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"The Definitive Guide" to all obtainable science in the universe


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OK, so here is my shot at listing each and every bit of obtainable science in the Kerbal universe, compiled into an easy-to-read spreadsheet.

- Ever wonder how much science you can get from Ike compared to Jool? (Ike has more, and is easier to get to)

- Is a Gravity Scan in Low Space over Minmus per-biome or global? (per-biome, but you knew that)

- Did you know that you can get more Science Points from Kerbol (The Sun) than all the biomes on Kerbin combined? (yep, 'tis true)

This spreadsheet shows every biome on every celestial body, which experiments are valid in each one, and how much science you will earn from performing the experiment. All of the information was taken from the Wiki and various forum posts.

Using a dropdown box, you can choose to display values for returning experiments to Kerbin, for Transmitting them, or for processing them in a Lab.

I'd be happy to hear suggestions for improvement, and PLEASE do point out any mistakes you find so I can correct them.




Latest version: 1.3 (8/15/14)

Excel 2013 format: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jyx2m7x1xw39wb5/KSP%20Science%20Chart.xlsx

Excel 97-03 format: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3fh845tfdhzfh24/KSP%20Science%20Chart.xls

OpenOffice format: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qg0szytmzot919c/KSP%20Science%20Chart.ods

PDF format: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jz78nribdm1w77b/KSP%20Science%20Chart.pdf

Note: I have removed the v1.X suffixes from the filenames, so that I don't need to generate new Dropbox links every time I update the files, and I added a "Version" field at the top right corner of the spreadsheet

Updates: 8/15/14 Fixed highlighting, removed several unobtainable surface biomes from Moho & Gilly

Edited by Timbo
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Very nice. I've wanted something like this for a long time, and even tried to make it but gave up because of how complex they made the innards of science.

Don't you get different science reports from the land vs oceans of eve/laythe?

You do, but only for some things (I don't know which). You can also get them for being "splashed down on Kerbin's grasslands" or whatever if you can find water where you're not in an ocean biome.

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Wow. I never realized how much science there really was. It doesn't even account for science that can be gained from experiments in mods... Does the spreadsheet factor in experiments that can be repeated for more science (such as surface samples)?

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Looking at the ODS file, I have one suggestion: Could you change the "per experiment" multiplier setup so you can modify it in one spot and have it populate everything? For example, in each "Crew Report" column the top number is a 5 because that's the base value. Instead of that, could you have somewhere the base values listed? one possibility is to just set the subsequent areas to read from appropriate "Surface" column. So, box O3 would not have the value "5" but instead the value "=E3" in it.

That way, I could see the result of lowering the total possible science gain of an experiment quickly and easily.

(I'm going to change my local copy, but still maybe someone else would like it as well)

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What's the secret, 5thHorseman. My content is as good a yours but you have more views and subscribers. Heck, I'm a subscriber. What gives?

Without derailing the thread any more than is necessary, the first thing I notice about your channel is that you're not advertising it in your signature. If nobody knows you're doing videos nobody will watch them. Also, I've been posting vids for well over a year (2 years in October) and these things take time. And finally, I'm small potatoes so aspiring to be like me may not be the best goal :D


I found your channel and can't watch the videos right now (tethered to a cell phone) but I see you don't do covers for your videos and don't post a vid a day. Consistency and attention to these details is important. 1 a day isn't critical (but it's nice) but keeping to a schedule is good. Finally, you've only got about 50 videos. When I had 50 videos I had like 10 subscribers. Like I said above, it takes time. Lots and lots of time. Don't do it for views, subscribers, comments, or anything else other than you like doing it.

Edited by 5thHorseman
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Awesome resource there Timbo. That will be very useful, I think.

@Hamster - the Sun is there. It's at the top of the list with its unofficial name, Kerbol.

Then maybe change the name to something like:


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Looking at the ODS file, I have one suggestion: Could you change the "per experiment" multiplier setup so you can modify it in one spot and have it populate everything? For example, in each "Crew Report" column the top number is a 5 because that's the base value. Instead of that, could you have somewhere the base values listed? one possibility is to just set the subsequent areas to read from appropriate "Surface" column. So, box O3 would not have the value "5" but instead the value "=E3" in it.

That way, I could see the result of lowering the total possible science gain of an experiment quickly and easily.

(I'm going to change my local copy, but still maybe someone else would like it as well)

@5thHorseman I've taken your idea a step further. Now you can set whether you want the 100% Recovery values, the 20-50% Transmission values, or the 30-75% Lab Processing values in a single place (a drop-down box) and when you make that change it updates the entire spreadsheet. If you want I could also probably add an option where you can override the values with whatever arbitrary amount you want. Check out the new version and let me know what you think. I'm happy to modify it further.

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Don't you get different science reports from the land vs oceans of eve/laythe?

