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Sending probe outside Kerbal System?


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I tried this in 0.21. Project Longshot consisted of probe body, some science equipment and a metric ****ton of fuel tanks connected to a single NERVA. Entire ship weighted just about 70 tons. I was planning to check how fast i can get it going beyond Eeloo orbit. To do that i intended to use every possible gravity assist along the way, shed as much weight as possible with staging, and give the final push with ion engine. I got to good start with a Mun slingshot - but then 0.22 rolled in, i got busy with SCIENCE! and kinda forgot about my poor probe.

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out of the sun's SOI? no sadly it's imposible,i mean you can obtain escape velocity but you can't leave the system, the SOI of the sun is infinite, that means you're never going to escape the sun, so recreate voyager is impossible in ksp

Naaaw it's possible. Just announce every year that this time - for reals - you've left the Sun's SOI. :D

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I wonder does if send probe at escape velocity outside that probe leave Kerbal System, does i get extra tech points for that:D

You don't need tons of rocket with several stages. This simple Ten part design sent Jeb into Voyager escape. Actually, it was also done with two engines, two fuel cans, and the capsule.


This one a probe in Career Mode;


However, no extra tech points.

Once you reach a certain distance, everything goes crazy as the Krackin strikes;


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out of the sun's SOI? no sadly it's imposible,i mean you can obtain escape velocity but you can't leave the system, the SOI of the sun is infinite, that means you're never going to escape the sun, so recreate voyager is impossible in ksp

That sad:(

I love Voayger mission

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