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If you were the Lead Dev.........


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Next thing on my list would be improvements on the career mode. Taking the cost of parts into consideration and giving a budget, perhaps a way to determine just how much of a budget you get depending on the success/failures of your career mode.

Maybe add in a new planet, one with rings!

Edit- Also had a bit of a whacky idea of adding in a machine shop or something allowing us to fine tune certain parts in game (rather than modding them in). Nothing major mind you, but the ability to create radial drogue chutes or fine tune an engine to get a bit more thrust out of it, or a slightly higher ISP. Things like that.

Edited by annallia
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I would be doing exactly what Squad is likely doing now: expanding career mode.

We have very good mechanics for engineering and flight simulation. I think it is time to add more things that introduce some actual meaning to spaceflight in Kerbal universe: more advanced science mechanics, economics, planetary resources, missions, etc.

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I think I would find a way to implement satellites or space stations for planetary communication networks.

just an idea that i wanted to see for the longest time. But now we have a reason to do it. science! you can have muliple sites doing the science, transmitting that science up to the orbiting com sat, that satellite then transmits the data to the ksc.

My imaginations are, you have 2 or 3 bases on duna, all of them transmit to the com sat(s) overhead, then the sat relays it to the ksc. but I suppose any planet would work, and eve would be awesome for this! since its so damn hard to get off eve once your on it, now you don't have to!

edit: new parts would be awesome for this, allow for 2 command modules to communicate, a part to store the data before transmitting, a transmitter, and a receiver. the receiver stores the data in the part, then transmitter sends it off to a target of your choosing. the base(s) would need only have a transmitter, and the sat would need both.

Edited by mattig89ch
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What would I do? Cities and roads on Kerbin. Give us spaceplane pilots something to look at while science hunting. Also gives us somewhere to drive rovers where they don't spontaneously barrel roll and explode when driving on Kerbin.

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An integrated mod manager, making adding and removing mods simpler. Sure, it's not that hard, but the mod manager could do additional stuff, such as checking for compatibility with other mods and the current KSP version.

Just specify a mod format (say, a zip with the files, as well as a manifest file (which tells which file goes where, compatibility info, author info, link to forum thread, link to latest version (heck, perhaps the mod manager could do the download/update as well) and so on). Then, the mod manager handles everything.

That would make it so much less a pain in the exhaust nozzle to upgrade to a new version of KSP. Now, if you have a bunch of mods, digging around to check for compatibility with the new version is a lot of work.

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As the name suggests if you were the Lead Dev for KSP, what direction would you take KSP in? For me, MOAR PLANERTS!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of my biggest wishes are proceduraly generated solar systems and a way to build/setup a space center/launch tower there so you can get to the next system.

I also really would like to see some stock hinges and ball bearings and some glass panels so that i can create my own pods or rovers with windows instead of using the stock command pods.

I personally think that career mode is something that should have been the last thing to be implemented after everything else have been completed.

Edit: and of course multiplayer which is sadly doubtful that will ever be added in vanilla.

And since someone else mentioned satellites.. When career mode is complete i hope there is a real need for satellites, so that you actually need to place a satellite around planets/moons to send data back to kerbin. As it is now satellites are in general pretty useless.

Edited by boxman
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Small-scale simultaneous multiplayer. It's an issue that's been talked about for a long time, but design limitations are much less prevalent if you limit it to, say 5 ships at once. Using Mechjeb, there have already been simultaneous launches of multiple craft, so extending that to full control would be awesome.

Aside from that; mechanical parts, better aerodynamics, make Kerbol into one star of a binary system with other planets orbiting the twin, better warp mechanics. More parts in general, except engines. Better multi-scale terrain meshes, to allow small-scale detail.

KSP is a fun game, really. I'd really love to see a binary system, though.

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I would go multiplatform to bring it to as many people as possible, to do this, the game needs to be a bit simplified, but I am sure that would be no biggy since overall, multiplatforming always enhances the fun, right guys? RIGHT? Tweaking down the graphics a bit, reducing the available parts, maybe going from 3d to 2d, everything needed so mobiles can handle it aswell! Oh, and let's add jedi, the kids LOVE jedi!

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Some kind of progression on my Kerbals. Record keeping of what they have done, and improving their skills.

I want to be able to see some statistics on what a specific Kerbal has done. time spend in the air, on the ground, in space.

number of missions, planets/moons visitied etc. When they die, the record should be kept so you can see all the kerbals who paid the ultimate price.

Let them build up experience to improve succes rates of missions. So you are encouraged to let them first do a simple mission or travel along more experienced Kerbals on their first missions. So for example I'd have a Kerbal first flight around in a jet, then launch them into space, then orbit and do and EVA, then go to Mun etc. Of course I could send them to Duna on their very first mission, but I run a bigger risk on bad stuff happening. Not sure what "bad stuff" would have to be: Higher fuel consumption rate, poor manouvreability, random failures of parts...

This would bring my Kerbals more to life, encouraging rescue missions and propper mission planning. (Or more evil, take a risk, send a noob to Eve, if I bring him back in one piece he'd get a huge experience boost, if he doesn't return... he was just a a noob.)

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