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[1.12.x] KSP Alternate Resource Panel v2.11.0.0 (April 10)


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32 minutes ago, Haltalopeck said:

News for a version compatible with the 1.1.2?


On 4/25/2016 at 9:55 AM, TriggerAu said:

I got KAC done, will be looking at this and TWP next

It should work with any resources yes, but you may need to download some icons for some mods if the author hasnt included them in the mod.


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  • 2 weeks later...
34 minutes ago, TriggerAu said:

Am working on TWP, then shoudl be an easy lift into this cause of common codebase. but struggling on a thing or two with the window code chagneover

No worries, TriggerAu, we will do our best to wait patiently for these to get updated. We appreciate your hard work. :):D:cool:


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6 hours ago, vardicd said:

No worries, TriggerAu, we will do our best to wait patiently for these to get updated. We appreciate your hard work. :):D:cool:


Seconded, love your stuff, take your time.  :D

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7 hours ago, vardicd said:

No worries, TriggerAu, we will do our best to wait patiently for these to get updated. We appreciate your hard work. :):D:cool:


Not at all. You should be working on this day and night so we can play.

Obviously I'm joking. We all appreciate the effort. And this is the drawback of doing such greats mods: we became addicts to your mods and ask you for more.


Good work, and again thank you.


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Sheesh, now your taking time to answer the forums, no wonder it's taking forever. I demand you lock your self in a room with lots of your favorite caffeine, and don't come out again till this an all your other mods are working again.  Don't bother responding unless it's with a perfectly working, future proof update! 

All joking aside, this is just one of those mods that you don't know isn't there till you don't have it. Keep up the good work. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks,

Hid some excited is-it-done-yet posts.  Just a friendly reminder... please don't pester mod authors for updates.  It doesn't help anything, and there's a forum rule specifically against it (2.3.f), for just that reason.

Of course we're all eager for an update to this excellent mod that TriggerAu has been kind enough to provide, but he's awfully busy doing other stuff that we all love, such as making KSP better.

Let's show our appreciation by not jostling his elbow and breathing down his neck, shall we?

Just watch the thread, and he'll post an update at such time as he's prepared to post an update.

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Ironically I dont mind the pestering, it keeps it in my mind as we go, but Snark is right - we need to be careful as it is not the same for all people. For info 1.1.3 is in Exp as you will have seen so that explains where a chunk of my time has been, but I have a long weekend here and am fully intending to nail out this one this weekend.

Thanks soo much for the patience

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7 minutes ago, TriggerAu said:

Ironically I dont mind the pestering, it keeps it in my mind as we go, but Snark is right - we need to be careful as it is not the same for all people. For info 1.1.3 is in Exp as you will have seen so that explains where a chunk of my time has been, but I have a long weekend here and am fully intending to nail out this one this weekend.

Thanks soo much for the patience

Awesome. Amen to long weekends... Long Live the Queen. LOL

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6 minutes ago, TriggerAu said:

I dont mind the pestering,

Careful there:0.0:

Glad to see this getting some attention. Been watching the repo as well...the stock panel just doesn't cut it.

Also, please remember the feature request I made about a "move to top" button in the resources sorting area. As long as you have the code open I mean:)

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I had to take a month off of KSP, and just fired up the game again and immediately missed this mod. So I came to check this thread to see if there were any updates.. and I see @TriggerAu just posted a few hours ago that he'll be working on this weekend - lucky timing for me!

Just posting here to say THANKS! to Trigger for such an awesome mod, the game is really just not the same without it. Very much looking forward to an update, and if you have a PayPal or something that I can donate to for your pizza/beer/coffee fund for the weekend, please let me know - I'd be happy to help out as a small way of saying thanks for such a wonderful plugin!


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15 hours ago, TriggerAu said:

Ironically I dont mind the pestering,

dangerous waters, there.

Regardless, i wanted to thank you for all your hard work on both these utility mods and the game itself. I've been playing KSP since .21, and KAC and KARP were two of my early mods. they're still staples of my mod set, even thou i'm up to about 64 other mods. 

i would hope everyone at the community understands that your day job comes first, so that pestering-flood-gate doesn't come back to bite you. (the fact that your day job is squad is just icing.)

Thanks again for all your hard work.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, I'm Ok without donations as such, I do this sorta stuff for the fun.

13 hours ago, AetherGoddess said:

...(the fact that your day job is squad is just icing.)...

I do have a day job, but it's not KSP sadly. KSP is my second job, thats why when we get busy with KSP, time on the mods suffers and it becomes slow on this front. KSPTips was picked up and made into KSPedia though, so I always have hope other mods may be able to follow that path, but one thing at a time



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