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Component Space Shuttle V 5.0.1 (July 14, 2013)


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Oh! Sorry, didn't know that. Anyway thanks for telling me this Thesonicgalaxy, or I would have spent day after day drolling on my keyboard copying and pasting!!!:P Jokes!! Any way didn't mean to sound impatient Ill wait it out!!!

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Hi, This is quite the awsome mod!! launching space shuttles like a boss. Anyway i dont want to sound mean or impatient but any ETA on the new update. dont anwser if you dont want to!! Thanks!

I sent out the first test version, 6.0a to the testing team a couple hours ago. It'll be a while.

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No, but now it actually works. Previously, there were problems with robotic arms, the update that just came out is supposed to fix that.

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Pretty cool addon! Nice work!

I just have a question, how can i add something to the cargobay? I cant attach it to anything. Any suggestions?

remove the engine block that connects to the cargo bay, add a stack seperator and build what you want upside down. Then click on the stack separator and flip it so what ever you build is now inside the cargo bay. Reatach the engine block and fix your staging.

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remove the engine block that connects to the cargo bay, add a stack seperator and build what you want upside down. Then click on the stack separator and flip it so what ever you build is now inside the cargo bay. Reatach the engine block and fix your staging.

also works with docking port

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Cepheus, I PM-ed you with some info about CSS 6.00 testing a few days ago, did you receive that?
Yes. It'll be fixed in the next test version, along with the excess fuel in the ET.

For those who use MechJeb, I highly recommend using Sarbian's fork of mechjeb, here (http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/47317-MechJeb-2-Patch-test-bed-release-%28August-31-bis%29). It's monumentally less wobbly, and is an overall improvement.

Edited by Cepheus
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Is there a way to make the cargo hold show open in the VAB? its a nightmare trying to build anything but 1.25meter stuff in the bay as is. Its a hassle getting even a 2.5tank in there, and almost impossible to buil don said tank once its in.

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Yea...just as much a hassle as what I mentioned....


We could figure out how to force the animation to be backwards in VAB. There is a way to do it with the stock animation module, but the line has no effect on this(and may infact be outdated all together). I'm sure there is a way it can be done...and if you dont ever ask then you wont ever know.

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Well, there's always the (less than perfect) solution of making the cargo bay doors as a separate part like BobCat did in his Buran, but that would probably involve re-doing the whole cargo bay...

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Yes, it would require spliting the model and then putting both parts back through Unity. But I bet there is a config line to force it reversed, just not the same line as what works for stock animations. And I really know nothing about coding so its past my ability to look at the anim plugin to figure it out...

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The cargobay is using ModuleAnimateGeneric, which is the stock animator module, so the rerevse switch should work..

Here's the module's variables:

---- ModuleAnimateGeneric

public string animationName = "default";

public string status = "Locked";

public bool animSwitch = true;

public bool isOneShot = false;

public string startEventGUIName = "toggle";

public string endEventGUIName = "toggle";

so adding animSwitch = true to both door modules should do it.



name = ModuleAnimateGeneric

animationName = CargoDoors1

startEventGUIName = Open Front Doors

endEventGUIName = Close Front Doors

animSwitch = true




name = ModuleAnimateGeneric

animationName = CargoDoors2

startEventGUIName = Open Front Doors

endEventGUIName = Close Front Doors

animSwitch = true


More detail in my post HERE

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OR you can use snjo's awesome Firespitter module and use it's FSanimateGeneric module (I prefer not having to close the cargo bay doors on the launch pad). You go to action groups and you can tell it to be deployed or not. Very useful.

Comment out the entire MODULE {} ModuleAnimategeneric section and replace it with this (I'm also showing how to comment out the block):



// name = ModuleAnimateGeneric

// animationName = CargoDoors2

// startEventGUIName = Open Rear Doors

// endEventGUIName = Close Rear Doors




name = FSanimateGeneric

animationName = CargoDoors1

startEventGUIName = Open Doors

endEventGUIName = Close doors

toggleActionName = Toggle doors

startDeployed = True

customAnimationSpeed = 1.0

availableInEVA = True

availableInVessel = True

EVArange = 5

layer = 1

useActionEditorPopup = True

moduleID = 0




name = FSanimateGeneric

animationName = CargoDoors2

startEventGUIName = Open Doors

endEventGUIName = Close doors

toggleActionName = Toggle doors

startDeployed = True

customAnimationSpeed = 1.0

availableInEVA = True

availableInVessel = True

EVArange = 5

layer = 2

useActionEditorPopup = True

moduleID = 1



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Er...is there any reason in particular why this shuttle flails around when trying to land? I've lost three Kerbal crews on two different computers so far because the thing starts freaking out and spinning around.

You need to dump fuel before re-entry. To do this, you need to install the fuel dumper included in the pack, it looks like the tiny radial orange engine. Hope this helps:)!

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