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[1.0.2]HGR 1.875m parts(v1.3.0 released)


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Heads up, the CKAN links to the forum for the

HGR 1.875 parts and the HGR Props mods are incorrect.

When I follow them I get the AJE thread,


I think "HGR 1.875 parts mod" should be:


I dont know where the HGR Props mod should link too.

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I just fixed the links. CKAN should update them briefly. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Regarding HGR Props, CKAN cannot overwrite any file in GameData - it' has been its policy from the very beginning of the project. If mods share assets, they need to be indexed separately (for example, USI tools contains all the files shared by all USI mods). Since the props are shared between the 1.875m parts pack and the Corvus pack, I had to create this new package for it.

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I hope no one is going to be especially perturbed if I change all the dark tanks over to white primary. i think getting a better sense of uniformity across the tanks will really improve the aesthetics of the mod. I'll post some pics when they're done. I'm hoping to put out an update sometime this weekend. No new parts, but lots of bug fixing and mod support type stuff. Along with these texture changes as well.

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I hope no one is going to be especially perturbed if I change all the dark tanks over to white primary.

You monster! Arrrrgh!!!! ;)

Seriously now, I think that would be great. I've no issues with it, especially considering I used to reskin most of your dark HGR tanks to an olive green color anyway. I'm actually quite happy to see you've settled on a theme and feel for HGR, and look forward to whatever you come up with.

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You monster! Arrrrgh!!!! ;)

Seriously now, I think that would be great. I've no issues with it, especially considering I used to reskin most of your dark HGR tanks to an olive green color anyway. I'm actually quite happy to see you've settled on a theme and feel for HGR, and look forward to whatever you come up with.

Oh you :P

Good middle-ground between small and large parts. Great work on the IVA's especially.

5 Stars :D

Thank you, glad you like em.

Here's what I've got on the tanks at the moment:


Still need to hit up the adapters and cones, as well as go back and redo the spec & normal maps. (Not too much work) But I think this is looking good so far, much happier with a couple parts already.

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Version 1.3.0 is up, check out the OP for download. It's also been added to Kerbal Stuff. Tweakscale support is added. I'll put up an in depth changelog later.

Does HGR have support for the Community Tech Tree?

No, sorry not at this time.

Love the mod except there's not decoupler for the soyjuice re-entry module and living module.

Use the "inline" chute. It has a decoupler built in.

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The Community Tech Tree mostly adds extra nodes past the "end" of the stock tree -- for nuclear engines, colonization, and similar advanced technologies. Your parts fit pretty well right where they are. (Incidentally, I've been using them like crazy in my career -- they're great for launching lunar or interplanetary probes without exceeding 140 tons on the launchpad.)

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Hi Kerbas_ad_Astra,

i miss the SAS Module for 1.875 m Parts, a double "long walk" and ... unfortunatly ... your decoupler has very bad shear forces.

All other is a great work and makes fun in two ways: to build and for the eyes

thank you!

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Hi Kerbas_ad_Astra,

i miss the SAS Module for 1.875 m Parts, a double "long walk" and ... unfortunatly ... your decoupler has very bad shear forces.

All other is a great work and makes fun in two ways: to build and for the eyes

thank you!


Welcome to the forums. :)

I'm working on remaking many parts as well as adding new ones. I'll try and get an SAS added for the next update, it's long overdue.

I haven't had trouble with the decoupler myself, but I'll check it out and see if I can figure it out. Out of curiosity are you using the correct one? (there's 2 and one is only meant to fit over the Soy-Juice's heatshield) there should be a thin solid one, this is the one that should be used for general purposes.

Anyway, thanks again for trying out the mod.

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I haven't had trouble with the decoupler myself, but I'll check it out and see if I can figure it out. Out of curiosity are you using the correct one? (there's 2 and one is only meant to fit over the Soy-Juice's heatshield) there should be a thin solid one, this is the one that should be used for general purposes.

Hi again,

I use the right Decoupler :) however this is not suitable to carry more than 7.5 tonnes when start turning in atmosphere. Already at 15 ° deviation begins the decoupler to wiggle and at > 20 ° it breaks (400 m/s at 20 km).

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Hi again,

I use the right Decoupler :) however this is not suitable to carry more than 7.5 tonnes when start turning in atmosphere. Already at 15 ° deviation begins the decoupler to wiggle and at > 20 ° it breaks (400 m/s at 20 km).

Is there any chance that you are using other mods, like FAR or any kind that alters joints strength of parts? I've tried a few launches and I'm not getting it to break, even with a 12 ton payload.



I even tried spinning it out of control and it didn't break or even wobble...


Any chance you could post a picture of the rocket that you're having trouble with?

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The only issue I have is that many of the parts seem to be far too low in cost when compared to their heavier (otherwise equally servicable) stock alternatives.

Looking over the costs, actually all my tanks are way overpriced at the moment. Looks like they dropped the stock costs in 1.0 and I missed it. Command pods and engines look to be slightly undercosted, but nothing is jumping out at me as being especially or game breakingly off from a cost standpoint. Any specific examples I should look at that I'm overlooking? Or did you mean development cost?

