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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.4 | 02/06/24


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this version of realchute has broken the Sum Dum Heavy Industries - Service Module System docking port- the clampotron one.its the only piece im using from that mod. everytime I use it my craft goes out of control around 6-7 kms while the camera drifts from the center of the rocket and other times while the craft is not launched yet it shows a speed of 174 m/s while still on the launch pad and if launched the craft will fly to outer space uncontrolled.

removed realchute and the docking port didn't cause any problems but without realchute its chutes are terrible and useless.took me all sunday night to Monday morning to figure this out and replicate the problem to pin it down to this.

sumghai the creator of Sum Dum Heavy Industries - Service Module System referred me here to find a solution. Any ideas?

EDIT: problem has been solved by latest dev release of sdhi sms.

stupid_chris it cant rain forever. better things are ahead , just hold on until then.

Edited by techstepman
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Okay, many of you may have noticed my inactivity here over the past few weeks. This is due to two major things.

First, I've been through a rough patch physically and emotionally over the past three weeks, and I've been in no real shape or mood to take care of this.

Speaking of which, this brings us to the second point: help yourself, and help me help you. The number one reason I have not replied to any of the bug reports or help requests is because none of them, and I saiy none of them have had anywhere close to the amount of information I need. While telling me stuff is broken, and giving me screenshots to say "look it's weird" is pretty nice, it does not help me at all. I've said it before, and I'll say it now, and make it very official now:

I am not replying to any support request which will not comply with the standard support/bug reporting format.

This also applies to the bug reports on the GitHub repository. If you submit a bug that does not comply to this, I'll either not reply at all to it, or close it if I'm in a bad mood.

That's all.

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Does RealChute actually generate career contracts, or does the game just pick a random parts manufacturer to be the agent for each contract?

Are you sure? I'd swear I've seen Wenkel corp contracts to test realchutes parts, maybe the parts test contracts use the part manufacturer while the others are random.

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Are you sure? I'd swear I've seen Wenkel corp contracts to test realchutes parts, maybe the parts test contracts use the part manufacturer while the others are random.

Possibly. This was a contract to build a space station that obviously didn't have any chutes, but the agent was just RealChute not Wenkel Corp.

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The RealChute parts are added to the "subject to test" club through a module, and the flags/companies are choosen randomly by KSP.

Realchute itself doesn't generate any contracts; all is done by stock KSP. You got lucky on that contract. :)

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I edited my config files to set the deployment and predeployment altitudes and now there is no "Next Size" or "Previous Size" buttons on realchute parachutes in the editor. Anyone know what I might have done wrong?

edit: NVM, I read more of this thread. It seems I needed to go to action groups tab. I think this is unfortunate and unexpected for users.

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Damn, I forgot about that cargo bay bug which won't unshield parts that leave the area. Then, I somehow borked KSP.

Funny thing is, I don't know what are the exact triggers to make it work or not. I've tested it many times, but couldn't find a pattern. Sometimes the chutes work, sometimes they don't.

Too bad (and weird) the StockBugFixModules decided to deprecate that fix, since the bug still happens.

Why am I writing this here?


Well, seems like the problem isn't the cargo bay. I tried to reproduce the issue in order to get logs, but everything worked as they should.

Now, when the problem first occurred, I quickloaded several times, trying to solve it. And I noticed the chutes inside the cargo bay would deploy and revert for a split of second, right after the quickload. Even though they haven't been staged before the quickload. I suspect this is something related to the "deployed chutes disappear on quickload" problem, which was fixed on RC v1.2.5.

This needs further testing, and logs. Until then, I'm just writing this as an observation, in case someone else experience the same issue. This is not a fix request.

Edited by Kowgan
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Be advised that as of now (9:35 PM, EDT) CKAN is not installing the latest version. Latest version on kerbalstuff is, CKAN installs 1.3.2

Replacing 1.3.2 with fixes a number of problems.

- - - Updated - - -

Bug report:


When it is installed, the Engineer's Report always says that the is no paracute: This command pod has crew assigned but no parachute attached.

It doesn't seem to affect the ship itself, just the engineer's report

Did you figure this out I know he said he has answered it but I Can't find it anywhere my engineer report doesn't recognize when chutes are on like you have said here in this post.

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Any plans for supporting 64bit version?

Hard to give up on 200+ mods for just 1.

As stupid_chris has said many, many times, there will be no 64-bit version of RealChute.

Contrary to whatever community fixes being offered suggest, KSP 64-bit is still unstable, to the point where it is nigh-on impossible for modders to determine whether a bug is caused by their work or the game itself. Since these problems can't be fixed, most plugin authors opt to disable their plugins on 64-bit installations. Unfortunately, there have been a number of people who have disrespected the decision plugin authors, by trying to circumvent the 64-bit locks, and then insisted that the original plugin authors provide support anyway.

