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Some surface of a moon or planet being very low friction or no friction.

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In the midst of another thread where someone was claiming it was perfectly safe to land by ignoring the horizontal movement of the ground and not bothering to match velocity with it, I made the comment that this would only be true on a body that was perfectly smooth and perfectly frictionless such that you could land on it as it skids past under you and your lander would happily rest atop the skidding surface and be okay.

And then I thought, "Wow that would be a lot of fun to actually have a planet like that somewhere in the game."

Granted, being zero friction might be a bit much, but being very low friction could be interesting. I don't know if Unity engine deals with varying friction of surfaces, but if it does it would be neat to have a place where when you land there you can, essentially, go EVA and ice-scate around using your jetpack (and have the challenge of it being hard to stop, and hard to get your lander to stop sliding.)

This is not a request for a new planet. I'd be happy with just altering an existing location to be like this. Minmus's flat bottomlands seem like an obvious choice for this as they almost already look like ice sheets.

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I dont know if Unity engine has anything to do with physical calculations of the game.

But idea itself is really interesting! Landing on such place would require shooting some anchors into the surface that woudl keep lander in one place.

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I dont know if Unity engine has anything to do with physical calculations of the game.

But idea itself is really interesting! Landing on such place would require shooting some anchors into the surface that woudl keep lander in one place.

Friction would likely never be zero, so you'll likely be able to just wait until the lander stops sliding.

It would be extremely fun for player to be able to just use RCS fuel to "slide" along the surface! Or have Kerbal EVA and push the craft.

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Friction would likely never be zero, so you'll likely be able to just wait until the lander stops sliding.

It would be extremely fun for player to be able to just use RCS fuel to "slide" along the surface! Or have Kerbal EVA and push the craft.

I want to make a sledding rover.

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