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[0.25] Airplane Weights [v1.3]


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Do you have problems with setting proper center of mass and center of lift in planes?

Are you tired of using Mono-propellant as counter-weight?

Then use my mod!

Airplane Weights adds 4 tweakable weights:


From left to right:

1. M-500 Small Weight (MAX 500KG)

2. M-1000 Medium Weight (MAX 1000KG)

3. M-3000 Large Weight (MAX 3000KG)

4. I-2500 Inline Weight (MAX 2500KG)*

*not on picture

Every weight is tweakable in building mode. One KG costs one fund (Empty weight weights 0.001t and costs 1 funds)

Every radial weight has built-in decoupler, so you don't need traditional decouplers anymore!

Every weight is unlocked in Aerodynamics tech node.





Aerodynamic and Nice looking





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- Fixed negative cost of these parts


- Changed max mass of inline weight from 8000 to 2500


- Added Inline Weight (Thanks SlimeCrusher for the idea!)


- Initial release


Edited by PatPL
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Why the low weight limits? Lead is about 11,000kg/m3.

Yes, but size of the smallest weight is 0.2 * 0.2 * 0.3 in Blender, so in KSP it's 0.25m * 0.25m * 0.375m then volume is ~0,02343m3

Now let's count the mass | Density = Mass/Volume | Mass = Density*Volume | Mass = 11000kg/m3 * 0.2343m3 | Mass = 257.8kg (Only this cube between these triangles, so with them this should wieght about 330kg)

Let's check the Density of my smallest weight: Density = Mass/Volume | Densiity = 500kg / 0.02343 | Density = 21340kg/m3

Platinum density is 21,450kg/m3, So the smallest weight is made out of platinum.

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Sheesh don't you think that's a little expensive?

Maybe it is in our world, but maybe in Kerbal Universe it's everywhere.

Inline version is brilliant idea! I'll make it in free-time.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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The inline version is a nice idea, but why it allows twice the weight that the large weight when in terms of volume it is comparable to the little one? I understand that ksp might be a bit unrealistic in term of density, but not to the point of making it 8 times denser than the core of the sun or something.

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