As a result of this sort of mistreatment, some plugin authors have quit KSP altogether, depriving both 32 and 64-bit users of some excellent add-ons. stupid_chris himself was also almost driven away, and was only convinced to stay after everyone promised we'd behave.

Please don't make his second departure a permanent one.

Edited by sumghai
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I can happy report that RealChute does work without issue on the 64 bit linux version. I guess mac version will also work. So if you have 64 bit it should work. Can you elabrate on the issue ?


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I can happy report that RealChute does work without issue on the 64 bit linux version. I guess mac version will also work. So if you have 64 bit it should work. Can you elabrate on the issue ?

Linux64 is officially considered stable by the developers, and stupid_chris has happily provided support for Linux users in the past.

Win64, however, is unstable, no matter what the alleged "community fixes" suggest.

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I know that, but as JeeF stated indirectly he is using the 64 bit version. As there is no offial 64 bit version for windows, he must be using the linux or mac version. And they work fine. So if he has problems he should elaborate.

Hope this made my comment clearer.

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I know that, but as JeeF stated indirectly he is using the 64 bit version. As there is no offial 64 bit version for windows, he must be using the linux or mac version. And they work fine. So if he has problems he should elaborate.

Hope this made my comment clearer.

Yes it did - just so you know you can use Realchutes on Linux 64-bit without worrying, last I checked Realchutes was only disabled for Windows x64 :)

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I know that, but as JeeF stated indirectly he is using the 64 bit version. As there is no offial 64 bit version for windows, he must be using the linux or mac version. And they work fine. So if he has problems he should elaborate.

If you had looked at JeeF's post history, you'll see that he's actually a Win64 user, as per his responses in the [thread=117224]Windows 64 bit community workaround[/thread] thread:

Like a charm! Lots of mods loaded, textures and graphics maxxed out, over 8gb of ram used and stable as a rock! XD

This is after 8 hours straight playing while using many other programs in the background and not a single crash:


Btw, I've also gained quite a bit of fps. 100 part rocket on re-entry before with half of these mods and 1/8 texture was about 8fps.

Now with all graphics maxed out and full res textures with the same rocket on re-entry I'm around 50-60fps. XD

Maybe cos of me restarting/shutting down my computer once every 6 months. I just put it in standby and leave everything running.

Got my first crash using the 64 bits. KSP was at 13gb ram usage after 48 hours running straight, when I started getting some graphical glitches and it eventually crashed during a launch.

Must have something to do with Project Cars running in the background and Vegas encoding a video.

Yes the only mod I had to stop using was RealChute, a great tradeoff if you ask me.

And for the buildings, just enter and exit the contract buildings and it fixes it! =)

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So I'm probably just being dumb here... I added this mod, played around with the settings etc but I can't seem to get the program to account for all parachutes together, is this simply not supported?

Here's a typical scenario:

Mk1 pod with a RealChute top chute (the first one in career) and 2 radial real chutes. Add enough weight below so that the single chute on top can't handle landing safely alone. Go into actiongroups and set up the topmounted chute, tell it desired landing speed etc and have it calculate, it'll throw a warning about not being able to handle it. Do the same thing for the 2 radial chutes (who are created with symmetry) and they'll also throw a warning. However when attempting to land all chutes deploy and landing speed is ludicrus, as in really low since all chutes maxed out.

It says in the first post that I can't have more chutes than one in the same part so I tried the above scenario with the radial chutes on another part (should I only ever put 1 radial per part aswell?) but still no dice.

TL;DR: I'm a dumbass and can't seem to figure out how to have the RealChute calculator thingie in the action groups window realize I have multiple parachutes. I'm betting there's a button activating this which is gigantic and obvious and I've scrolled past it 20 times.

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...can't seem to figure out how to have the RealChute calculator thingie in the action groups window realize I have multiple parachutes. I'm betting there's a button activating this which is gigantic and obvious and I've scrolled past it 20 times.

When you are calculating for multiple chutes, you want "Parachutes used (parachutes):" and set that to how many parachute parts you are using to achieve the desired target speed.

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Alright I have a question. Trying to land on Duna can be hard as the atmosphere wont slow you down enough so once you need that chute to be deployed you might be going too fast. But the problem is I can't deploy a drogue/drag chute above 350m/s because I'm using deadly re-entry continued. What's the point of the different materials besides their drag? And is there someway to allow drogue chutes to open at higher than 350m/s?

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Alright I have a question. Trying to land on Duna can be hard as the atmosphere wont slow you down enough so once you need that chute to be deployed you might be going too fast. But the problem is I can't deploy a drogue/drag chute above 350m/s because I'm using deadly re-entry continued. What's the point of the different materials besides their drag? And is there someway to allow drogue chutes to open at higher than 350m/s?

Oh no no no.... don't you blame Deadly Reentry anymore! We don't destroy chutes anymore. Both stock and RC do our dirty work for us.

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