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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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Hi, I was wondering how I can use my joystick buttons as fire buttons? I tried using JoystickButton0 as seen in the ksp settings and replaced mouse 0 in the bdarmory settings file, but that didnt work. I rather have the fire key on my joystick than on mouse, its kinda awkward to fire this way, at least only for guns like the hidden vulcan cannon. Pls Help ?

And I've made some adjustments to the missiles like the AIM9 & AIM120 to make their performance more realistic and I created a mod of the AGM65 to be the AIM54 Phoenix, I will share it with the rest of my mods later today I hope (currently in Uni).

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Hi, I was wondering how I can use my joystick buttons as fire buttons? I tried using JoystickButton0 as seen in the ksp settings and replaced mouse 0 in the bdarmory settings file, but that didnt work. I rather have the fire key on my joystick than on mouse, its kinda awkward to fire this way, at least only for guns like the hidden vulcan cannon. Pls Help ?

And I've made some adjustments to the missiles like the AIM9 & AIM120 to make their performance more realistic and I created a mod of the AGM65 to be the AIM54 Phoenix, I will share it with the rest of my mods later today I hope (currently in Uni).

Awesome to have more weapons available!

As for the joystick I gave up on using it for ksp long ago since it would remind everytubg when the game envevitably crashed. Mod problems FTW

I saw a mod on the main release page that supposedly made them work well but not sure if it'd play nice. As it is most guns use the mouse for tracking so that'd be hard with a joystick.

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Here you can see my test launch with the AIM54 Phoenix at a F4-ish drone plane using my launchplatform ( F14-ish recreation :B ) from a distance of ~30km.
Currently I am trying to fire at planes at further distances, but all the drone switching is awkward in KSP, and I need to make them fly perfectly straight, anyone knows a good trim mod?

The planes use my modded engines for B9, basically I looked up a lot of specs of realworld jetengines in military use, right now I have : F100PW229, F110GE100, F110GE129, F110GE132, F110GE400, F119PW100, F135PW100, AL31F, AL31FM, AL31FP, AL41F1S (F16,F14,F15,F22,F35,Su27,Su34,Su38,Su50) Used the BahaSP vectorengine for the russian vectorthrust engines, others are B9 turbojet or the F119 turbofan models.

I dont have problems with using my joystick, only thing is that I cant get the guns to work with it even when I change the config files to the right button. It'd be nice if the guns could be fired using an action group, then again it'd be nice if there where MOAR action groups since I run out of them constantly ^^
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I've made copies of a few of the turrets to be fixed (i.e. fire straight forward as with the hidden vulcan) by changing the minPitch, maxPitch and yawRange. It would be great to be able to tweak these values in game so I don't need the extra parts. The values provided in the cfg would become the limits, and the player could adjust freely between them within the VAB/SPH

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I don't have any pictures since I'm at school on my ipad but I found that the Firespitter pack is a lot of fun because its bomber hull is literally a perfect bomber.

Also I found that a double fuselage with a B9 m2 above and an upside down one below works well if you put your wings in a high dihedral configuration.

Also for bombers TAC fuel balancer is critical so you don't flip out after dropping thousands of pounds of ordinance and shifting the center of mass. Do tests to figure out where the fuel needs to move and transfer while you do your run. Its kinda complicated but will easily fix your instability problem.

Edit* Also I probably need to update my banner since that was ksp .21 lol

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I don't know if this was a bug or not, it's probably some AI logic that's being wonky, but I felt like doing some scenarios that ended up getting really complicated to explain. I would set up an anti air missile launcher behind a building, prepared to shoot down the opposite team, which was on the other side, so no sightline meant no shooting yet. The opposite team had a rocket on the pad that, when launched, would eventually enter the first teams sightline, which should try to shoot it down I would think. Team two also had missile trucks that were set up to counter team ones missiles once they were seen. My issue is that team one won't stop locking onto team two's trucks instead of the rocket that is launched! ...!

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I've made copies of a few of the turrets to be fixed (i.e. fire straight forward as with the hidden vulcan) by changing the minPitch, maxPitch and yawRange. It would be great to be able to tweak these values in game so I don't need the extra parts. The values provided in the cfg would become the limits, and the player could adjust freely between them within the VAB/SPH

Good idea. Done.

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Yay :) When can we expect the next release

I think that goes without saying also I think BahamutoD is waiting for the next ksp for an update since the current version is stable and compatibility patches are annoying

If I'm wrong please tell me weaponsmaster BahamutoD!

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Hopefully, I can release it this week. Depending on when 0.90 drops, there may be a bit of delay before I can update again because I'll be traveling from Dec 19 till mid January...


Here are some clips of improved air-to-ground and ground-to-ground missile behavior:



They won't point directly at the target at first, to maintain altitude, or gain altitude if they're far away. They can have a bit of angle of attack too.

Edited by BahamutoD
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Anyone have a decent heavy bomber craft they would like to share?? Mine was ok til I dropped the load and tried to turn around

I could supply a Vertigo Bomber.

Not it is everything but a Vertigo Bomber, fast, maneuverable, quite heavy, quite a lot of bombs, non-VTOL, non-STOL, non-invisible.

Pic of actual bomber: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110220233658/cnc/images/1/15/CNCKW_Vertigo.png

Pic of my bomber: c222b7ee86dc4d2b2c8926751821a16d

What a bad pic... but I have more than 200 screenshots and several minutes of loading time. If you really want a better one tell me and i will get one, that's what I could find.

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I still seem to have this 'things explode or fall through the ground'-glitch when I am in a craft moving further away than +10km from the landed/stopped craft on the ground.

Physics range is at 100km for me.

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I still seem to have this 'things explode or fall through the ground'-glitch when I am in a craft moving further away than +10km from the landed/stopped craft on the ground.

