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[1.12] Extraplanetary Launchpads v6.99.3


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Once again I've managed to moved the EL dialog window off the screen in the VAB. Curiously, this time I thought I was being very careful not to do that since I recall it was a hassle to fix last time - requiring manual edit of a save game file. I know you answered how to fix this back in May:

I updated to the latest EPL 6.8.3 (I managed to move my build window off screen before I'd updated and I was previously using 6.8.2). I also followed the instructions previously posted to edit a quicksave to set rect to 0,0,0,0 for the BuildWindow in the SCENARIO block. Unfortunately now I can't get the EL window to come up at all in the VAB (outside the VAB it's fine). With or without a craft loaded the EL button now has a black background (unlike the gray background other buttons have), and pressing it does nothing. I've also tried putting the rect numbers for BuildWindow back to what they were pre-edit (1471.79688,252.960938,695,582), but that didn't help.

I tried starting a new game since this could be save file related, and in a completely fresh sandbox game I'm also unable to get the build resources window to come up in the VAB with a stock craft loaded. I think a clue here may be that the EL button looks different than it has in the past and different than all the other buttons - where if you move the mouse over other buttons they "highlight", and their button background gets darker while you press them, but the EL button background is oddly very dark all the time (much darker than a pressed button background). I suspect there's something wrong with how the button itself is operating and so no window ever comes up no matter how hard you press it.

So I'm stuck and not really sure what's going on here. The old fix doesn't seem to be working, but that may just be a side effect of my upgrading to 6.8.3?

Not sure what to do.

Edited by schlosrat
Linked to older post with answer how to fix problem
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@schlosrat I have no clue what's going on (yet), but I have reproduced it. I agree that it's likely something to do with the button being weird. Unfortunately, I didn't notice it while testing the recycling bin (I was in the VAB to add a bin to my test vessel).

Hmm, button is black in flight, too, but it works.

Button looks to be an SVG export issue, so unrelated.

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OK, I was being stupid and resetting the BuildWindow rect when I should have been resetting the ShipInfo rect. Oops, my bad!

Rolling back to 6.8.2 does fix the button appearance, but I suspect all that nonsense I posted above about the button not working is incorrect. I'm going to try it again in 6.8.3 - but basically it was me resetting the wrong window rect and not getting why the window didn't reset...


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OK, I've got it working with no code modifications:

First, don't know if it's neccessary, but simply delete the ShipInfo node from ELSettings (this is what I did).

Second, it seems you cannot have the window up when first entering the VAB/SPH or after hitting New until you place a part. After just deleting all parts, you can still toggle the window, though.

Oh, and yeah, the button appearance is my fault (sort of: Inkscape changed its command line syntax and I've got something wrong with them for those files).

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I've got the svg->png export sorted out so my backgrounds are transparent again, but I'll hold off on releasing a fix for them as it's a very minor (purely aesthetic) issue.

My hope is I'll be able to release an update with juicy new features soon. The problem is I got burned out on the work (lots and lots of UI stuff), so moved over to doing some work for KK... more UI stuff... oops (and getting burned out on that again). However, EL's dev work is getting close to the point where I can look at implementing the above mentioned difficulty settings and CommNet usage.

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16 hours ago, taniwha said:

I have released version 6.8.3 of Extraplanetary Launchpads. This is a quick-fix release for the actual bugs found by @Snoman314 (a very big thank you!)

Changes from 6.8.2:

  • Ensure probability of non-leaf parts being recycled is never 1
  • Make recycling bins part of the work-net so they never lose track of the network.

The other discussed changes (using CommNet, difficulty, etc) are still planned, but will be part of the next feature release.

