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The Santa Substitute Challenge!

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It all started when Santa searched for a substitute for reindeer, on account of them being underpowered and inefficient.

Before long, he stumbled upon the idea of using the newly developed R.A.P.I.E.R. engines to aid him on his around-the-globe jaunts. Within days, he had converted his sleigh into a sleek fighter-jet cockpit, and replaced all of his reindeer with R.A.P.I.E.R engines. When some elves became worried about the new craft, Santa decked the craft with loads of struts and called it good. Nonetheless, there was still some tension as the first test approached.

Santa got permission to launch from the Kerbal Space Center for the initial test. After a quick preflight check, he fired up the craft’s engines – and then…

The jolly old guy broke several bones and suffered considerable internal bleeding. The elves stabilized his condition and assured us that he will make a full recovery, but in the meantime, well, he can’t deliver presents.

That’s where you come in.

The goal of this challenge is for as many people on the forum as possible to deliver the maximum number of ‘presents’ around Kerbin, before 7:00 AM, GMT, Jan. 1.

Rules (Please read!)

The craft must contain at least one Kerbal.

Presents can be represented by a HubMax Multi-Port Connector, or, if you’re adventurous, you can make your own present. Just keep its mass over 1.0. Gift-wrapping homemade presents isn't necessary but it is appreciated!

Every present must be dropped off individually. If multiple items are dropped off as one unit, the unit is considered one present.

Every present must land safely, and may not be destroyed upon landing. If presents are dropped from the sky, the craft must remain close enough to the presents that they do not disappear on account of being too far away.

Mods are okay, but no ‘cheating’ (Using the debug menu, using HyperEdit to place presents, etc.)

Any type, or types, of engine are allowed.

Don't drop presents within the KSC flat. It ruins the fun and the holiday spirit.

The Kerbal must land at or near the runway. If he dies, the attempt is considered a failure and any presents delivered don’t count.

Post at least a couple of screenshots from important moments in the flight (liftoff, delivery of presents, and landing.)

Multiple attempts are allowed from the same person. Just be sure to make a different post for each.

The craft must be single-staged (excluding stages used to drop off presents.)

Scoring (Please read!)

Post the number of presents that you delivered, plus a scoring addition/multiplier if applicable.

Also post the total number of presents delivered (Take the total given in the post above yours, and add on your contribution.)

An example: "I landed three presents with a multiplier of x2, for a total of six presents. Total number of presents delivered so far is 24."


Cover of Darkness: Drop off presents at night. +2 presents.

Reindeer Replacements: Have exactly nine identical engines on the craft, to represent each reindeer. +5 presents.

What is that?!: Drop off presents near an Easter egg (excluding the Monolith near KSC). +10 presents.

Holiday Cheer: Drop off presents near a preexisting base (on Kerbin or elsewhere). +10 presents.

Sleigh Ride: Make your craft resemble Santa’s sleigh (e.g. multiple engines in the front, big ‘sack’ for presents, etc.) x2 Multiplier.

Far-Out: Deliver presents to the Mun or Minmus. x5 Multiplier.

Further-Out: Deliver presents to a planet or moon outside of Kerbin’s SOI. x20 Multiplier.

Multipliers can be combined if applicable. Bonus presents, however, do not get multiplied.

Any questions? Clarifications? Post them and I’ll give you an answer!

Good luck! Happy Holidays!

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
Adding things!
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Oh, to be clear, the rig must be an SSTO, yes?

Yes, whatever contraption you create must be single-staged (excluding stages used for present drop-off), although not necessarily an SSTO. However, you are allowed to refuel in orbit or wherever you choose.

Thanks for clarifying, I'll add this to the rules.

Oh, and don't worry about the reindeer. They still inspect the sleigh and guide the big guy to his destinations. Mind you, not by light-up noses anymore, but by sophisticated telemetry and ground tracking. :)

Edited by UpsilonAerospace
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I love this! I'll contribute when I can get back to KSP.

Can you drop four presents at once (but not attached) and have that count as 4? I also suggest not counting presents delivered at the KSC flat.

And maybe more bonuses? Like +10 for on top of the control tower? +10 for at Easter eggs?


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I love this! I'll contribute when I can get back to KSP.

Can you drop four presents at once (but not attached) and have that count as 4? I also suggest not counting presents delivered at the KSC flat.

And maybe more bonuses? Like +10 for on top of the control tower? +10 for at Easter eggs?


Good suggestions.

I'll try to add more bonuses, and I'll include that presents delivered on the KSP flat don't count. Just give me a minute to update my first post.

As for your first question: As long as presents are not attached to one another, any number of them can be dropped off at the same time.

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Santa is pressed for space this year. Oscar-B fuel tanks? Science jrs?

I don't think it's a true challenge unless the mass is close to or exceeding 1 (The more mass, the more joy each present brings.). The mass of the HubMax docking port connectors is a full 1.5, thus being well above the 'okay' threshold. That being said, feel free to string together several small modules to exceed the requisite mass. And, most importantly, don't forget to 'gift-wrap' your packages with I-beams turned on their sides, structural panels, etc.

Time to add another rule to the already enormous list!

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I think I have the first delivery. The Dirt Runway had aviation fuel on Santa's present list so they got a 1.1 ton can of it and I've done the easy one for you. I'd just like to say, all the reindeer weren't the same, one of them was different and was victimized by the others ;.; - My sled has a slightly different engine in the lead position ahead of the of the four identical pairs, most importantly though they all have red noses!