Physics range is at 100km for me.

The terrain collider seems to be disabled at 12km. In the next update, the max range for unpacking/packing landed vessels will be limited to <12km. This will mean that you cant switch to landed vessels that are further than 12km but at least they won't fall through anymore. I am still getting an issue with switching between vessels that are far from each other - some other vessels tend to suddenly gain a certain amount of velocity...

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Hopefully, I can release it this week. Depending on when 0.90 drops, there may be a bit of delay before I can update again because I'll be traveling from Dec 19 till mid January...


Here are some clips of improved air-to-ground and ground-to-ground missile behavior:



They won't point directly at the target at first, to maintain altitude, or gain altitude if they're far away. They can have a bit of angle of attack too.

This behavior is PERFECT for my MLRS Missiles, Have you managed to get a cluster missile to work? Or do we need to reuse the cluster bomb model and turn that into the missile?

Also Will we be able to have the load distance at 30km so that we are able to fire at those ranges. Or due to the collider issues it will be limited only to 12km/

I look forward to this latest release, as i look forward to the chin mounted chain gun and new AtG and GtG missile behavior!

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- Added Smart Guards (early)

- Added M230 Chain Gun

- Added S-8KOM Rocket Pod

- Added control authority factor to missiles based on airspeed and atmos. density

- Added bullet ricochet

- Added tweakables for turret swivel range

- Added new air-to-ground missile guidance

- Air-air missiles are inaccurate against landed units

- Tied part impact tolerance to destruction chance from explosions

- Tied damage multiplier factor to explosions

- Fix: Rocket particles cut off or taper after motor cutoff

- Fix: Increase crash tolerance of missile rail

- Fix: Limited landed pack/unpack distance to <12km to reduce vessels falling through terrain

- Fixed NRE when attempting to explode a part that is 'packed'

- Changed: Countermeasures are now a finite resource

- Changed: Greatly reduced default damage multiplier (by about 66%).

- Changed: Missiles and bombs are not explosive until they are fired.

- Changed: Explosion damage and force does not pass through objects (armor plating is more useful)

- Performance: Slightly increased trajectory simulation delta time

- Explosion models and sound effects are now configurable

- Visuals and effects tweaks

- - Improved bullet and laser textures

- - Bullet glow visible at further distances

- - Better particle trails for rockets, missiles, countermeasures


- Please read the change log and ask questions! -

I added a whole lot in this update. I wanted to do more, but I figured I'd release what I've done so far so at least you can play with it and find mistakes I made with the new stuff.

Some specific comments:

New visuals: The smoke trails are thicker and more solid, the tracers are brighter and more visible at a distance. I hope you like them. I also changed around some of the tracer colors - not all of them are red anymore.

A note to part makers: With the new tracer effects, you may need to adjust the tracer start and end widths of your turrets - they may look smaller than they were before. Look at my turret configs.

Smart Guards: The guards will use missiles when you are further than 2km, and switch to guns when you get close. As before, they will switch weapons when the selected missile or gun's ammo is depleted.

- I eventually want the guards to choose appropriate weapons based on the weapons' optimal range, type of missile, etc. I will also eventually put an option to bring it back to old behaviour, so it only uses the one weapon you choose for it.

Ricochet: Bullets have a chance to ricochet depending on the angle they hit surfaces. There are also new sound effects for bullet impacts and ricochets.

Customizable explosions: This one is for part creators. Any part that uses explosions - bombs, rockets, missiles, cannons - no longer uses the 'size' parameter for explosions. Instead, they take a file path for an explosion effect model and sound effect. Ask me for specifics if you are trying to make something. You can just not define these, and they will default to the already existing explosion model and sound. Check the mk82 and cluster bomb configs for an idea.

Tweaked damage: Things generally do less damage, and explosion force/damage doesn't pass through all objects. Parts with high impact tolerance like structural plates etc can be used as armor to some extent. Direct hits from missiles or volley's of high caliber rounds are still pretty deadly, but you could probably walk/fly away from a glancing hit.

Countermeasures are finite, so use them wisely. I find that its enough to drop 4-6 in front of a missile, then turn away. If you are/were spamming countermeasures and still got hit, you should try different maneuvers.

Edited by BahamutoD
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Can shells ricochet an infinite amount of times? Or do they just dissapear when they ricochet? Also, what do you think about normalization? Some shells could have better normalization, for example a 50 cal could have 10 degrees, and some could have low or none, so the 30mm could have 2 degrees at most. It could make 50 cals mroe useful :D

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Still having issues with making a missile into a cluster missile, I'll attempt to use the cluster bomb model for my next round of tests and see if it depends on the model to work proper.

Edit: I confirmed the error is with the model, I got a working MLRS Cluster missile EXCEPT it looks like the cluster bomb and not the Hellfire. Is there a snowball chance in the rainforest that you can modify a hellfire model/texture to include the cluster bomb bomblets for the Cluster Missile that I have been working on BahamutoD? I'm not too good with that sort of stuff myself nor do I have the ability to make stuff within unity and do all that is needed to make it work in KSP. Many many thanks in advanced.

Edited by Damaske
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Can shells ricochet an infinite amount of times? Or do they just dissapear when they ricochet? Also, what do you think about normalization? Some shells could have better normalization, for example a 50 cal could have 10 degrees, and some could have low or none, so the 30mm could have 2 degrees at most. It could make 50 cals mroe useful :D

They can only ricochet once. I didn't put much thought into the calculations for the ricochets so there is room for improvement. Normalization is probably too much detail..

Still having issues with making a missile into a cluster missile, I'll attempt to use the cluster bomb model for my next round of tests and see if it depends on the model to work proper.

The model needs to be specifically made for a cluster bomb/missile; you can't just convert any old missile into one.


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