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I've docked a lander to another ship in orbit of Pol, it had two external command pod seats on it. Once it docked, the two kerbals shot off at about 50 m/s. Had to do a mad scramble to chase the ship after them so they could EVA home before they got too far away to select them to control! That's the 2nd time that's happened to me, anyone else?

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I once let my brother play Ksp to try and rescue some crew members stranded on minmus, he got there fine and was proceeding with the crew transfer when one of the kerbals tripped. Many people will have had their kerbals trip and fall, however not many will have had their space craft catapulted out of the system. The rescue spacecraft was sent on a course into deep space and it took all of the fuel to slow it into a stable orbit. I still haven't been able to rescue them;.;.

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