I installed and tried recycling another obsolete station module, and it all went perfectly :D

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4 minutes ago, Snoman314 said:

I installed and tried recycling another obsolete station module, and it all went perfectly :D

While I think the problem manifests itself only when you build the recycling bin then immediately use it, that's still good to hear, thank you :)

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@taniwhaWill this work for use with KSP 1.11 Inventory System?  The answer to that is yes, kind of. It doesn't seem to break KIS and KSP 1.10.  With KSP 1.11 installed, parts that have had the ModuleCargoPart added to them will no longer be able to be used by KIS Inventory.  But the following appears to add ModuleCargoPart to most of the KIS parts that can be inventoried.  Added Kerbal_Inventory_for_All-0.9 and currently testing the following


//Support for KSP 1.11 Inventory System For KIS
// Pat Moffitt 12/19/2020

// KSP 1.11 Inventory System
// In order to allow a part to be an inventory cargo part that can be placed in inventories or allowing larger parts to be manipulated in EVA construction mode (but not placeable in inventories) the Part cfg file must have a ModuleCargoPart defined to it.
// The following important KSPFields are available for configuration of this module:
//        packedVolume - The space this part occupies when packed inside an inventory container. If this is set to < 0 then the part can be manipulated in EVA construction mode but cannot be placed inside inventory containers.
//        kinematicDelay - This is the time delay used to wait for the part to settle on the ground.
//         placementMaxRivotVelocity - This is the velocity the part must be travelling less than before it will be rivoted to the ground.
//        inventoryTooltip - The tooltip for inventory cargo parts,shows up when mouse is over a part icon during flight.
//        stackableQuantity - The number of parts of the same kind and variant that can be stacked in a single inventory slot. Defaults to 1, so leave it out if you DON’T want the part to be stackable.

// EL parts look like this
//    MODULE {
//        name = ModuleKISItem
//        vesselAutoRename = true
//        allowStaticAttach = 2
//        allowPartAttach = 0
//        stackable = true
//        editorItemsCategory = true
//        equipable = true
//        equipSlot = leftHand
//        equipBoneName = aliasLeftPalm
//        equipPos = (-0.07,-0.03,0.05)
//        equipDir = (85,0,0)
//    }

//  Modules that extend from ModuleKISItem include:  ModuleKISItemAttachTool, and pretty much anything that starts with ModuleKISItem.  We will have to include thoses also.

// These add ModuleCargoPart to parts that have ModuleKISItem
// Generic part will add volume and stackable in the next part mods
// Added the Modby so I can check for it in the following part mods
    %Modby = PMoffitt
        // %packedVolume = 50 // A default value not sure but need something over 0 need to figure a way to convert mass to default volume

// Part had a volume in KIS
        %packedVolume = #$../MODULE[ModuleKISItem*]/volumeOverride$ // Use volume from KIS

// Part was stackable in KIS
        %stackableQuantity = 100 // can stack 100 of them

// The above seems to work for the following doesn't fix all the items.  Like the Mallet which doesn't have ModuleKISSItem it has ModuleKISItemAttachTool
//        name = ModuleKISItemAttachTool
//        shortcutKeyAction = equip
//        allowStack = true
//        editorItemsCategory = true
//        equipable = true
//        equipSlot = rightHand
//        equipBoneName = aliasRightPalm
//        equipPos = (0,0.03,-0.03)
//        equipDir = (-90,90,0)
//        toolPartAttach = true
//        toolStaticAttach = true
//        toolPartStack = false
//        attachMaxMass = 0.005
// Working on KIS Inventory to KSP Inventory conversion
//    {
//        name = ModuleKISInventory
//        maxVolume = 11000
//        externalAccess = true
//        internalAccess = true
//        slotsX = 6
//        slotsY = 5
//        slotSize = 50
//        itemIconResolution = 128
//        selfIconResolution = 128
//        openSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerOpen
//        closeSndPath = KIS/Sounds/containerClose
//        defaultMoveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove
//    }

        InventorySlots = #$../MODULE[ModuleKISInventory]/slotsX$
        @InventorySlots *= #$../MODULE[ModuleKISInventory]/slotsY$
        packedVolumeLimit = #$../MODULE[ModuleKISInventory]/maxVolume$ 


Oh, might as well put this in for fun:

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020 Naftulyev, LLC 

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Next to figure out how to convert KIS Inventory Items to KSP 1.11 Inventory Items.

Edited by pmoffitt
Added KSP Inventory to all KIS Inventory parts using Kerbal_Inventory_for_All-0.9.
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Okay, I lied, I do need EL's parts. So do I just delete all the folders related to KSP, click uninstall on steam and then install again?

