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Krag's Planet Factory - New Planets

Mr Shifty

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This is a copy and paste from Kragathea's announcement post over on reddit:

Hello Kerbals! Here it is, the long awaited Sentar planetary expansion. You Kerbals have been cooped up in that tiny system far too long and I think this is a nice mix of planets to explore. A little something for everyone!

And there are still a lot of firsts to be claimed. Some of these planets and places have never been visited, by anyone, ever. Will it be you?



Few things to keep in mind:

-Backup your saved game. Bad things could happen

-The planets in this expansion are target at more advanced players. None are easy to get to.

-These planets require plenty of RAM. You might have to remove other large plugins or risk crashes.

-I HIGHLY recommend rbray89's cloud plugin for use with these planets. It really makes them look amazing!


Special thanks to:

Mr. Shifty




This mod, developed by Kragrathea, introduces several new planets to the Kerbal system for you to explore.


Other features:

- Automatic save loader on the initial loading screen. Skip those annoying first menus.

- 1,000,000x and 10,000,000x time warp settings (and the removal of 5x and 50x)

I was a beta-tester for this mod. I landed on every planet during testing, but to this point there are still several (Thud, Skelton, Ascension, Ablate) that have not been landed on without infinite fuel cheats or overpowered mods. Be the first!

And for your convenience, I have forked alexmun's launch planner and added the new planets. Please let me know if you encounter any problems there.


UPDATE: Sorry folks. Download links got removed because the download file apparently contains no license nor source code. I'm not the mod creator, so no download link here till Krag gets that resolved.

Edited by Mr Shifty
Removal of links.
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O.O Oh, we can have more planets right?

Can we have a small celestial body which looks like the sun and it will be orbiting around the current Sun, also setup all other planets (Moho, Eve, Kerbin, Duna, etc) to orbit around it? that way we actually are starting a rough simulation of the galaxy... or at least a bit like that...

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if anyone has the time, can you please post the planet names. I might spend a little bit of time adding them to the science def file.

anyways if you take a look at the sciencedef.cfg file located in gamedata/squad/resources/ you'll see each planet has parameters for what to display on eva,crewreports,goo science etc.


KerbinInSpace = We’re in spaaaaaaace!

MunInSpace = You find yourself hurtling toward the surface at great velocities.

KerbinSrfLandedKSC = Wait, didn’t we start here?

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All my planets are just copies of Minmus, or other planets in the Kerbin system. I must have installed something wrong. What is the proper folder hierarchy for the mod? It's not exactly clear from the download...

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Sweet installed this and I'm preparing to go to the new planets, waiting for mission control to finish shipping some landers up....



15k+ deltaV without landers docked, lets do this! **entirely stock.

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