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[1.3.0] Malah's Quick mods [2017.05.31]


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41 minutes ago, Jashin said:

Same here @Malah, I can't use QuickBrake at all and it's not even set to use Blizzy's Toolbar. When I click on the icon in the Stock Launcher, it'll just show a very tiny window in the center of the screen and I'm not able to do anything with it.

Désolé pour le dérangement :wink:

Can you send the logs, please?

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1 hour ago, Jashin said:

Same here @Malah, I can't use QuickBrake at all and it's not even set to use Blizzy's Toolbar.

Again, @nightingale has mentioned this already: it doesn't matter wether you use Toolbar, or have it installed. What matters is that the mod in question supports it. You could remove CC and you would probably not see any more symptoms, and guess 'well, it was CC'. But the faulty code will still be on the mod, waiting to be exposed again by some other future mod.

So, mods (not CC) need the fix...

On 23/10/2016 at 4:43 PM, Malah said:

For the blizzy toolbar: I know, it's already planned :wink:

...which seems like it's not going to be a problem for long, here :) 

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Hey, just noticed that you created a GitHub repo - if it's easier for you to push the source rather than actually try and fix everything up, I'd be happy to do some debugging and submit a PR this weekend if I can figure out what's going on. Totally understand if it'd take more work to push your source than to just fix it yourself at this point, but props for starting to move your stuff to GH anyway. Thanks for your work!

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Hello, I've updated all the QuickMods, now all of them will be installed in GameData/QuickMods at the same time I've changed the default GitHub repository to have all QuickMods in https://github.com/malahx/QuickMods
I've also updated the toolbarwrapper to be compatible with the last version of Toolbar mod and Contract Configurator.

I've also done many tiny fix.

Keep in mind, to delete all the old QuickMods directories before the update. If you use CKAN, the metadata need an update too, you need to wait a little more, I suggest you to uninstall them, to avoid any conflict.

For QuickStart, I've added a new check of the contracts/strategies, I think it will correct the contracts deletion, if you see it again, please SEND LOGS ... It's a pain to try to reproduce a bug like this one which depends of the number of mods you have installed. For those which have bugs with the quick loading time of QuickStart, since many month, in the config file there's a variable which makes a pause after the loading (by default it is set to 500ms).

@twentyfourseven now on the GitHub repository there will only have a package with all QuickMods.

Mods with only a directory change: QuickCursorHider and QuickFineControl.
Mods with only a toolbarwrapper update: QuickMute , QuickExit, QuickGoTo.

All others update:



Changelog - v1.02 - 2016.10.31

  • New: Changed the directory to GameData/QuickMods/QuickSAS
  • Fix: Updated ToolbarWrapper to Toolbar 1.7.13,
  • Fix: Deleted useless config load,
  • The default QuickMods repository is now: https://github.com/malahx/QuickMods



Changelog - v3.12 - 2016.10.31

  • New: Changed the directory to GameData/QuickMods/QuickHide
  • Fix: Updated ToolbarWrapper to Toolbar 1.7.13,
  • Fix: Deleted useless config load,
  • The default QuickMods repository is now: https://github.com/malahx/QuickMods



Changelog - v1.16 - 2016.10.31

  • New: Changed the directory to GameData/QuickMods/QuickIVA
  • Fix: Corrected the stocktoolbar button scenes,
  • Fix: Corrected the toolbar button init/destroy,
  • Fix: Updated ToolbarWrapper to Toolbar 1.7.13,
  • The default QuickMods repository is now: https://github.com/malahx/QuickMods



Changelog - v3.02 - 2016.10.31

  • New: Changed the directory to GameData/QuickMods/QuickRevert
  • Fix: Corrected the stocktoolbar button scenes,
  • Fix: Corrected the toolbar button init/destroy,
  • Fix: Updated ToolbarWrapper to Toolbar 1.7.13,
  • The default QuickMods repository is now: https://github.com/malahx/QuickMods