On 12/6/2020 at 7:57 PM, pmoffitt said:

@ayothepizzaYes, when I was having issues about 6 months ago, I had to reinstall a clean version of KSP and then install the mods I was going to keep.  I got it from Steam, so, I made a copy (or 2) of the install and use one of the copies as my main.  (As suggested by others to keep the auto updates from Steam from breaking your game and mods.) It seemed that just removing the offending mods (using CKAN) didn't fix all my issues.


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12 hours ago, ayothepizza said:

Okay, I lied, I do need EL's parts. So do I just delete all the folders related to KSP, click uninstall on steam and then install again?


As long as you can keep it from installing the 1.11 update.  However, there are mods like the one I have been working on above and one that adds KSP Inventory to all KIS Inventory Parts called Kerbal_Inventory_for_All-0.9.  That allows EL and KIS to use the new Inventory system.  I see some issues with some other mods parts but I think it will work.  I haven't completely tested it yet.  These MM modules to update all the parts aren't that hard to do.  I am just concerned about mine not having good size values for parts in storage.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/6/2020 at 5:52 PM, ayothepizza said:

Thanks for the tips, I'm going to try these methods out right now.


Well, uh, I'm stupid, using Edge to install it worked, and now the EL parts that are integrated with PSB are working, just not the parts that are added by EL alone, but that's okay, since I don't think i'm going to need a bigger launchpad (Unless I do, which I think I can just use structural panels for) Thanks for the help!

Alright, so I think I found out the problem, KSPIE (KSP Interstellar Extended) somehow disables all of EL's parts besides ones integrated with other mods. Anyone know how to fix this?

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5 minutes ago, ayothepizza said:

Alright, so I think I found out the problem, KSPIE (KSP Interstellar Extended) somehow disables all of EL's parts besides ones integrated with other mods. Anyone know how to fix this?

Edit KSPIE's module manager patches.

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On 12/29/2020 at 2:16 PM, goldenpsp said:

Ask them? They are the KSPIE configs, not EL's

Problem is, they are EL's config settings that I do need to follow, even if they are KSPIE's configs. If I went to KSPIE and asked them how to make EL compatible in the config files they would probably say that I need to ask on the EL forums to know what I should set the configs to.

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4 hours ago, ayothepizza said:

Problem is, they are EL's config settings that I do need to follow, even if they are KSPIE's configs. If I went to KSPIE and asked them how to make EL compatible in the config files they would probably say that I need to ask on the EL forums to know what I should set the configs to.

Yes but they are still KSPIE configs.  @taniwha would have no idea WHAT KSPIE config files are appropriate unless he downloaded the mod and looked (not his job).  

You post above seemed to indicate parts were hidden.  If all you need to do is unhide parts it is just a matter of finding which KSPIE filles are doing the hiding and removing them. 

It may be that KSPIE would point you back to EL, but have you tried asking?  Have you just browsed through the config files yourself?  Modulemanager config files are just text files and relatively easy to figure out without needing to know any real programming.

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Hey sorry to be a pest, but can we get a fix to prevent the EL build resources  window from being movable off the screen in the VAB/SPH? It may not come up often for you, but it comes up ridiculously often for me - even when I'm being careful. Yes, I can go in and edit the save game file, but this seems like a pretty poor approach.

I see where the MJ window in the VAB literally won't let you move it off the screen. There is apparently some guard code that checks if the window's new position would be off the screen and prevents it. Something like that would be great! Never have to deal with the problem again. Barring that a button or some way to reset the position would be nice.


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@taniwhaI'll be happy to try to help with that. I have a hunch I'll follow up on. I was running without Click Through Blocker until recently so it may be that with the EL window open I clicked on something over it and then inadvertently moved the EL window as well or instead or something like that, but one simple test would be to open the EL window in the VAB and simply attempt to move it off screen. If you can do that, then any fool (myself particularly) can also do that and live to regret it.

@kspnerd122 Have you tried using EL in 1.11? I've been using it for a while now and not seen any issue. Give it a shot.

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