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[WIP][0.90?] PlanetFactory CE


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I'm not too sure, although adding an atmosphere to a body based on Pol will not work, try it with duna as a template and if we can get it to show up then it should have one.

Well there's not supposed to be an atmosphere there, it's just in the files.

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The water should become visible if the game is closed then reopened.

One of the ways I got round problems was to download other packs and look at the code in them, I have one if your interested, look for kerbolis planet pack.

Edited by Megalodon 720
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I apologize I couldn't help earlier... RL got in the way...

So to summarize, you have Aer a gas giant that is now working. You then have a duna derivative called Multumhabeteranae (quite a mouthful...) orbiting it that is working with proper scaling.

You have then have Edenis a Laythe derivitive that has scaling issues.

You then have Festucam, a pol derivative(never seen that one before to be completely honest...most people go with minmus) which isn't showing up.

I could not see anything wrong with the pol CFG but I admittedly have never seen one before so I do not know if there is something else. If your system file is in working order( all are planetName = your planet)* it's that cfg, so I would recommend trying using Minmus(if you want a working cfg to look at I have quite a few in my Sa-Fire pack now...)

Also please post your cfg for Edinis so I can see if I can help :)

Good luck :)

* this is case sensitive; it has to be exactly that.

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I agree with Braininator, the best solution would probably be to just change to Minmus, since the properties will be very similar; the only non-changeable difference would be the color of the orbit on the control map, and there's not much we can do about that. As far as I know no one's ever done a Pol derivative before, so when one goes wrong there's not much we can do; on the other hand, we've had plenty of experience troubleshooting Minmus derivatives.

Anyway, hope everything goes well! Be sure to put your pack up for download when it's all worked out!

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Actually most of the template that I see currently used are by trial and error, including but not limited to jool, minmus with maps rather than seeds, Laythe, kerbin, and Duna.

Honestly the best thing you can do is to just start up the game, go to a save, go to tracking center, go to your pack, check if the asteroid is there, then ALT f4 then post the log. This is because most of the errors that have occurred will have popped up already by then in the log and it will keep the log as uncluttered as possible.

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I apologize I couldn't help earlier... RL got in the way...

So to summarize, you have Aer a gas giant that is now working. You then have a duna derivative called Multumhabeteranae (quite a mouthful...) orbiting it that is working with proper scaling.

You have then have Edenis a Laythe derivitive that has scaling issues.

You then have Festucam, a pol derivative(never seen that one before to be completely honest...most people go with minmus) which isn't showing up.

I could not see anything wrong with the pol CFG but I admittedly have never seen one before so I do not know if there is something else. If your system file is in working order( all are planetName = your planet)* it's that cfg, so I would recommend trying using Minmus(if you want a working cfg to look at I have quite a few in my Sa-Fire pack now...)

Also please post your cfg for Edinis so I can see if I can help :)

Good luck :)

* this is case sensitive; it has to be exactly that.

bodyDescription=Edenis is the moon of the moon Multumhabeteranae (que Inception sound), and is pretty much the opposite of it. It is small, temperate, has a breathable atmoshere, has oceans, and is a place you would actually want to go to on vacation.



inclination = 3
eccentricity = 0.01
semiMajorAxis = 02870000
LAN = 240
argumentOfPeriapsis = 0
meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
epoch = 0
referenceBody = Multumhabeteranae



Edit: just changed Festucam from pol to minmus, bu nothing happened. and I still can't see any water on Edenis.

Edit2: New problem! can't see the atmosphere on Multumhabeteranae.

Edited by Moggiog
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May I please see your ksp log - not the PF one, most errors don't turn up there. Also may I please see your system file again? The log is probably the most important information now.

Also what scaling issue are you specifically having with the laythe derivative? Edenis is only .2% bigger than laythe, you probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference in size. If you are having issues with the model not meeting the mesh, it's the same as (I believe Christoff?)'s problem and you need to have fewer significant digits(replace the 1 with 0 in size only a .2% difference anyway).

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So my current Kerbol system is... *deep breath*