For your amazement The (almost) VTOL Santa Sled of Surprisingly Average Stability - I'm sure an actual skilled pilot could land it on a roof :)

Pending official judgment I delivered 1 gift in a replica sleigh (1x2) In darkness (+2) With Reindeer Replacements (+5) To an Easter Egg (+10) to set the running total going with

17 gifts delivered so far It's a small start but we're on our way - Merry Christmas!

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Pending official judgment I delivered 1 gift in a replica sleigh (1x2) In darkness (+2) With Reindeer Replacements (+5) To an Easter Egg (+10) to set the running total going with17 gifts delivered so far. It's a small start but we're on our way - Merry Christmas!

Official judgment has come :)

Nice craft! I can never fly VTOLS, myself. It's a bit of a weakness with me.

I have two bones to pick. The first is that not all engines were identical, which may or may not violate the reindeer replacement bonus. I'll give it to you, though, because they all have red noses. Gotta love those red noses.

The second is that your video didn't include the craft landing. If your Santa Substitute made it back safely (without dying), the seventeen presents and the first delivery on this thread are yours. Congrants.

It's getting closer and closer to Christmas, should I extend the deadline?

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Three days until Christmas, and only seventeen presents delivered! I think I may extend this challenge until New Year's.

Myself, I managed to deliver three presents to Kerbin's grasslands with a sleigh-like airplane, but on the return trip, I managed to flip the craft and kill my Santa Substitute. I'll post pictures as soon as I get something to work.

Keep at it! Santa's counting on you! :)

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My Santas Sled


1st stop Island runway


In this pic you can see all 4 dropped top right for island runway.. head to ksc





Pending official judgment=== 4x2(cover of darkness)=8 + 5 for (Reindeer Replacements)=13 +10(Holiday Cheer)= 23 presents delivered


Edited by GraviTykillz
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Nice job, GraviTyKillz! (Especially with a more-or-less stock craft! Looks like the only mod you used was Kerbal Paint, for a more festive vehicle.)

My only comment is, where did you get the Holiday Cheer bonus? When I said 'a base,' I meant a base that you had established somewhere on Kerbin, or on another planet or moon. I would count the island runway as an Easter egg. This gets you the same number of points; I'm just clarifying.

So, your 23 presents, added to Darren9's seventeen, add up to 40 total presents delivered so far.

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I delivered 1 gift in a replica sleigh (1x2) In darkness (+2) With Reindeer Replacements (+5) To an Easter Egg (+10) to set the running total going with

17 gifts delivered so far

Unless there'a a penalty for not showing the safe landing, doesn't that make 19?

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Unless there'a a penalty for not showing the safe landing, doesn't that make 19?

You're right. Total number of presents delivered is actually 42.

About the removal of points, now that you've mentioned it:

My greatest wish for this challenge is for it to proceed mostly independently of me. In my opinion, the fewer observations I make, the more the challenge brings all KSP fans together. This is why I haven't docked points from anyone yet.

That being said, if someone posts an entry that is clearly illegal or claims bonuses they shouldn't have, then they shouldn't receive points. The job of removing or adding points is up to you. Use your power wisely. :wink:

The deadline has been extended to 7:00 AM, GMT, on New Year's Day.

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Second run


Leavin Kerbin


Minmus Landing


presents delivered, and liftoff


Santa leaving two elves in orbit, heads home to Ksc


plotting course



Santa came in a little short of KSC . but he had already worked 8 hrs at his other job and was fkin tired. so this is gonna have to be close enough. gonna send out a small car later tonight to pick up and bring Santa to KSC.

4+2 cover of darkeness=6 x5= 30 for far out

SO really alot for a little presents delivered, but the little minimites?? had been very good this year.

so in the spirit of the holidays i

Think the total is 42+30 =72 presents delivered.

Edited by GraviTykillz
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Just a clarification on one of the rules:

Every present must land safely, and may not be destroyed upon landing. If presents are dropped from the sky, the craft must remain close enough to the presents that they do not disappear on account of being too far away.

If I drop a present from orbit, but focus on the present throughout reentry and landing, is it legal?

Also, can presents have any onboard guidance and propulsion, e.g. RCS and a probe core for precision deorbiting?

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I made this guy with the intention of having a x-mas present drop off challenge but I was not able to get a hold of the artist to redistribute the artwork for download. "x-o" did the deer pictures, I did the rest. It was also my first attempt at 3d modeling and it shows. ;.;

I am not entering for the points, but it is capable of dropping presents anywhere and in any amount due to the magical OP DeerButt mk1 engine. If you look close you can see the DeerButt exhaust!

Also included a pic of the present after drop at the island runway, and some "snow" pics at KSC.

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Armchair Rocket Scientist,

Good questions. I'll clarify as best I can.

The first question is definitely legal. The rule was made so that the present-dropper-offer would not vanish mysteriously after getting too far away. While in orbit, this mysterious effect does not occur, and presents can be dropped unhindered.

Your second question is a bit trickier. I would say... no, all present propulsion must come from the sleigh itself. If presents could, at least partially, deliver themselves... then what's the purpose of even having Santa on there?

I'm adding a two-present bonus for delivering presents on the night of Christmas Eve.

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Okay, I've finally made an entry for the challenge, and it's a pretty simple one.

No bells or whistles. Just a nice aircraft that can deliver three presents to the island runway.

3(presents)+2(Cover of Darkness)+10(Easter Egg)=15 presents total. Not a lot, but every gift helps!

Total number of presents so far is 87.

By the way, thank you so much for Sticky'ing this thread!

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