Changelog - v2.05 - 2016.10.31

  • New: Changed the directory to GameData/QuickMods/QuickStart
  • Fix: Corrected the SPH checkbox (thanks MK3424),
  • Fix: Corrected the contracts deletion,
  • The default QuickMods repository is now: https://github.com/malahx/QuickMods



Changelog - v1.12 - 2016.10.31



Changelog - v1.21 - 2016.10.31

  • New: Changed the directory to GameData/QuickMods/QuickBrake
  • Fix: Updated ToolbarWrapper to Toolbar 1.7.13,
  • Fix: Deleted useless config load,
  • The default QuickMods repository is now: https://github.com/malahx/QuickMods



Changelog - v3.06 - 2016.10.31

  • New: Changed the directory to GameData/QuickMods/QuickSearch
  • Fix: Updated ToolbarWrapper to Toolbar 1.7.13,
  • Fix: Corrected the stocktoolbar button,
  • Fix: Enhanced the settings functions,
  • The default QuickMods repository is now: https://github.com/malahx/QuickMods
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I have an ODD one..  

But in these day's of v1.2 with toolbars breaking contracts and parts breaking toolbars I had better post it before anyone else goes nuts like I have been past few hours.

Installing QuickStart is breaking my SVE (Stock Visual Enhancement) install.

I know..  Iknow it should not be but it is....  Maybe something to do with the loading and SVE not having enough time to settle into memory??  Wild guess there by me!!!  I am no modder.

I have done some testing, I have a test build that ONLY has the needed mods to get SVE looking nice.

As soon as I add QuickStart then clouds disappear and may be terrain, not had time to compare screenshots.

Disabling Quickstart at launch screen allows clouds to come back as does removing QuickStart all together.

Not havig Quick Start is not a game breaker but if others are having SVE/EVE issues witht this MOD installed then maybe posting it will help.

I have uploaded KSP.log and output_log.txt for both Pre/Post Quick start installs to pastebin if it helps..

Will link this post into SVE also in case there is anyone else with the same issue.

No Quickstart



With quickstart



Maybe just my install but I ain't that good at reading the logs...

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4 minutes ago, FizzerUK said:

Apparently your MOD is just too darn fast.. :cool:

In the wait of a fix, you can change the default parameter on the config file: GameData/QuickMods/QuickStart/Config.txt (which will be create after the first start of QuickStart).

And change the variable: WaitLoading = 0.5 to something like WaitLoading = 5
It's the waiting time (in seconds) before to start the go to an other scene :wink:

Edited by Malah
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If this has already been reported feel free to ignore.

I am getting several "ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Cannot be negative. Parameter name: length" exceptions when KSP 1.2.1 tries to instantiate this mod:

[LOG 06:39:41.325] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'QStockToolbar' from assembly 'QuickGoTo'
[EXC 06:39:41.327] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Cannot be negative.
Parameter name: length
	System.String.Substring (Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
	QuickGoTo.QuickGoTo.get_relativePath ()
	QuickGoTo.QStockToolbar..cctor ()
	Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for QuickGoTo.QStockToolbar
	AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
	AddonLoader:OnSceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
	UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)

Here's the full log if you need it.

Here is my Config.txt:


Debug = True
EnableGoToTrackingStation = True
EnableGoToSpaceCenter = True
EnableGoToMissionControl = True
EnableGoToAdministration = True
EnableGoToRnD = True
EnableGoToAstronautComplex = True
EnableGoToVAB = True
EnableGoToSPH = True
EnableGoToLastVessel = True
EnableGoToRecover = True
EnableGoToRevert = True
EnableGoToRevertToEditor = True
EnableGoToRevertToSpaceCenter = True
EnableGoToMainMenu = False
EnableGoToSettings = False
EnableSettings = False
StockToolBar = True
BlizzyToolBar = True
StockToolBar_ModApp = True
StockToolBar_OnHover = True
EnableBatButton = True
KSPSkin = True
ImageOnly = True
LockHover = False
CenterText = False
EnableQuickExit = False
EnableQuickScroll = False
EnableQuickRevert = False
EnableQuickHide = False
EnableQuickMute = False
EnableQuickIVA = False

I also tried BlizzyToolbar = false, with same results.  The exceptions are logged and the button does not come up in any toolbar (blizzy or stock) under either scenario (BlizzyToolbar true/false).  It does work if I remove the blizzy DLL from the Gamedata.

