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Kerbol's asteroid belt, Version 0.2 Released! Perseus Fixed!


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As a request from a forum user, I'm making an asteroid belt between Duna and Jool, its planned to have only around ten bodies though, because, well, planets are a BlackHole version of lag.

Version 0.2 is downloadable here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3BVOHmLGUeqa1FiLUtCYkphYnc/edit?usp=sharing

now, the asteroids.

first is Dres's moon Perseus


Pan, known for mysteriously having a perfectly circlular orbit.


Bob, found after bob passed out during launch and had a dream.


El Rocketus, full of rocket fuel, dont tell Jeb.


Brizo, known for having an inclination of almost exactly 45 degrees.


Emerald Comet, when the meteor shower from this comet occurrs, it rains Emeralds.


Bizaro, known for being bizzare.


Evan, its so peaceful here.


Alex, likes being in space.


Kalileo 4592, the first asteroid ever found, by Kalileo himself.


and finally, the surprise asteroid.

you may remember this yellow asteroid from one of harvesters dev threads.

ladies and gentlemen, i give you,



yes, i know it doesnt look like the original, but i cant find one like it in space engine, so for now the texture is a placeholder, ive pmed harvester asking if he still had the texture and stuff, but i havnt received a response yet.

its on such an orbit that it shouldnt get any closer or farther away from Kerbin, but if it somehow does, please let me know! :)

If you find any bugs post them here with a detailed description of what happened, what you were doing when it happened, and anything that could've caused it.

Change log:

Version 0.2: Perseus improved, asteroids in slightly more belt looking orbits, Dawn added.

Version 0.1: initial release

Edited by Deadpangod3
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As a request from a forum user, I'm making an asteroid belt between Duna and Jool, its planned to have only around ten bodies though, because, well, planets are a BlackHole version of lag.

I have three asteroids in development ATM and I'm working on a special one some of you might remember from before .17 :)

I'll post development updates here as it goes along,

So far there's Bob, Pan, and El Rocketus (I was having a severe brainfart at the time of making El Rocketus) plus the special one that shalt not be named yet :sticktongue:

So far bob is fully working, pan is getting adjusted to the right distance, and El Rocketus still needs a texture, so its still early in development.

I might add a tiny moon to an asteroid if everything goes ok. :D

That magic ****** from before .17? Yaaaas! :D

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And so the first obstacle has shown itself, all the pf bodies have stopped appearing, though the log says they all load fine,

Also, yes, I am using planet factory.

Edit: ahh, i added a commet, but I copied one of the other pf commets CFG, and it didn't want to work, I replaced it with a copy of the asteroids CFG's and editing it, everything's working now :)

Edited by Deadpangod3
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you could have one or two have gravity and the rest just floating objects in space, maybe 20m wide or something (Without gravity, would this reduce lag?)

Um, I doubt I could do that, and wouldn't that ruin the fun? :wink:

Edit: odd, It apears they all look like joker or gilly when you get near them.

Edit2: the surprise asteroid is bugged also, it's velocity is nan, and it apears to be on an escape, and I just had a hell Kraken attack teleporting a ship into its orbit.

Edited by Deadpangod3
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Alright, everything's working correctly, and I'm not really having any frame drop, so maybe I'll be able to add more, I'm at eleven bodies so far.

I just need to find two textures and one texture that at least closely resembles the original asteroid the surprise one is replicating, which I can not find, space engine loves making giant balls of mold.

Do you guys think I should add more?

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alright, before i put the download up, ill give you a tour of all the asteroids! :)

first is Dres's moon Perseus


Pan, known for mysteriously having a perfectly circlular orbit.


Bob, found after bob passed out during launch and had a dream.


El Rocketus, full of rocket fuel, dont tell Jeb.


Brizo, known for having an inclination of almost exactly 45 degrees.


Emerald Comet, when the meteor shower from this comet occurrs, it rains Emeralds.


Bizaro, known for being bizzare.


Evan, its so peaceful here.


Alex, likes being in space.


Kalileo 4592, the first asteroid ever found, by Kalileo himself.


and finally, the surprise asteroid.

you may remember this yellow asteroid from one of harvesters dev threads.

ladies and gentlemen, i give you,



yes, i know it doesnt look like the original, but i cant find one like it in space engine, so for now the texture is a placeholder, ive pmed harvester asking if he still had the texture and stuff, but i havnt received a response yet.

its on such an orbit that it shouldnt get any closer or farther away from Kerbin, but if it somehow does, please let me know! :)

ill try to have the download up in an hour or so.

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Now I want to install some mainsails on these and crush my ene--- conduct SCIENCE!

I would love to see some elliptical or other such non-sphere based asteroids. How crazy can you make the shapes of these?

... You just brought something to my attention, I just realized all the asteroids are shaped like their templates, which isn't supposed to happen...

I have the heightmaps in and everything, I have no clue why it's not working...

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Drop box is refusing my email address, yet when I try the forgot password thing it says no such account exists.

It was doing this yesterday too so I couldn't get the download up, but I'm trying.

edit: i got it, download will be up in a few minutes unless something weird happens!

Edited by Deadpangod3
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Can't download the mod, is says 0 kb size of the file.

Let me help with the textures work if you need.

By the way is this template based on Jocker or Gilly? i.e. do we need Sentar expansion to run it?

Edited by Ghost13
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Can't download the mod, is says 0 kb size of the file.

Let me help with the textures work if you need.

By the way is this template based on Jocker or Gilly? i.e. do we need Sentar expansion to run it?

Odd, :( I don't know how, or why it would do that.

All the asteroids templates are either Gilly or Minmus, but their cfgs are copied and edited Joker, afaik you don't need the sentar expansion,

I'll try to fix the download later today

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This mod has so much awesome and win I cant express how much awesome and win it has.

This is awesome.

EDIT: Can you post a picture of the Kerbol system to show the locations of all these asteroids? And do said asteroids have unique science stuff yet? (As in, can I take a surface sample from Bizaro?)

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This mod has so much awesome and win I cant express how much awesome and win it has.

This is awesome.

EDIT: Can you post a picture of the Kerbol system to show the locations of all these asteroids? And do said asteroids have unique science stuff yet? (As in, can I take a surface sample from Bizaro?)

ah, i dont know how to make custom science, ill get the picture in a moment, and the download (hopefully) works now

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