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What is your part limit?


How many parts before you start to lag?  

247 members have voted

  1. 1. How many parts before you start to lag?

    • 100-200
    • 200-300
    • 300-500
    • 500-1000
    • 1000+

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Oh WHAAAAAACKJOB! Where is that fellow... Oh well. I usually build my rockets about 400-500 parts on launch and 200 or so when in orbit. This means my stations are about 600 parts when I build then but I wouldn't dare higher. Planes are about 150 ish parts (unless it's a cargo plan in which case 250). Rovers are usually about 50. Part count isn't always correlated to computer status though.

I actually stream and run mu own YouTube channel though so... You don't necessarily need a high end computer to stream.

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I have many mods installed (including astronomers pack at the push it to the limit settings :D ). I usually don't build cdafts bigger than 300 parts anymore. The exeption are manned interplanetary missions or very crowded space stations. It starts to lag a little at about 500 parts. I'm a performance junky and I hate fps drops. Recently I've been building smaller and smaller anyway so I barely reach that limit. I once build a jool 5 ship with abou 800 parts, it was soo damn laggy during the transfer burn :( it scared me

now I only get noticeable slowdowns if the trajectories mod has to calculate multiple atmospheric encounters or if I pancake bigger crafts onto the surface

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