- Ablate

- Ascension

- Moho

- Eve

-- Gilly

- Kaiser

-- Kunar

-- Don

-- Polo

-- Jabin

--- P&G

-- Marek

- Kerbin

-- Mun

-- Astarus

--- Comint

-- Minmus

- Duna

-- Ike

- Super Eve

-- Tuolea

-- Lopoer

-- Eros

-- Noal

-- Agoa

-- Ghoa

-- Archad

-- Iciao

-- Roals

-- Gale

-- Soul

-- Asthsho

- Dres

- Urania

-- Vulcania

--- Hephaistos

-- Ares

--- Phobos

--- Deimos

-- Themis

--- Minos

-- Rhea

--- Lemoni

-- Hestia

--- Fragum

-- Hecate

--- Crios

-- Erato

--- Eos

-- Hyperion

- Jool

-- Stratos

-- Laythe

-- Vall

-- Tylo

-- Bop

-- Pol

-- Kallipo

-- Forun

- Wexx

-- Belanus

-- Cyrion

-- Ioryon

- Eeloo

-- Qbik

- Kerbolis

-- Pingle

-- Oceania

-- Orcus

-- Sanctum

-- Pollux

--- Antara

- Inaccessible

- Sentar

-- Skelton

-- Erin

--- Pock

-- Ringle

-- Thud

- Sa-Fire

-- Rubee

-- Onyx

-- Emralled

-- Amie-Thistle

-- Floorite

-- Opal

-- Cuwarts

-- Di-Mend

Holy lag-balls, batman! Nice to see you using JoolPlus!

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So my current Kerbol system is... *deep breath*

- Ablate

- Ascension

- Moho

- Eve

-- Gilly

- Kaiser

-- Kunar

-- Don

-- Polo

-- Jabin

--- P&G

-- Marek

- Kerbin

-- Mun

-- Astarus

--- Comint

-- Minmus

- Duna

-- Ike

- Super Eve

-- Tuolea

-- Lopoer

-- Eros

-- Noal

-- Agoa

-- Ghoa

-- Archad

-- Iciao

-- Roals

-- Gale

-- Soul

-- Asthsho

- Dres

- Urania

-- Vulcania

--- Hephaistos

-- Ares

--- Phobos

--- Deimos

-- Themis

--- Minos

-- Rhea

--- Lemoni

-- Hestia

--- Fragum

-- Hecate

--- Crios

-- Erato

--- Eos

-- Hyperion

- Jool

-- Stratos

-- Laythe

-- Vall

-- Tylo

-- Bop

-- Pol

-- Kallipo

-- Forun

- Wexx

-- Belanus

-- Cyrion

-- Ioryon

- Eeloo

-- Qbik

- Kerbolis

-- Pingle

-- Oceania

-- Orcus

-- Sanctum

-- Pollux

--- Antara

- Inaccessible

- Sentar

-- Skelton

-- Erin

--- Pock

-- Ringle

-- Thud

- Sa-Fire

-- Rubee

-- Onyx

-- Emralled

-- Amie-Thistle

-- Floorite

-- Opal

-- Cuwarts

-- Di-Mend

I think you missed one :wink:

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I'm interested in making new planets, but I have a couple questions.

First off, you mention that the SoI is derived from GeeASL. Could you provide us with the formula, or an approximation thereof?

Secondly, people keep talking about Space Engine and how it lets them fiddle with planets better. What is it, where is it, and how do I use it?

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1:This is true, I myself don't have a formula, just play around with the GeeASL until you get the desired value.

2:It isn't essential but it helps with height maps and color maps for the planets, of course you could just find them on Google images. You can find space engine by typing it in on Google, just make sure that when you use a texture that it is 2048x1024 or 1024x512.

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GeeASL is the acceleration due to gravity at surface level in units of "g"s or the acceleration due to gravity of earth and kerbin. While I do not know for certain I believe the SOI is supposed to be wear the gravitational force of the body is stronger than the pull of the parent body. I have not done the math yet, but I will if people want me to.

Space engine is a game where you can move about the universe and any body you come across you can export the color and normal maps for. For example here is Scott Manley's most recent space engine video i you want an example.

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2:It isn't essential but it helps with height maps and color maps for the planets, of course you could just find them on Google images. You can find space engine by typing it in on Google, just make sure that when you use a texture that it is 2048x1024 or 1024x512.

Is it this one? Huh. It sounded like people were using it to actually edit their planet maps or something like that. Well, still sounds useful I suppose.

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Really interesting projects in this thread ... ! I wonder when mods (or 'official' devs) will crack the mysteries on how to implement multiple solar system. Right now this seems to be impossible to implement due to lighting-effects and (I might have this one wrong) the fact Kerbol is the source of a certain root-system as far as coding and programming concerns.

You are totally correct. Adding another star forces either the star to orbit "Kerbol" as a companion star OR it would be another "persistent" star. Since the game automatically destroys everything escaping Kerbol, other solar systems are currently music of the future. Even though the Planet Factory CE does allow extra suns, all solar panels still ignore all stars but Kerbol.

Shortly: adding extra stars requires mainenance at core level, and will probably take ages. That's why other stars are low on Squad's to-do list, and things like other planets around Kerbol, new parts, and multiplayer (ergo: stuff that is relatively easy to add when compared to other solar systems) high on the to-do list.

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