My installed blizzy toolbar is v 1.7.13 (installed from CKAN) and here is its toolbar-settings.dat file if you need it (although I also tried without any toolbar-settings.dat and it didn't make a difference):


			x = 928
			y = -2
			width = 250
			height = 38
			autoHide = False
			drawBorder = True
			useKSPSkin = False
			buttonOrder = __TOOLBAR_INTERNAL.configureVisibleButtons,QuickGoToLves.QuickGoToLves,QuickGoToTS.QuickGoToTS,QuickGoToVAB.QuickGoToVAB,QuickGoToSPH.QuickGoToSPH,QuickGoToConf.QuickGoToConf
			visibleButtons = QuickGoToLves.QuickGoToLves,QuickGoToTS.QuickGoToTS,QuickGoToVAB.QuickGoToVAB,QuickGoToSPH.QuickGoToSPH,QuickGoToRnD.QuickGoToRnD
			x = 643
			y = -3
			width = 250
			height = 38
			autoHide = False
			drawBorder = True
			useKSPSkin = False
			buttonOrder = __TOOLBAR_INTERNAL.configureVisibleButtons,QuickGoToLves.QuickGoToLves,QuickGoToTS.QuickGoToTS,QuickGoToRnD.QuickGoToRnD,QuickGoToRv.QuickGoToRv,QuickGoToRvED.QuickGoToRvED,QuickGoToVAB.QuickGoToVAB,QuickGoToSPH.QuickGoToSPH
			visibleButtons = QuickGoToTS.QuickGoToTS,QuickGoToLves.QuickGoToLves,QuickGoToRv.QuickGoToRv,QuickGoToVAB.QuickGoToVAB,QuickGoToRvED.QuickGoToRvED,QuickGoToRnD.QuickGoToRnD,QuickGoToSPH.QuickGoToSPH
			x = 1021
			y = -1
			width = 250
			height = 38
			autoHide = False
			drawBorder = True
			useKSPSkin = False
			buttonOrder = __TOOLBAR_INTERNAL.configureVisibleButtons,QuickGoToLves.QuickGoToLves,QuickGoToTS.QuickGoToTS,QuickGoToVAB.QuickGoToVAB,QuickGoToSPH.QuickGoToSPH,QuickGoToRnD.QuickGoToRnD
			visibleButtons = QuickGoToLves.QuickGoToLves,QuickGoToRnD.QuickGoToRnD,QuickGoToSPH.QuickGoToSPH,QuickGoToTS.QuickGoToTS,QuickGoToVAB.QuickGoToVAB
			x = 794
			y = 0
			width = 250
			height = 38
			autoHide = False
			drawBorder = True
			useKSPSkin = False
			buttonOrder = __TOOLBAR_INTERNAL.configureVisibleButtons,QuickGoToLves.QuickGoToLves,QuickGoToVAB.QuickGoToVAB,QuickGoToSPH.QuickGoToSPH,QuickGoToRnD.QuickGoToRnD
			visibleButtons = QuickGoToLves.QuickGoToLves,QuickGoToRnD.QuickGoToRnD,QuickGoToSPH.QuickGoToSPH,QuickGoToVAB.QuickGoToVAB

Honestly the only thing I use blizzy for these days is this mod, to get a couple of single-click-away QuickGoto buttons (e.g. to quickly revert to VAB after launch, useful when trying out many interations of a ship on the pad)

ps. I also tried removing blizzy by renaming "Toolbar.dll" to "Toolbar.dll.removed" and still get the errors!  Judging from log entries I think some other mods might also be having issues with blizzy.

