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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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Great work with the volumetric clouds! Is it possible to programatically alter the shade of the cloud components based on their distance from the top/sun-facing side? The pure-whiteness gives the impression of smoke rather than a cloud.


I have yet to muck around with shaders, so I will have to see if it is doable.

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If it's un doable, just make the bottom more gray than the top.

Also, side question. How far should we expect to go up until we are unable to see the VC?

It's attached to the game world as a PQSCity object, so I think around 60Km or so.

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I've got a question rbray89.

Since you're working on the visuals and such, and working with particle emitters. Would you be willing to tweak and improve the visual effects of rocket engines? Make shock diamond effects and the exhaust plumes widen with decreasing air pressure and all that?

It's just one of those things about so many games. You watch an Apollo video, and it looks spectacular, but then games are like... [

]'Here's a particle stream. It represents an engine... Enjoy'[/ben Stein]
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I've got a question rbray89.

Since you're working on the visuals and such, and working with particle emitters. Would you be willing to tweak and improve the visual effects of rocket engines? Make shock diamond effects and the exhaust plumes widen with decreasing air pressure and all that?

It's just one of those things about so many games. You watch an Apollo video, and it looks spectacular, but then games are like... [

]'Here's a particle stream. It represents an engine... Enjoy'[/ben Stein]

Hmm... I guess I could attempt that next. Would have to go into another plugin of-course. Not entirely sure how I would go about it though. I think the effects are built into the engines themselves.

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I've got a question rbray89.

Since you're working on the visuals and such, and working with particle emitters. Would you be willing to tweak and improve the visual effects of rocket engines? Make shock diamond effects and the exhaust plumes widen with decreasing air pressure and all that?

It's just one of those things about so many games. You watch an Apollo video, and it looks spectacular, but then games are like... [

]'Here's a particle stream. It represents an engine... Enjoy'[/ben Stein]

Found this... definitely looks nice. http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/200598-Puffy-Smoke-Particles-with-a-volumetric-look

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I tweaked the bumpmap again on my installation. Instead of computing the normal of a heightmap generated with Perlin noise, I am computing the heightmap using fractional Brownian motion, and then computing a normal map off of that.


(sorry for the solar panel being in the way - I wanted to capture those clouds in the screen shot).

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I tweaked the bumpmap again on my installation. Instead of computing the normal of a heightmap generated with Perlin noise, I am computing the heightmap using fractional Brownian motion, and then computing a normal map off of that.


(sorry for the solar panel being in the way - I wanted to capture those clouds in the screen shot).

Oh yes! This looks so much nicer than the normal map we are using now.

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Looks nice. But the challenge is in duplicating the expansion effect based on ATM pressure, methinks.

Watch the exhaust plume in this:

and note how it widens out with increasing altitude.

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Looks nice. But the challenge is in duplicating the expansion effect based on ATM pressure, methinks.

Watch the exhaust plume in this:

and note how it widens out with increasing altitude.

never gets old seeing that, nearly 3000m/s my rockets only dream of reaching that kind of speed on launch

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rbray: I was planning to change engine FX procedurally based on what fuel is being used (in MFS). I didn't have a chance to do any real work on it, but I can send you my notes if you like, about how engine FX works.

Of course! Any info is good info.

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@rbray: I was thinking more about city lights and I was wondering...

1) How hard would it be to run the city lights through a mask to decide to show them or not, based on a binary image (1 bit monochrome)? That way, we could have a very high-res but low-filesize way to set up the borders of the cities and (my biggest pet peeve with the way the cities are currently laid out) shore lines.

2) Would it be possible to have multiple grid images, chosen from randomly with a seed and possibly rotated and/or flipped? That way, you could have more variety in the cities and kill the inevitable meta-grid when multiple tiles are lit up in the larger cities.

Edited by 5thHorseman
replaced the word "monochorome" with "binary" for clarity
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