All my tanks are equal weight to stock tanks of the same capacity and that's how they handle overlap in the cases where stock tank volumes overlap. See FL-T800 vs Rockomax X200-8. Command pods are typically lighter per Kerbal but are a smaller profile and have less resources/ reaction wheel power available. I think it would make even less sense to have say the Soy-Juice pod have equivalent values to the MK1-2.

I'll have to do a cost pass for sure though, so thanks for bringing that to my attention. I don't really think weight is off too much, at least not on very many parts.

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Hey Orionkermin! I just wanted to say thanks for developing such an awesome mod! I first downloaded this a while ago (like back when it was just your Gemini analogue), and everything has gotten better since then!

Out of curiosity, should the SoyJuice protective shroud encapsulate the spacecraft and the decoupler that separates it from the launch vehicle? Or should it just protext the spacecraft itself?

Edited by ILikeIke
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Welcome to the forums. :)

I'm working on remaking many parts as well as adding new ones. I'll try and get an SAS added for the next update, it's long overdue.

I haven't had trouble with the decoupler myself, but I'll check it out and see if I can figure it out. Out of curiosity are you using the correct one? (there's 2 and one is only meant to fit over the Soy-Juice's heatshield) there should be a thin solid one, this is the one that should be used for general purposes.

Anyway, thanks again for trying out the mod.

+1 for the 1.875 SAS module, could really use that part too. Other than that, I love using these parts in builds. Well done and many thx.


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Hey Orionkermin! I just wanted to say thanks for developing such an awesome mod! I first downloaded this a while ago (like back when it was just your Gemini analogue), and everything has gotten better since then!

Out of curiosity, should the SoyJuice protective shroud encapsulate the spacecraft and the decoupler that separates it from the launch vehicle? Or should it just protext the spacecraft itself?

I like to set put it inside, mostly so the back end of the shroud doesn't taper in too steeply. Thanks for trying out the mod and welcome to the forums. :)

+1 for the 1.875 SAS module, could really use that part too. Other than that, I love using these parts in builds. Well done and many thx.


Yea, I've been saying I'm going to make it, I'd better actually get on that this time. :P I also have an SRB in the works.

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I just wanted to say thanks for all your work on this OrionKerman! This is a mod that I have used consonantly since I started playing. The 1.875 size really makes sense to me, and the game seems broken when I try to play career without it. (too big of a jump from 1.25 to 2.5)

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Just ran into what I think is a bug.

I was using the two-man Soyuz descent capsule, along with the green orbital module that goes with it.

Upon loading the craft, my entire screen went black. The altimeter showed as if I was on the launch pad, there were three Kerbals crammed into the two man descent pod, and the map mode was black, with no other planets or even the sun. Hyper editing the "craft" to 80,000 meters only showed me the skybox, no planets.

I rebuilt it, but I used the three man descent capsule with the matching orbital module- No problems, Up to space we go.

Also, a question. Is there any orbital module that would go with the progress craft, or is there any parts that would allow for a "cargo" progress to be made?

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I just wanted to say thanks for all your work on this OrionKerman! This is a mod that I have used consonantly since I started playing. The 1.875 size really makes sense to me, and the game seems broken when I try to play career without it. (too big of a jump from 1.25 to 2.5)

Thanks! It's too big of a jump for me too.

Just ran into what I think is a bug.

I was using the two-man Soyuz descent capsule, along with the green orbital module that goes with it.

Upon loading the craft, my entire screen went black. The altimeter showed as if I was on the launch pad, there were three Kerbals crammed into the two man descent pod, and the map mode was black, with no other planets or even the sun. Hyper editing the "craft" to 80,000 meters only showed me the skybox, no planets.

I rebuilt it, but I used the three man descent capsule with the matching orbital module- No problems, Up to space we go.

Also, a question. Is there any orbital module that would go with the progress craft, or is there any parts that would allow for a "cargo" progress to be made?

Yea, that sounds like what happens when IVAs bug out. I'll try to reproduce it when I'm home again. Are you using RPM by chance? (Just so I know what conditions to test under)

The Progress type pod used to have room for KAS storage, but since that has changed to KIS I need to look into updating it for that. Eventually I'd like to remake it so that it's functionally a combination probe core and service bay.

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I like to set put it inside, mostly so the back end of the shroud doesn't taper in too steeply. Thanks for trying out the mod and welcome to the forums. :)

Yea, I've been saying I'm going to make it, I'd better actually get on that this time. :P I also have an SRB in the works.

Ah...an SRB....smiles ..... I use a couple from another mod plus the stock ones when building with the 1.875 parts, but one added into this kit....oh yes.

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Thanks! It's too big of a jump for me too.

Yea, that sounds like what happens when IVAs bug out. I'll try to reproduce it when I'm home again. Are you using RPM by chance? (Just so I know what conditions to test under)

I am using RPM. Wouldn't fly without it.

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