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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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How does one change the default chute deployment altitude from 2300 back to 500? I'm tired of having to manually change each chute setting. If I forget, then I'm stuck waiting forever at full time warp while the craft slowly descends from over a mile high.

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Is there any way to disable RSS mode in DRE, by changing configs or choosing appropriate settings?

I don't use RSS as such, but I have the stripped-down plugin installed that comes with KSPRC. It's purely used for some visual effects, the rest of the RSS stuff is not in use, however since the DLL is there, it probably gets detected as installed. I don't seem to be able to get things to explode, and suspect this to be the culprit. Tried Hard mode with the 1.12 exponent to no avail. I would assume that a stage even going down engine-first at 2800 km/s shouldn't survive completely unscathed... temperature of the engine rises to around 1600C, but nothing else happens.

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Hm... I'm using the settings mentioned some posts ago ("Set it to Hard and click on the Debug Menu item in the settings menu. Set the top 4 items to 1 except for shockwave exponent. Set that to 1.12. Set [heat] multiplier to 20"), but during reentry I not only fail to get any shockwave readings, but also the ship as a whole fails to get above 350 degree. I guess such thing should not take place during cismunar reentry at >3 km/s? I'm using regular-sized Kerbin system with FAR, 32 bit build.

One more thing that comes into my mind - since I'm using a Cupola pod as command module, I used Tweakscale to resize the 3.75m heat shield to fit underneath. Could this be the reason?

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How does one change the default chute deployment altitude from 2300 back to 500? I'm tired of having to manually change each chute setting. If I forget, then I'm stuck waiting forever at full time warp while the craft slowly descends from over a mile high.

I just searched all .cfg files for the value '2300', looked for the ones correctly referring to parachutes, and changed them.

I don't recall which files I changed though.

Hm... I'm using the settings mentioned some posts ago ("Set it to Hard and click on the Debug Menu item in the settings menu. Set the top 4 items to 1 except for shockwave exponent. Set that to 1.12. Set [heat] multiplier to 20"), but during reentry I not only fail to get any shockwave readings, but also the ship as a whole fails to get above 350 degree. I guess such thing should not take place during cismunar reentry at >3 km/s? I'm using regular-sized Kerbin system with FAR, 32 bit build.

'Hard' mode in settings doesn't work out of the box I found (it was in fact even EASIER). I had to edit the settings in the config file to set what hard mode did. There are a lot of config files though, it was confusing so I'm not sure if what I did was 'right' or not. However I can click on Normal or Hard and see the temperature and reentry effects change in real time.

IMO, all those additional config files are confusing. Are some of those supposed to be samples? If so, they should probably have '-example' in the name, or under a 'Example' folder.

Edited by Phoenix84
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How does one change the default chute deployment altitude from 2300 back to 500? I'm tired of having to manually change each chute setting. If I forget, then I'm stuck waiting forever at full time warp while the craft slowly descends from over a mile high.

Download the DeadlyReentry-RealChutes.cfg and DeadlyReentry.cfg file from here: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/tree/master/DeadlyReentry

Is there any way to disable RSS mode in DRE, by changing configs or choosing appropriate settings?

I don't use RSS as such, but I have the stripped-down plugin installed that comes with KSPRC. It's purely used for some visual effects, the rest of the RSS stuff is not in use, however since the DLL is there, it probably gets detected as installed. I don't seem to be able to get things to explode, and suspect this to be the culprit. Tried Hard mode with the 1.12 exponent to no avail. I would assume that a stage even going down engine-first at 2800 km/s shouldn't survive completely unscathed... temperature of the engine rises to around 1600C, but nothing else happens.

Not sure what you mean by 'RSS' mode. The beta has an RSS specific setting but it doesn't control heating, just shield ablation rate.. It's at the very bottom of the DeadlyReentry.cfg file

Hm... I'm using the settings mentioned some posts ago ("Set it to Hard and click on the Debug Menu item in the settings menu. Set the top 4 items to 1 except for shockwave exponent. Set that to 1.12. Set [heat] multiplier to 20"), but during reentry I not only fail to get any shockwave readings, but also the ship as a whole fails to get above 350 degree. I guess such thing should not take place during cismunar reentry at >3 km/s? I'm using regular-sized Kerbin system with FAR, 32 bit build.

One more thing that comes into my mind - since I'm using a Cupola pod as command module, I used Tweakscale to resize the 3.75m heat shield to fit underneath. Could this be the reason?

I don't think so. What is your speed? And what is the actual shield's temperature?

'Hard' mode in settings doesn't work out of the box I found (it was in fact even EASIER). I had to edit the settings in the config file to set what hard mode did. There are a lot of config files though, it was confusing so I'm not sure if what I did was 'right' or not. However I can click on Normal or Hard and see the temperature and reentry effects change in real time.

IMO, all those additional config files are confusing. Are some of those supposed to be samples? If so, they should probably have '-example' in the name, or under a 'Example' folder.

No, you didn't have to edit any config files. If they confuse you then you shouldn't do anything with them. Instead, in flight mode click Debug Menu in the very same menu that has the difficulty settings. Every change you make there has immediate effect. If you're in the atmosphere you will see those changes happen immediately.

And no, there are no 'sample' configs. Every single entry in every single config file has a purpose.