I don't think that is the case. It's my understanding that although the game reports you as Landed or SplashedDown, it is not a separate biome in terms of getting another unique set of science. If you can verify that I am wrong, I will gladly update the spreadsheet

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Wow. I never realized how much science there really was. It doesn't even account for science that can be gained from experiments in mods... Does the spreadsheet factor in experiments that can be repeated for more science (such as surface samples)?

Nope. Anyway repeating experiments is only helpful if you transmitted them rather than bringing them home, right? Surface samples require a Kerbal so if you're getting a surface sample you can just bring it home with Jeb (surely you're not just abandoning him?). In that case you get 100% of it's value so bringing a second sample later from the same biome would not give you any additional science, unless I am misunderstanding the way it works.

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I have a capsule right now in orbit around Jool that has both of these nodes in it:

data = 8
subjectID = surfaceSample@LaytheSrfSplashed
xmit = 0.25
labBoost = 0
title = Surface Sample from Laythe's oceans
data = 8
subjectID = surfaceSample@LaytheSrfLanded
xmit = 0.25
labBoost = 0
title = Surface Sample from Laythe's surface

I haven't returned them yet but you cannot have two experiments from the same place in the same capsule (it's a mk1 cockpit).

Sadly it's going to be a while (at least a week) before this mission is home.

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Repeating expirements is helpful if they are actually expirements. Crew reports and Surface samples have 100 percent return value, but expirements have like 90 percent return value, i try to always leave a set of every expirement on the return capsule so i can store expirements in the capsule and also return a set of the expirements for 100 percent return value

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Um.....Why are the atmosperic only expirements on there in places without an atmosphere? Barometic Pressure and Sensor array analasis are both listed as viable expirements on mun and minmus and every other planet without an atmosphere. These are not obtainable science points. These are imaginary science points.

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I have a capsule right now in orbit around Jool that has both of these nodes in it:

data = 8
subjectID = surfaceSample@LaytheSrfSplashed
xmit = 0.25
labBoost = 0
title = Surface Sample from Laythe's oceans
data = 8
subjectID = surfaceSample@LaytheSrfLanded
xmit = 0.25
labBoost = 0
title = Surface Sample from Laythe's surface

I haven't returned them yet but you cannot have two experiments from the same place in the same capsule (it's a mk1 cockpit).

Sadly it's going to be a while (at least a week) before this mission is home.

Yeah, it looks like you are right. I also found this a few minutes ago, which confirms getting two samples from the same biome and experiment, but with different situations - one Landed and one Splashed http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66668-Science-Biomes

When I read the Science Wiki I mistakenly thought it meant that the "Water" biome gave 0.4 multipler instead of a 0.3 multiplier like you get on land. But it's not whether you are ON LAND or ON WATER, it's whether you LANDED or SPLASHED (SrfLanded vs SrfSplashed). Which is why you can splashdown into a lake then walk to a mountain biome and get science from it even if you previously got science from that mountain biome during a previous landing (actually, a bit more since you get 0.4 for the splashdown instead of 0.3 for landing). I tested this earlier and verified that is the case. So again, what to do with the spreadsheet? I'm thinking that since we're talking about new situations not new biomes, I will duplicate the SURFACE columns and rename them SURFACE (Landed) and SURFACE (Splashed). What say ye?

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Um.....Why are the atmosperic only expirements on there in places without an atmosphere? Barometic Pressure and Sensor array analasis are both listed as viable expirements on mun and minmus and every other planet without an atmosphere. These are not obtainable science points. These are imaginary science points.

Hmmmm.... that must have been caused by sub-space interference, a spatial anomaly, or a rift in the the space-time continuum. Could also have been the 4 IPA's I drank last night. Wait 5 minutes and look for version 1.2 (Thanks!)

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lol you are welcome. when i first noticed it, i only noticed the sensor array analisis and freaked out for a second cause i thought maybe it wasn't just for atmospheric use. but then i noticed the barometric pressure and was like "waaaiiiitttt a minute" :P

So this means a reasonable chunk of the "total science from body" is going to go down for non-atmospheric planets. ESPECIALLY Mun and Minmus because those expirements are biome specific which means quite a few chunks of 60-80 science points will be deducted from the total.

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lol you are welcome. when i first noticed it, i only noticed the sensor array analisis and freaked out for a second cause i thought maybe it wasn't just for atmospheric use. but then i noticed the barometric pressure and was like "waaaiiiitttt a minute" :P

So this means a reasonable chunk of the "total science from body" is going to go down for non-atmospheric planets. ESPECIALLY Mun and Minmus because those expirements are biome specific which means quite a few chunks of 60-80 science points will be deducted from the total.

Yeah. Ike and the Joolian moons were wrong too. I looked at my version 1.0 and it was correct so I must have messed up 1.1 while working on the formatting yesterday. But, total science is going to go UP when I add the columns for "SURFACE (Splashed)" as described above. That is going to add a lot for Kerbin, Eve and Laythe. Stay tuned.

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