mk1-2 sized command pod in the style of your ALCOR and with its electronics?

Yes, a 2.5m capsule is in the plans. I don’t expect this to take as long as ALCOR, though, because over 90% of all the time spent on ALCOR was spent on making props. By now, I have modeled, textured, animated and configured something like 313 different props of about 60 different types, not counting testing and unpublished props. As RPM plugin gets developed, I plan to add more handy instruments. I expect this kit will suffice for a lot of different projects.

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Love this pod... and the while idea of the dynamic cockpit in general.

I am looking to get my entire game interface IVA. to this end I need a few mods to be supported. I am happy to work on the support process myself if possible. as long as it is just .cfg editing etc. and not .dll creation I can do a lot of the work.

looking for support for: Infernal robotics, alternate resource panel, kerbal alarm clock, KOS, Mechjeb "edit ascent path", TAC life support, TAC fuel balancer, TAC self Destruct, TAC Atomic clock (mostly redundant already), Final Frontier, KSP Engineer Redux, Ship Manifest, remote tech, shielded clamp-o-tron. and probably many more...

some of them can be done with the action groups. and the buttons assigned to them already so that will be easy...

And on the topic of the custom buttons for AG1 to AG0. Is it possible to get


You should address this to Mihara in his RPM thread.

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