Try downloading the HardSettings.cfg file here: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/tree/master/DeadlyReentry

I tweaked it to be more dangerous in stock

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My reentry speed was around 3,2 km/h. I'm not sure about the temperature, as the shield somehow clipped with the bottommost module of the ship (the 2,5 stock battery), and I was unable to right-click on it directly. I tried fixing this in VAB - but the rescaled shield just sank back. The module I was able to obtain temperature from - the battery - was around 350- 400 degrees at most. I can recreate the scenario once I return from work and send in screenshots.

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My procedural cone tanks are exploding during launch when under a decoupler and mk 1 command pod now. Not totally sure if DRE directly related or not.

EDIT: Using FAR and RSS, speeds were in the mid 400m\s range at a bit over 20km altitude.

Edited by NihilRex
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So what should I do if I want to use the Cupola? There's no 2.5m heatshield, and rescaled 3.75m clips with the module directly above it... :(

You need to move it down such that the top of the heat shield node is attached to the cupola's bottom node.

When it's clipped like that it confuses everything including FAR. FAR is probably not even computing proper drag for that construct. And I'm not even sure how DRE is interpreting that.... most likely it thinks the shield is 'shielded' from the airflow such that it is not subjected to heating at all... it's really not good to clip

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OK, will experiment. I tried to "unclip" the shield and attach it to the battery instead, but the system kept attaching the shield to the Cupola instead...

Anyway, many thanks for support - that's why I love the KSP community :)

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So what should I do if I want to use the Cupola? There's no 2.5m heatshield, and rescaled 3.75m clips with the module directly above it... :(

You can try to make the battery the root part. Then remove the cupola. Now add the heat shield. Finally add the cupola again.

- or the other way around -

Place a part, for example the orange tank. Put the heat shield on top. Now place whatever parts you want on top of it. Change the root part to something above the heat shield and remove the orange tank.

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what do you guys have as a realistic config? please post all your values

mine is this and its weird

@shockwaveExponent = 1.06

@shockwaveMultiplier = 1.06

@heatMultiplier = 2

@temperatureExponent = 1.55

@densityExponent = 0.6

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Hello. Any insight on to why you changed the default parachute deployment altitude to so high? The first time my chute unexpectedly deployed at 2300 it took forever and a half to land.

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And that they aren't called "2.5m" they're called "Shield for Mk1-2 pod."

So there IS a 2.5 meter heat shield, albeit under a different naming convention? Damn you, 0.90 default sorting by name... >_<

Joking, I'm just a blind idiot... ^^'

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what do you guys have as a realistic config? please post all your values

mine is this and its weird

@shockwaveExponent = 1.06

@shockwaveMultiplier = 1.06

@heatMultiplier = 2

@temperatureExponent = 1.55

@densityExponent = 0.6

A "realistic" config for a planet only 600km in diameter? Heck, you'd be lucky to toast marshmellows. :P

Try the beta. It'll toast your marshmallows if you don't slap a heat shield on them, even starting from LKO. A Mun return will turn them to ash. That's with all multipliers and exponents set to 1 except for densityExponent. I think I set that to 0.6 on Default. I haven't even messed with those much; if I want things hotter then I just change the density exponent. Most of the other settings still work as they used to.... except maybe temperatureExponent. Not sure that's relevant to the changes I made. I need to reevaluate that one

Hello. Any insight on to why you changed the default parachute deployment altitude to so high? The first time my chute unexpectedly deployed at 2300 it took forever and a half to land.

I posted links to updated files that should return chutes to stockish behavior for full deployment. Predeployment unchanged.

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No, you didn't have to edit any config files. If they confuse you then you shouldn't do anything with them. Instead, in flight mode click Debug Menu in the very same menu that has the difficulty settings. Every change you make there has immediate effect. If you're in the atmosphere you will see those changes happen immediately.

And no, there are no 'sample' configs. Every single entry in every single config file has a purpose.

Try downloading the HardSettings.cfg file here: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/tree/master/DeadlyReentry

I tweaked it to be more dangerous in stock

Thanks. I looked, and I've been editing Custom.cfg. Although I do have to say that debug menu is nice to test settings without reloading constantly.

I'm glad to see the shockwaveExponent finally set in HardSettings.cfg. I had to copy all the values into Custom.cfg and change it.

Besides, I tweaked those even. I changed temperatureExponent to 1.50. That allows me to fully reenter in that orbit from the Mun, by setting my reentry altitude to 38-40k (I use FAR). Before I had to enter at above 40k, or else I'd burn up, but then I'd 'skip' out and have to make another round.

Also, is it normal to burn up before the ablative shield is worn down?

Using the Mk1 pod, I would burn up between 40-43k if I had the pe set to 38k (coming from Mun), yet the ablative shield only used about 3 units (247/250). Temperature at disintegration was 1166C. I tried angling the pod, and letting the air take it. Hence the change above. IIRC, reentry speed was about 3.2km/s.

I thought the point of the shield was to take the heat away from the pod, at least until it was gone?

If I reenter with my modified settings above, I still only use about 3-5 units of the shield. If I use the original, and 'skip' out, I use about 2-3 more units.

It seems like 250 is overkill for the pod then.

Edited by Phoenix84
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