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Funny mem: Visit Russia before Russia visit You :D


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But I don't think this thread will live long, as there are Russians in the forum too, and this may offend them.

Personally, I feel threatened by Russia and its leader's (I didn't call him on his name, intentionally) visions to restore the Russian/Soviet empire. Our geopolitical location makes us a perfect buffer state between the West and East (that's why the Ukrainian revolution's outcome is really important for us). (Un)fortunately, our government is pro-Russia/anti-EU right now, and they already borrowed a lot of money from Russia to build an unnecessary nuclear power plant, making us highly dependent on Russia. Today's EU/NATO status therefore is not guaranteed for us in the future.

By the way, Hungarians "got" a lot from this country. They helped Austria against us in the war of independence of 1849, they supported the communist revolution of 1918 (resulting in the destruction of the country), estabilished a communist government, and kept Hungary invaded after the 1947 peace treaty (which stated that Soviet forces should leave Hungary) and also cracked down a rightful revolution in 1956, which aimed to make Hungary independent from the two major military blocks, the Warsaw Pact, and NATO (the same way as Austria did in 1955).

Of course I don't blame its people, only its leaders. I personally love Russian culture, engineering (look at my sig) and I just started to learn Russian (after English and German), because I like the cyrillic letters :D.

It's a difficult choice for Ukraine. I think the country is very divided, which might result in a dissolution. The eastern parts and western parts are just too different in culture, religion, history and political views. The historical Galicia and Lodomeria, which belonged to mainly Poland and Austria-Hungary is closer to the European culture, while the eastern part, which was mainly dominated by the russians stands closer to the Russian culture. The country also depends heavily on Russian market and gas.

Edited by jmiki8
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Well, I'm not comfortable about the situation either. After the Cold War, Russia became a weak and desintegrating country in the 90's and seemed finished pretty soon, but now it seems they're on the rise again with a steadily growing economy and military ambitions. Gotta say I can see the logic in the Russian 'annexation' of the Crimea, as the majority of the population over there is Russian and/or favours Russian rule, and the Crimea itself was appearantly a gift to Ukraine some 60 years ago. But where will the Russian ambition stop ... ? Eastern Ukraine? The whole of Ukraine? Perhaps the Baltic States, Poland and other former Soviet satelliete states ... ? As of now, the Russian influence in Europe reaches surprisingly far to the west because of Russian-controlled gas-pipes. Even Germany and Austria have those pipes within their borders.

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Canopus: Well, I hope that too, although I don't find it possible.

Here, in Hungary Euroscepticism (and therefore pro-Russian "ideology") is getting more and more popular, because our government is also in control of most of the media sources (although not that much like in Russia). They blame the EU for every problem (which gives the most funding for our country), while themselves steal money in wheelbarrows from the treasury and destroy the country. They always say that we are at "war" with Europe, and praise Russia for its "christianity and traditions, which the West has lost". The government has already sold off our country to Russia by loaning €10bn for 30(!) years to build a nuclear power plant, while they made the studies regarding the plant classified (if there are any).

With this I meant to say that media is a really strong force when it comes to controlling crowds. And in Russia, the media mostly belongs to the pro-government side.

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What do you think about that :D

n fact the same can be said about America but that's another story :D

This picture is fully applicable to the United States, Russia does not bomb Ukraine, and Kosovo?? remember Kosovo. And yet, this topic offends me as Russian and slkduet delete it, or create a theme at the expense of Libya, Iraq, Yugoslavia.

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Hahah!. Funny stuff

I emagine the american version of this would be more like all the ppl becoming fat instead or something(sortof like an enemy within thing:D) no offence intended

Edited by landeTLS
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