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[0.23.5] Go At Throttle Up [May-11-2014]


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Let's just call this what it is... a LARPing mod. :)


  • This is a KSP mission control mod. It is designed to give pertinent flight data to either the pilot on a multi-monitor machine, or be used as a multiplayer tool with a mission control/pilot setup. In a mission control situation, the ideal setup is 2-4 people in “mission control†in another room from the pilot who is running IVA only with no map or UI to help. We like to use rasterpropmon in this case to make the cockpit experience more entertaining. The mission control people then need to communicate among themselves and then through a comms officer who relays directions to the pilot. All of the required data to get a kerbalnaut LARP pilot to the Mun and back is presently presented, more data to help with inter-planetary trips is planned, but probably possible presently if you have a firm grasp of orbital mechanics.

Video Dairy/Updates:

Video Install Instructions (Windows):

Release Info (newest info at top):

New features in this release:

  1. Better Encounter/Orbit interface and better take off/ascent interface. Still in beta, and more to come.


  1. Status: Alpha

    1. Mostly works, and is under serious development. Please report bugs I WILL BE RESPONSIVE =)

    2. Current Features
      1. Place-able Antenna (this transmits to the local relay via http posts)
      2. Place-able Cameras (max of 8, these also transmit to the local relay via http posts)

    3. Wicked Web Pages/Gauges/Data to allow you to have someone pilot with whatever mods they want (plus this one) and then mission control can talk with them via mumble or what-have-you and you have a proper mission control larp type thing.

    4. Requires
      1. Python 2.6+ (https://www.python.org/) Don't use python 3.0 branch yet. I have a couple things in GATU that are 2.0 branch specific. That'll go away at some point though.
      2. Kerbal 0.23.5 or above probably.

[*] Planned Features

  1. See: https://github.com/withorwithoutgod/GoAtThrottleUp/issues?labels=enhancement

[*]Shout outs:

  1. I had a question about how some camera rendering worked in Kerbal so I emailed the rasterpropmonitor creator (Eugene Medvedev) and he pointed me in the right direction. Thanks to him for his incredible mod, and being a stand up friendly guy!
  2. Telemachus and Richard Blunt for being my inspiration. I was going to just write a web interface to telemachus, but telemachus has some performance problems when you have a couple people all pulling data, so I wrote a Telemachus relay. Then I decided that I should just re-write the whole thing so it doesn't depend on telemachus. Telemachus is an outstanding mod, and can live side-by-side with GATU if you want to run them both.

[*]Known Bugs

  1. See: https://github.com/withorwithoutgod/GoAtThrottleUp/issues?labels=bug

[*]Install process

  1. Install python. Either from python.org or even easier: https://ninite.com/python/
  2. Grab newest release from git hub. https://github.com/withorwithoutgod/GoAtThrottleUp/releases
  3. The GoAtThrottleUp.zip is the kerbal plugin, it goes in the usual plugin place.
  4. The ServerRelay.zip is the "web interface part" it can live where-ever.
  5. You'll want to run the Server Relay on the same computer running Kerbal. I'll make that more easily tweak able, but for now: Same computer.

    1. You run the "gatu-server-relay.py" and then point your web browser to
      1. If you are on windows, this usually involves double clicking the file itself.
      2. If you are macos/linux you'll want to run the command from a terminal or in screen or something.

    2. Check the data flow light on the "lights" page to confirm data is coming in once you are at the launch pad. It should be "blue", yellow or red means no comms coming in.
    3. Once you are in the ship editor, place some cameras and the GATU antenna on your ship somewhere.
    4. Configure all the cameras to have different ID's. I do not sanity check that yet, so make sure they have different ids.
    5. Launch the ship and you should see data coming in.

      PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE if you ever have a lan "party" with this mod, post pictures to this thread it would make my century. And if you live in or around Denton Texas INVITE ME! =)
      GitHub: https://github.com/withorwithoutgod/GoAtThrottleUp
      License: All of my code is MIT license. Please see the respective licenses of included code for their particulars.
      Javascript is disabled. View full album
      I'm putting this out here a bit early to showcase and to get ideas. What does everyone want to see from a mod like this?
  6. Open a terminal
  7. Naviagate to the directory of the server relay
  8. type "python ./gatu-server-relay.py"
  9. watch the magic
If port 8080 is already in use, the mod won't work. I'll make that tweakable later.
These have configurable capture frequency, resolution and camera ID. They all must have a unique ID. (The mod doesn't sanity check this, if you have dupes it runs, but renders strange)
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I'm putting this out here a bit early to showcase and to get ideas. What does everyone want to see from a mod like this?

Please, mercy for all users who don't have at least 3 monitors! :wink:.

Such addons are more than an invitation to fill every available space around your desk with monitors, it is almost compulsive.

Jokes apart, very nice. I like those screenies (...levels/guidance/...). But hope you may make them user-configurable (I would tailor screens for a specific mission phase, putting all the relevant info I need to keep watching on one, unless it is possible to have more screens open at the same time without filling all of my monitor estate).

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Can I just say, thank you so, so very much for making this. I'm hosting a mission control style thing with my friends in a couple weeks and I've been searching endlessly to get cameras working with Telemachus. I'm installing this just now, and god speed to you.

EDIT: I'm with wasmic on this one. Bit of a noob, a compiled version would be franticly helpful.

Edited by SuperDudeMax
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Heck yeah the MIT license allows it, but no NEED I've put a release on github. The mit license is basically the "do whatever you want just don't sue me" license.

I love any and all feedback and more updates are coming! Also a better install/config tutorial/etc.

Thanks Guys!


Here's an img of me and some of my buddies trying it out on an older version of GoAtThrottleUp. (Cameras weren't implemented at this point).

