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[FORUM GAME] The tall skyscraper game.


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You suddenly realise that you\'ve been inactive on the KSP forum for way too long and quickly resolve to use it more often if only the dinosaur will go away which it promptly does. Then you notice the Squad logo on the side. You take a calm stroll down to floor 120 and buy a drink... some sort of drink. Come to think of it, it tastes a little like rocket fuel... How do you know what that tastes like? Don\'t ask.

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You push Jeb out the window with your flying contraption on and it sputters and dies. Fair enough to say you may not see him for a while. Then you realise you need to use the toilet and the last one you saw was on ground floor...

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Floor 126 is a room containing forbidden knowledge. However, the knowldge sees you and runs off to maintain it\'s forbidden status, and you proceed to floor 127, where you find...

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