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[1.1] BDArmory v0.11.0.1 (+compatibility, fixes) - Apr 23


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BahamutoD, can you put it to part packs on frist page?

Nick233`s Nuclear Weapons.

I present you new add-on fo BDArmory,Nuclear Weapons!:cool:Pss, don`t say jeb about this addon!

It adds:

Mk41 Bombs (Half of Mk82)

Mk92 Bombs(Jus bigger version of Mk 82 Bombs)

Mk1000X Nuke "Baby Kraken" (Oh yeah!)

Mk9999X "Hydrogen Jeb":rolleyes: aka "Tsar Bomba" (I think because of KSP physics it not so effective but stiil!)

Nuclear Explosive Warhead

Hydrogen Explosive Warhead

Maverick with small nuclear warhead


Some Pictures: (I add more in future...)



Jeb aprroves!


To do list:

Moar nuclear weapons!

Tactical weapons.

Vaccum bombs.

Even moar nuclear weapons!!!

My own models and textures

Moar explosions.

NEW update!

With more power and textures!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8sjths5k1tcin6b/AABe-mtXuKgFlgunQK7_2Glda?dl=0

License- CC-BY-SA 4.0

Edited by Nick233
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Baha, I had a thought about jamming.

I suggest two types of jamming pods. One broad-spectrum, but smaller, aircraft self-protection jammer, ala the kind you see in wingtip pods on Russian fighters. The other would be large, podded, anti SAM-radar jamming pods like the AN/ALQ-99/131/184 et all.

This would give fighters handy protection against both SAMs and air-to-air missiles, and dedicated EW aircraft (like the Prowler, Growler, Raven, SU-24MP, and many others) the tools to blank out radars like they are designed to do.

The larger pods, although usually carried in at least twos, if not fours by dedicated electronic warfare aircraft, can also be used alone by SEAD tasked fighters, like how F-16CJs usually fly with either a -131 or -184.

Where I'm going with this is that later on, when either DMP compatibility is worked out, or the AI gets FAR more advanced, the player could take the role of either SEAD, or electronic interdiction, as well as air to air we're already familiar with. It would add an interesting dimension to the air-to-ground component

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Baha, can you move tracer models to another layer, the one without aerodynamic effects? THere was a thread around yesterday about it, can't find it...

HEre's teh screnshot of a problem, look at tracer from .50 cal strapped under my Rafale to demonstrate teh problem. It is also visible on projectiles coming out of front-shooting gun, only it's (obviously) aligned in different way/


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Baha, can you move tracer models to another layer, the one without aerodynamic effects? THere was a thread around yesterday about it, can't find it...

HEre's teh screnshot of a problem, look at tracer from .50 cal strapped under my Rafale to demonstrate teh problem. It is also visible on projectiles coming out of front-shooting gun, only it's (obviously) aligned in different way/


I don't know if it depends on what layer its on, but I'll see.

Here's some pics of a couple new things:

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It indeed depends on layer, I'll try to find that thread where people checked that.

AN/ALQ-131 ECM pod, LANTIRN pod, proper flare dispensers, JDAM... 10 megs of pure awesomeness. :P Would be nice to have some more pylons, TER's, MER's and double Sidewinder rails.

EDIT: Indeed you need layer 15, see bottom of this article: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/API:Layers

Edited by sashan
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I've got two questions regarding new targeting system. First will radar be effective against ground targets (i don't think they should)? Second, will it be possible for laser to track mouse movements?

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Sure the teams setting, FOV and ranges were correct? CIWS won't engage friendly missiles.

Btw, I've added exploivenes to GOalkeeper. Much more effective now. IF only we could choose explosion fx, depending on surface....

yes teams and everything were correct. It would engage any other missile. But wouldnt engage cruise missles

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I've got two questions regarding new targeting system. First will radar be effective against ground targets (i don't think they should)? Second, will it be possible for laser to track mouse movements?

Baha can you answer? PLEASE OR I'LL DROP 20 FORKEN TONS OF JDAMS ON MY HEAD JUST TO GET THE FRAKEN ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111!!

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Baha can you answer? PLEASE OR I'LL DROP 20 FORKEN TONS OF JDAMS ON MY HEAD JUST TO GET THE FRAKEN ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111!!

Catched you at the word, now waiting for video with you doing it. In KSP, of course. :P

Baha, small idea about bombs. Can you add an option to sort them by Y (vertical) coordinate in Weapon Manager, and release them bottom ones first? So far they drop like early B-52 ones, top ones are released, but they lay on bottom ones till that ones are released as well, and then we have a huge pile of bombs falling very closely, which reduces efficiency when bombing from small altitudes. But it looks kool indeed. :P


Btw, that was only forward bay emptied, with rear and pylons occupied by missiles.

In case you wonder about visuals - that's Scatterer with slightly tweaked density and Real Plume.

Edited by sashan
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There are JDAM's made by some people out here. Not very precise, but they can hit the 50m circle around target.

EDIT: Are those parts with suffix (fired) actually different or same? I want to detect them with MM and stop FAR from applying its physics to them. If I stop FAR applying physics to bombs at all then it would cause problems with fighter aerodynamics.

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Baha can you answer? PLEASE OR I'LL DROP 20 FORKEN TONS OF JDAMS ON MY HEAD JUST TO GET THE FRAKEN ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111111111111111!!

You could try and post the question in the steam group. Bigger chance he'll see it

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You could try and post the question in the steam group. Bigger chance he'll see it

Where is the Steam group?

- - - Updated - - -

I need help for some reason when i activate the training contract it doesn't show where the enemies are.

Not for this thread. Go to the thread where the contract was made.

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