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NASA Parts keep overheating?

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Try to upload a picture it will make it easier to diagnose the problem, but it sounds like it could be one of two things:

1. Your SRB's are too close and above your main sail engine which means the exhaust from the SRB,s is over heating your Main Sails.

2. The fuel tank your using is not designed to be directly attached to a mainsail, for example, the orange tank causes the engine attached to it to overheat.

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It's his NASA engines overheating, not the Mainsail.

Two fixes for the liquid fueled engines;

1. use the Mainsail trick of placing a pancake fuel can between the engine and big fuel can.

2. Throttle back 10% after launch once overheating starts.

For the SRB, tweak the thrust back to 90% in the VAB.

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I've observed this issue myself a fair bit with the new engines. It seems to be related to the heat distribution issue that Mainsails had when attached to the Jumbo64 tanks before they fixed that in an earlier version. I'm guessing that "anchoring" the engines to a smaller fuel tank or a small part closer to their center of mass might help.

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The first thing I would do is check to see if they're actually overheating or not.

Just becuase the overheat bar comes on doesn't mean you're gonna blow the engine. I'd say test it first and see if the engines actually blow out or if the bar stops at some point.

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Yeah, nukes regularly threaten to blow out but never do, sometimes they'll reach the very end of the bar and stop; until an engine fills the overheat bar, nothing will happen. If they are filling the bar and blowing up, use the techniques said above or try to spread you engines out; sometimes being close together makes them overheat!

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Yeah, nukes regularly threaten to blow out but never do, sometimes they'll reach the very end of the bar and stop

Mine do - may have something to do with DRE values?

I cannot burn higher then 75% with nukes.

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Mine do - may have something to do with DRE values?

I cannot burn higher then 75% with nukes.

Possibly; try it without DRE to see if they still do? That isn't a certain rule though, they still can overheat if their exhausts are hitting each other or they are placed too close together; I think you can have 4 nukes on a quad adaptor and they won't blow up... I know for sure 3 on a tri won't blow; any more and they probably will blow up!

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