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[0.23] Afterburner (Osprey Propulsion Technologies)


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Osprey Propulsion Technologies series of advanced afterburning engines

- JF4-B Low Bypass Afterburning Jet Engine provides greatly increased thrust at the cost of fuel efficiency. This allows supersonic flight near sea level or, "Going really, really fast" -Jeb

- RH2 High Bypass Hybrid Ram Jet Engine pushes your aircraft higher and faster than before. Now leaps above the atmosphere are possible and duel engine type space planes can compete with the R.A.P.I.E.R.

Afterburner is a new engine based on the stock "Basic Jet Engine" with the addition of an after burner component. It uses the new Multi Mode Engines module to let you turn on and off the afterburner..

tMaOhd6l.jpg LwXccROl.jpg

The new FX module allows shock diamond exhaust plasma to be visible while afterburning.

Update: New Engine added. High Bypass Hybrid Ramjet Engine

eQ4zxC5l.jpg VuZSDbel.jpg

Down Load at Space Port: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/023-partafterburnerospreypropulsiontechnologies/ All Rights Reserved

From Wikipedia: "An afterburner is an additional component present on some jet engines. Its purpose is to provide an increase in thrust, usually for supersonic flight, takeoff and for combat situations. Afterburning is achieved by injecting additional fuel into the jet pipe downstream of (i.e. after) the turbine. The advantage of afterburning is significantly increased thrust; the disadvantage is its very high fuel consumption and inefficiency, though this is often regarded as acceptable for the short periods during which it is usually used."

I added a file to use with Deadly Rentry. It is included with the DL. Just place it in The file folder.

This is my first mod, I only mucked around with CFG files. I have other ideas and may be adding new stuff later.

Edited by HurricaneBlack
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HurricaneBlack, looks cool! Especially the FX.

However, since you've copied stock model/textures without changing them (as far as I can tell), please just reference the original model using a MODEL node; otherwise KSP is loading duplicate assets.

Also, you do need a license for this. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44738

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However, since you've copied stock model/textures without changing them (as far as I can tell), please just reference the original model using a MODEL node

I'll get on that.

Also, you do need a license for this. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44738

Didn't know I need it since there was no new art or plugins

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OK, well I definitely don't want anyone to develop nuclear weapons with it.

...You do realize this is kerbal space program right. this is an ICBM Simulator...

that you just happen to beable to go to space with

Edited by Hellbrand
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The DL now includes a version to work with Deadly Reentry (the old one would just blow up pretty much instantly, it was designed to get the heat animation to glow as bright as possible *usually* with out blowing up)

DRE version max temp up to 2000 over DER stock of 1800 (high grade heat resistant metals).

- You can still blow up the engine, especially when sticking several near each other or when stressing them in tight low altitude turns and climbs.

- High G-forces are possible during tight maneuvers, enough to kill crew and tear off wings.

- Enjoy :)

Edited by HurricaneBlack
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1.0.1 now

since you've copied stock model/textures without changing them (as far as I can tell), please just reference the original model using a MODEL node; otherwise KSP is loading duplicate assets.

Done. Also change the Deadly Reentry compatibility to a patch .cfg instead of a separate part file. I'm starting to get the hang of this.

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Update 1.1.0

- Added new part. RH2 Hybrid Ramjet Engine

- Changed flavor text a bit

First, Merry Christmas! This is my second part for what will hopefully become a pack of parts. I worked hard to balance it, let me know what you think. this is about as fast as an air breather can go and still be balanced. A true SCRAMJet in not really possible in ksp as speeds above mach 7-8 will start sending you into huge orbits or deep space lol.

The stock model was used again, which brings me to: I will learn how to model next. There are many ideas I have that will require making my own models, I will also in the future replace the stock models in the current parts with my own. For now, enjoy what I do have, I probably wont bring anything else out until I have my own models.

Edited by HurricaneBlack
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If you just wanted to add a blue shock diamond effect to the engine, the partical effect file is named shockExhaust_blue_small.mu and its kept in the folder: Kerbal Space Program/Gamedata/Squad/FX

The lines from the Squad engine are:







modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue_small

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.0

emission = 0.075 0.25

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 0.5

speed = 1.0 1.2




There's a little more to it, its all in the .cfg

Also the "running_closed" part can be almost anything as long as it matches the line in the later description.

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If you just wanted to add a blue shock diamond effect to the engine, the partical effect file is named shockExhaust_blue_small.mu and its kept in the folder: Kerbal Space Program/Gamedata/Squad/FX

The lines from the Squad engine are:







modelName = Squad/FX/shockExhaust_blue_small

transformName = thrustTransform

emission = 0.0 0.0

emission = 0.05 0.0

emission = 0.075 0.25

emission = 1.0 1.25

speed = 0.0 0.5

speed = 1.0 1.2




There's a little more to it, its all in the .cfg

Also the "running_closed" part can be almost anything as long as it matches the line in the later description.

