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Exotic Vessels [redone]

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NO! This is not EXOTIC.

Son, get off mah thread.

Exotic is out of the ordinary, but only by your definition?

As you gave no explanation why those designs don't qualify and instead launched into promoting censorship, here are two words of advice from this retiree,

Grow UP!

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"Roller Derby" Low-Gravity Science Exploration vessel for people with short attention spans who've gotten sick of paying attention to where their rover is driving.

It's just a mobile processing lab with a command pod and one of each science instrument, plus two large SAS. Mounted radially are struts and impact resistant landing gear.

No motors, rockets or RCS. It moves by reaction wheel spinning. Just turn on SAS, set something heavy on the Q or E keys and let it roll off across the Mun. It sorta mostly goes in the same-ish direction. Go make a sandwich. Check every once in a while and maybe it'll have reached a new biome.

Repeat until you forget that KSP is running and you leave the little guys spinning up and down craters.

The crew of this thing drew the short straw, naturally.

This is a bit of an odd exotic craft, but fits the description well, nonetheless. How did you get this on the Mun, anyway?


Does this count?


Made it a week or 2 back, 72 parts, fully stock. I think it counts as a replica since it's basically the gerwalk mode of the VFs from Macross.

Yes, it's basically a VTOL.

Yeah, it's a close enough replica, so I won't allow it, but if you amde your own version, this would be an acceptable entry.

Meet the mighty Space Squirrel! :)

The squirrel itself has 3500dV, combined with a launch stage (not pictured) it is capable of a mun+return trip. It does however make heavy use of part clipping, so not sure if you want to disqualify it. Crafts and more creatures in this thread

Not entirely sure what to make of this, qualification-wise. I mean, I've not thought about part clipping at all. Actually, if you think about it, there are more advanced artistic uses within part clipping, and that doesn't exactly give you a cheating advantage, because it still factors mass, how much fuel you have, and on. I think I will allow it.

Putting up that there is an exception to part clipping, but other debugs are still not allowed.

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M1sz, Man, you are just killin' it. You've submitted, like, several, and you are on a roll, but this is a replica, mah dude. Replicas are not allowed.

Ou, I didn't remember that bit of the rules, sorry!

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Man, I've had quite a few. I build more fantasy/sci-fi craft than anything. Unfortunately they were all built 3 patches ago, and I have yet to rebuild them. So not an entry, but they look cool as hell!

This one was by far my favorite:

Here's the prototype:


My Talon Class escort. It's VERY manuverable with RCS on. 205t and 5000dv without munitions with the exception twin 18 shot decoupler/saparatron cannons at the front. Hardpoints for 12 Smart Missiles behind the observation center and bays for 4 anti-capital ship Smart Missiles on the sides. Not that you'll need any of that, though. Bob says looking this thing head should be enough to make potential rivals soil themselves. Of course it may have had something to do with Jeb pushing buttons while Bob was snapping this picture of the new ride...


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Hey guys and gals (dunno if one has actually submitted a single post or acknowledged this yet, but I will address the lasses), sorry for such an absence. I did say that I would update it, and I never did, but today, I'm going to get to it immediately.

Again, if you would please check the front page, and if I have asked for more information on your vessel, please provide more information for your vessel. You could be entitled to a few more rewards than just valid entry.

23278, your vessel fits requirements, butyou said that it was a later version. Version has nothing to do with whether or not it's submitable. I will make this known. If you have th epatience, then update it. I would see it a good reason myself if I ever built something amazing in the past versions of KSP.

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Here is a little something I've always wanted to build, a flying city. And I've wanted to do it within KSP for a long time. I call it Kerbantis. 429 parts, 109 crew max capacity.

That is 109 Kerbals on one vessel, guys. It flies, it has enough DeltaV to make it to orbit, it has uber-heavy landing gear, an alcubierre drive, runs off of an antimatter drive, and so on.

I think I will make exceptions for certain vessels on certain otherwise unauthorized debugs. For example, Kerbantis is 429 parts. Even when using an overclocker on my computer, it's very heavy on my FPS. I don't have two hours to put a ship like this in orbit of Kerbin. But, everything checks out on the "Is it possible?", side. It has enough DeltaV, fuel, thrust, whatever, to make it to Kerbin's orbit. I will leave it in orbit, though, and maybe spend a few hours some other time launching Kerbantis. For now, it is only qualified. Purpose of putting it into orbit is for picture purposes.

No, it's not a replica. There is such a thing as a city, named Atlantis, which can fly through space like a massive ship, but I'm not modeling it after that, only using the concept. this is what I meant when I told everyone that if they make their own "versions" of something, they can qualify their creation. I don't think I'd ever see a concept version of a Millennium Falcon, though.....

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First pic: Antimatter drive at work, bottom side of Kerbantis.

Second pic: A mishap...I have no idea what happened. Only that Kerbantis suddenly began falling apart in atmosphere...I couldn't even find out where it started coming apart, the log was filled.

Third pic: A shot of Kerbantis

Fourth pic: A good shot of Kerbantis during the "day".

Fifth pic: Kerbantis from above.

Sixth pic: Kerbantis at night

Seventh pic: Another day shot, but with lights on.

Edited by SeventhArchitect
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