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Yes, Squad. That's a Good Joke.


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Those not following the now ranting hype thread(s) may have missed this and it should be noticed. I just hope it doesn't cause any issues with Steam's tos.


Is not returning to your seats what passengers are asked to do just before arriving at the destination?

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^^^^ Steam has all sorts of rules about what you are allowed to list and what you aren't. Something like this might get flagged by someone not following what's been happening recently.

Why does steam list prices for all sorts of countries except Canada? I'm mean if they are going to give a separate price for Norway? And given the game is in English, I bet there are more Canadians playing than Japanese.

Well, someone or something at SteamDB has taken notice. This just appeared.


Edited by Sandworm
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Sorry about this, I really didn't mean this thread to become part of the hype machine. I'm just laughing at what Squad and KSP are doing to the internets today. Hopefully this gets some coverage for the game. Double hopefully, 0.24 will arrive before all those people arrive here and melt things even more.

From SteamDB's IRC:


Just look at the frustration. KSP = "Speaking of the devil".

Edited by Sandworm
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