I don't know if there needs to be any editing in unity. Do I just add the file and the line to the text? How can I change the color or size of the shock diamonds?

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I don't know if there needs to be any editing in unity. Do I just add the file and the line to the text? How can I change the color or size of the shock diamonds?

You dont need unity if your just mixing and matching the Squad modules. This is the new FX coding that Squad uses with the rapier engine (Where the shock diamonds come from). I think this style of FX Definitions is the future of KSP. I would not be surprised if they migrate all their parts to this new style of definition.

It is a new type of partical effect they are calling "multi particle." The model is a single particle(shock diamond) that repeats. if you change the size in the "emission" line the diamonds will get bigger but will stay the same distance from each other. The "speed" line tells the program how far appart to place the diamonds. (All of this was from trial and error :) )

You cannot change the color, for that you need blender or some model editor/creator. There is a red and a blue one in the Squad folder.

Neat. I was looking for a hybrid ramjet, seems you delivered along with nice afterburner effects, well done. This is now part of my collection of plugins :)

Thanks! Let me know what you think. I tried hard to keep it balanced, had to nerf it several times before release. I was still nerves it was too powerful but then I remembered what the RAPIER can do.

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You dont need unity if your just mixing and matching the Squad modules. This is the new FX coding that Squad uses with the rapier engine (Where the shock diamonds come from). I think this style of FX Definitions is the future of KSP. I would not be surprised if they migrate all their parts to this new style of definition.

It is a new type of partical effect they are calling "multi particle." The model is a single particle(shock diamond) that repeats. if you change the size in the "emission" line the diamonds will get bigger but will stay the same distance from each other. The "speed" line tells the program how far appart to place the diamonds. (All of this was from trial and error :) )

You cannot change the color, for that you need blender or some model editor/creator. There is a red and a blue one in the Squad folder.

Thanks! Let me know what you think. I tried hard to keep it balanced, had to nerf it several times before release. I was still nerves it was too powerful but then I remembered what the RAPIER can do.

Would it be possible, using those limited components, have the shock diamonds pointing in two different directions?

To simulate a spacial-distortion effect?

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For a first mod the level of polish here is fantastic! But if I may make a meta-suggestion? I find it takes longer to learn how to competently model than to competently texture, and you'll probably want to learn both eventually. Why not learn how to retexture first so you may quickly edit the textures and differentiate these from the stock parts? Either way, keep up the good work and I hope to see more from Osprey Propulsion Technologies!

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Whoa that ramjet is a beast. Put 2 of them on my test plane, went up to mach 7.3 and put the plane in orbit by just pitching up (went up to 177km). Good thing the orbit periapsis was still in atmo otherwise that was a lost plane and crew... That baby is powerful isnt it.

Played a bit with the afterburner one too, was fun buzzing the tower at mach 1+. Probably shattered whatever was made of glass.

(disclaimer: i use FAR)

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Would it be possible, using those limited components, have the shock diamonds pointing in two different directions?

To simulate a spacial-distortion effect?

Not quite sure which directions you intend but there is no rotation code that I found for the particle effects. for some reason though if you use prefab particles, (the ones from .22 and prior) they come out at 90 degrees from the engine. You can see it on the RAPIER as the smoke. Another difference from the .22 code and the RAPIER code is the point the particles, and thrust, come from. the old is "thrustTransform" that is use for everything. In the new FX definition on RAPIER they use thrustTransform for the Multi particles shock diamonds, "smokePoint" for the smoke trails, and thrustpoint for the auctual thrust.

For a first mod the level of polish here is fantastic! But if I may make a meta-suggestion? I find it takes longer to learn how to competently model than to competently texture, and you'll probably want to learn both eventually. Why not learn how to retexture first so you may quickly edit the textures and differentiate these from the stock parts? Either way, keep up the good work and I hope to see more from Osprey Propulsion Technologies!

Thanks, I will look into it just been busy with Christmas and all. One of the things that took longer than expected was the sound effects on the engines. The multi mode engines ignore the old FX definitions. all effects go under the EFFECTS tag. The problem happened when the sound didn't sound anything like the stock engines. With the new sound FX you can control the volume and pitch based on the throttle or actual engine power. It gives you more control but took a bit to figure out.

Whoa that ramjet is a beast. Put 2 of them on my test plane, went up to mach 7.3 and put the plane in orbit by just pitching up (went up to 177km). Good thing the orbit periapsis was still in atmo otherwise that was a lost plane and crew... That baby is powerful isnt it.

Played a bit with the afterburner one too, was fun buzzing the tower at mach 1+. Probably shattered whatever was made of glass.

(disclaimer: i use FAR)

They are powerful, you should try the same ship with the stock high altitude engines to compare. I originally imagined a mach 10+ hypersonic engine but in kerbal, that much speed will send you out of the planetary system and possibility out of the solar system lol. On earth I think we have to get up to mach 25 to be orbital. So its about as powerful as it can be while being reasonable. its also balanced by being heavier, fixed (no gimbal), and hot (you can blow it up with Deadly Reentry.).

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