Also this whole thing is written in twitter bootstrap so it works well across devices of various res/width/heigh/orientation.


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Okay, I gotta ask, since this is streaming its data to a local webserver, what would it take to be able to embed this in a website?

The relay provides a very sane api. Embedding images would be trivial with something like mod proxy. Data is all accessed from a json rest api endpoint. Also you can have go at throttle up send it's data via http posts somewhere other than the local relay. Whatever you want. :) it's MIT license so if you are comfortable with those edits: go to town. :) otherwise let me know specifics of what you might want it to do and I'll see what I can do.

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Can I just say, thank you so, so very much for making this. I'm hosting a mission control style thing with my friends in a couple weeks and I've been searching endlessly to get cameras working with Telemachus. I'm installing this just now, and god speed to you.

EDIT: I'm with wasmic on this one. Bit of a noob, a compiled version would be franticly helpful.

Enjoy my friend. Report in with your own screenshots. :). Please please please give all good and bad feedback/bugs/new feature requests. Thanks

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Please, mercy for all users who don't have at least 3 monitors! :wink:.

Such addons are more than an invitation to fill every available space around your desk with monitors, it is almost compulsive.

Jokes apart, very nice. I like those screenies (...levels/guidance/...). But hope you may make them user-configurable (I would tailor screens for a specific mission phase, putting all the relevant info I need to keep watching on one, unless it is possible to have more screens open at the same time without filling all of my monitor estate).

I may our may not write the ability to customize interface. At this stage I want to keep the codebase as small as possible. I'd like to keep it tiny until the community decides a direction. :) I plan on writing some docs on how to make your own interfaces. It's pretty easy. Plus I'm going to be making tons more. Tell me what you want and I'll get it done. :)

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I apologise if this is a stupid question but I've installed the mod from the release (parts visible in the VHB and all that) but when I try to run the python file (that I downloaded separately) in order for the server to run it opens for a split second then instantly closes. Am I missing something here? Also, once I do get that sorted what's the address that I need to go to to access all this wonderfulness?

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I apologise if this is a stupid question but I've installed the mod from the release (parts visible in the VHB and all that) but when I try to run the python file (that I downloaded separately) in order for the server to run it opens for a split second then instantly closes. Am I missing something here? Also, once I do get that sorted what's the address that I need to go to to access all this wonderfulness?

Default address once the relay is running:

If it can't bind to localport 8080 it will probably just die. If you can, you should also be able to right click on the file and select "open with idle". You should then see the source code. Select "Run" from the menu and select "Run" module. This may give me some good debug text to help you. =)

I bet it failed to import something as you need all the various dependencies as well. I've packaged them up correctly in the zip file on the newest github release.

I've updated the release on github: https://github.com/withorwithoutgod/GoAtThrottleUp/releases to provide two separate zip files that should simplify the process.

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Done. Check out the github release page.

Would I be able to control the rocket as I would normally but then have this on extra displays around me? Or would I have to play from a mission control standpoint? I'd rather the first to be honest :) :)

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The relay provides a very sane api. Embedding images would be trivial with something like mod proxy. Data is all accessed from a json rest api endpoint. Also you can have go at throttle up send it's data via http posts somewhere other than the local relay. Whatever you want. :) it's MIT license so if you are comfortable with those edits: go to town. :) otherwise let me know specifics of what you might want it to do and I'll see what I can do.

To elaborate a bit more:

Api Endpoints:

Return like so:




Embed away.

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Would I be able to control my rocket/vessel as I would normally, but then have these displays up on my two spare monitors? Or does this replace that and make you play from a Mission Control standpoint? :)

I would say the PREFERRED method is to play as you described.

Yousrself or someone else plays Kerbal as normal with the normal kerbal game/interface and these are just axillary interfaces to make fun=fun*2

I recommended the kerbal-naut use something like rasterpropmonitor to get yourself a cool IVA interface, and then disable the gui in kerbal. Then rely on the GATU interfaces for all your data.

It's wicked fun.

I also recommend using something like mumble that has a configurable sound that can be played on start and stop when you use push to talk.


The quindar tone makes the fun=fun*30

The way we've done it before was we got 4-5 kerbal players together.

1 player actually playing kerbal in another room with headset on and door closed

3-5 others in another room (like the picture above) with the various web interfaces up all communicating with the pilot exclusivly via mumble. We dedicate ONE person to be CAPCOM (comms guy) all other data is relayed via various people.

We have to tell the pilot when to stage/gravity turn/change pitch/roll/heading all that stuff you just do naturally.

I plan on making this mod allow you to do un-manned rover missions. You load up kerbal in the other room, close the door behind you and control EVERYTHING from the GATU interfaces with the grainy/static-y cameras being your only visual.

I want a configurable chance of various parts having "faults" and needing to get rebooted/fixed via EVA.

I picture the following mumble conversation:

"KerbalNaut this is Mission Control, we're having trouble getting good data from camera one, can you go eva and attempt to fix. Over"

Anyone who thinks that doesn't sound fun is no friend of mine. =)

I was UNGODLY fun when we did it, and I plan on making it better.

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Oh that is so epic! I'm so gonna have a KSP party with my friends now! RPM is probably essential for something like this then! Just as a side note, I downloaded all the files (parts, plugins, server etc.) from Github, will I be able to just drag and drop those into a folder in Gamedata? Thanks a lot!

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I can also imagine using the checklist and other things from my guide when I'm Mission Control. Here's an outdated update?? of the guide: http://imgur.com/a/n5w1q

When we did it we used a preflight checklist as well.

Conversations went like this:


Boosters go.


Comms go.

Set throttle at 60%

Throttle at 60%.

Countdown to launch. 54321 launch.

Once we get into lower atmospheric density we say the most important part.

This is mission control you are go at throttle up.

Roger. Go at throttle up


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