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okay okay, hint:

its an electronic device... and the "//" means a new hint

edit: here for a new page...

I am here with you, wherever you go

In your pocket, in your eyes, playing with your time

I encourage delay, and in your play

I am not what at first you supposed //not a smartphone, simple as that

To some quite old, to others quite recent //self explanatory

I may not be made, but others keep my name

I do not ring or squeak //again not a phone, nor does it make a different annoying sound

But one has made me chirp

To most I am but a memory //a lot of people would have chucked this by now...

Edited by Nemrav
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I guess I'll do a riddle:

You can't see me, yet you try,

I lie, deceive, and sometimes bend facts,

It's unclear what I imply,

and I may seem abstract,

But I have a deep meaning,

So find it out,

and you'll see the deceiving.

If you answer white text, then you'll be even smarter than if you guessed riddle in my eyes. I hope someone reads this part.

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I guess I'll do a riddle:

You can't see me, yet you try,

I lie, deceive, and sometimes bend facts,

It's unclear what I imply,

and I may seem abstract,

But I have a deep meaning,

So find it out,

and you'll see the deceiving.

If you answer white text, then you'll be even smarter than if you guessed riddle in my eyes. I hope someone reads this part.

Riddle 10c

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Please adhere to the rules of this thread. No riddles may be posted whilst one is already on the table.

Eehhh, technically speaking Nemrav's riddle was already eliminated by inactivity... :huh:

(I still can't figure it out, Nemrav... :mad: Are you sure it isn't a pager?)

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okay okay, hint:

its an electronic device... and the "//" means a new hint

edit: here for a new page...

I am here with you, wherever you go

In your pocket, in your eyes, playing with your time

I encourage delay, and in your play

I am not what at first you supposed //not a smartphone, simple as that

To some quite old, to others quite recent //self explanatory

I may not be made, but others keep my name

I do not ring or squeak //again not a phone, nor does it make a different annoying sound

But one has made me chirp

To most I am but a memory //a lot of people would have chucked this by now...



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Ok, Yes it was a gameboy, although I was going to accept a handheld !

sorry, not sure who this goes to, Starwhip had it, but someone else already made a riddle....

I am here with you, wherever you go //portable

In your pocket, in your eyes, playing with your time //you take it with you, and it distracts you

I encourage delay, and in your play //procrastination

I am not what at first you supposed //not a smartphone, simple as that

To some quite old, to others quite recent //self explanatory

I may not be made, but others keep my name //discontinued, but there are other handhelds

I do not ring or squeak //again not a phone, nor does it make a different annoying sound

But one has made me chirp //recently in gaming news someone created a twitter chip for the gameboy color.....

To most I am but a memory //a lot of people would have chucked this by now...

now we need to decide the next riddle

edit: if Starwhip says so Zekes would have it... Sorry Sun, but you were a *bit* late..

edit2: k either Zekes makes a new one or we solve Lhathron's riddle

Edited by Nemrav
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Eehhh, technically speaking Nemrav's riddle was already eliminated by inactivity... :huh:

(I still can't figure it out, Nemrav... :mad: Are you sure it isn't a pager?)

*shrugs* He came back before anyone posted a new one, so there. :P

I guess we're waiting on zekes, then. :)

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(zekes, where'd you go?)

Distorter of Light,

found nearby, in places few.

Nearly always a refreshing sight,

the component of life anew.

It's still zekes' turn, I'm just keeping the thread alive.

A black hole, I'm guessing, by that first line.

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OMG I won? YAY! Sorry, I don't have this thread in my primary subscriptions folder :P

Here's one of my own creation:

What is so hard to win, yet so easy to lose?

So painful, but so promising?

What ends only one of two ways?

Something that can be bought

Something that cannot be taught

Something that can be faked

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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