Edited by Fwiffo
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4 hours ago, Malah said:

@Fwiffo I've just corrected it, it was a mistake which work on GNU/Linux and not on Windows :wink:

I've updated QuickMods but haven't test them, the complete release will be for this week end (you can download the beta on github).

Update seems to have resolved my issue; thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems some of the .version files in the spacedock downloads differ from the online version files, causing AVC to complain.

QuickGoTo: the download says it's while the remote one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malahx/QuickMods/master/QuickGoTo/QuickGoTo.version

QuickExit: the download says, while the remote one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malahx/QuickMods/master/QuickExit/QuickExit.version

QuickStart: the download says while the remote one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malahx/QuickMods/master/QuickStart/QuickStart.version

Just a minor annoyance, I just thought I'd mention it. Carry on being awesome!

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On 13/11/2016 at 3:09 PM, linuxgurugamer said:


any change to get a "Delete All Debris" mini-mod?

I think there two other mods which does this: KerboKatz - SmallUtilities and Debris Cleaner. I don't think it needs a third :wink:

On 12/11/2016 at 10:13 PM, parachutingturtle said:

It seems some of the .version files in the spacedock downloads differ from the online version files, causing AVC to complain.

QuickGoTo: the download says it's while the remote one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malahx/QuickMods/master/QuickGoTo/QuickGoTo.version

QuickExit: the download says, while the remote one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malahx/QuickMods/master/QuickExit/QuickExit.version

QuickStart: the download says while the remote one is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/malahx/QuickMods/master/QuickStart/QuickStart.version

Just a minor annoyance, I just thought I'd mention it. Carry on being awesome!


1 hour ago, Jiraiyah said:

@Malah sir none of your mods work in 1.2.1. is that normal?

Really sorry, I haven't the time to properly test all my mods, I've just updated them on github (which will have my beta updates), SpaceDock will have only the stable updates.

23 hours ago, Enceos said:

@Malah love your mods dude :)

Is there any way to disable QuickGoTo stock toolbar button, I'd like to have it only on Blizzy's.

Perhaps, there's a bug, I will try to see what's wrong this week.

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Getting this at the end of my output log:  


Setting up 1 worker threads for Enlighten.
  Thread -> id: 17cc -> priority: 1
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Cannot be negative.
Parameter name: length
  at System.String.Substring (Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at QuickSearch.QuickSearch.get_relativePath () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at QuickSearch.QStockToolbar..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for QuickSearch.QStockToolbar

(Filename:  Line: -1)

[11/13/2016 3:32:33 PM [x] Science!]: <Trace> (ScienceChecklistAddon) - OnDestroy
(Filename: C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 42)

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Cannot be negative.
Parameter name: length
  at System.String.Substring (Int32 startIndex, Int32 length) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at QuickBrake.QuickBrake.get_relativePath () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at QuickBrake.QStockToolbar..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Rethrow as TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for QuickBrake.QStockToolbar




Here is a link to the full log: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=80821352034862185012


Let me know if you want anything else.

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On ۱۳۹۵/۸/۲۴ ه‍.ش. at 7:07 PM, Torih said:

Can't speak for all, but hide and break are fine.  Check you have the latest off github. 

yah that was my bad, i was getting the mods from either space dock but those separated repository's releases not the one from QuickMods repo :D thanks

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19 hours ago, OddFunction said:

Let me know if you want anything else.

Hello, on KSP 1.2.1 you need to use the beta version which is only on github.

On 13/11/2016 at 6:50 PM, Enceos said:

@Malah love your mods dude :)

Is there any way to disable QuickGoTo stock toolbar button, I'd like to have it only on Blizzy's.

I don't understand the disable of the stock toolbar button work fine here, can you send logs?

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