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Mod to allow in-space fixing with spare parts


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Damn I bumped into a solar panel again, now its broken :(

I assume most KSP players have did this before. Now if you do this, there is no way to fix it but to reload the game. There are plenty of other things that can be fixed by EVA, like landing legs and rover wheels, why can't solar panels be fixed?

You could just make it repairable by editing the parts file and such, but that is not to my likings. The reason being that with solar panels, parts actually get torn off and fly away as debris while those repairable in the stock game don't break away. It would be unrealistic to just allow instant fixing with EVA.

So I thought, what if I could bring spare parts into space, and if I have the proper parts I could fix those panels on EVA? That would be realistic enough. Also best if it could be compatible with KAS so that the spare parts could be stored inside KAS containers.

I myself can't create mods so I'm relying to whoever reads this post to step up and make it happen! Please help in making everyone's (and my self's) KSP life better :D

If you are willing to create this mod, please leave a post below. All help is appreciated!

Edited by ebigunso
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KAS with an updated version of A Mechanic is Jeb. That's a Module Manager config adding KAS modules to a ton of parts, including modded parts. Many parts have new names since it was last updated, but it sounds like GavinZac is working on updating it. I'd bet you could learn enough about MM configs to make the updates yourself, too.

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Just clarifying as you might have misunderstood, I'm not trying to add new solar panels on the same spot to make it LOOK like it's fixed, but rather bring the spare parts and actually FIX the broken remnants of the panel (i.e. the panel box and such).

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