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KSP > Orbiter 2? No, stop wanting this. Instead, just MAKE Orbiter 2.

Whirligig Girl

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So I know a lot of people want KSP to be Orbiter 2. [was referring to Regex's signature.] But here's the thing: With mods, it can sorta kinda be that. But the stock game will never be.

Instead, why not just make Orbiter 2. Many of the RSS aficionados are programmers, and Orbiter 2010 is starting to become dated. Maybe there needs to be a dedicated Orbiter 2015.

Many aspects of Kerbal Space Program would be much appreciated in orbiter. The intuitive 3D map view, the maneuver nodes, special animations and physics for astronauts (As opposed to an awkward static model), heck, even a career mode would be pretty neat.

Right now, Orbiter 2010 is not very accessible where KSP is, even with Realism Mods. Maybe that's why you want KSP to be Orbiter 2.

Edited by GregroxMun
Was referring to regex's signature.
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I like you Gregox, but I'm not really sure how to take this post, it seems to basically be telling a bunch of us to GTFO because we're having fun wrong.

Personally I might like more realism than stock, that's why I use many of the mods that are available for the purpose. I didn't start there from day 1, these have been added as time has gone on, as I have grown more competent, to give me added challenge. I have said many times that for me, the 'fun' in KSP is this sense of challenge -- even if it's just making sure that logistically the numbers on the spreadsheet add up for life support or whatever.

Bear in mind that I've probably played through KSP 5 or 6 times minimum. Adding this or that aspect to a playthrough, be it FAR, re-entry heating, life support, or whatever has brought immense re-playability to the game. Doing this offers a direction to someone that has visited every planet, cleared the tech tree and thinks 'ok, what now?'

This is why I and others have advocated for adding things like these to KSP as optional difficulty modifiers. Speaking personally, I still remember vividly my first early steps in KSP, I remember climbing the learning cliff, and I appreciate the dev's intention to make a highly complex task relatively intuitive. I argue that they have done a sufficiently good job in that respect that it leaves sombunall of us wanting more.

There are many many different playstyles for KSP. There are people who build crafts that have no chance of flight, just to watch explosions. There are some that have never left kerbin, some that stop at the moon landing, and some who go much farther.

All of these playstyles are valid. We should not be trying to bifurcate the community in this fashion.

Edited by pxi
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I'm by no means saying "GTFO" But when players complain that they want stock KSP to be like a perfect realistic simulator, I think it'd be a really cool idea to just make your own simulator based on that. Heck, I'd play it! I sometimes even use full RSS! I'm fully in favor of using modxability to increxasex thex dxifficulty of KSP.

Andx someone spillexdxx sodxa on my laptop kexyboardx. hexncex thex large amount of that letter. I have more to say, but I can not becae this keyboard is essentially dead.

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Maybe there needs to be a dedicated Orbiter 2015.

Haven't you seen this?

It uses actual ultra-high-res textures and terrain data.

pro: more accurate than procedural generation.

con: textures are dozens of gigabytes in size.

special animations and physics for astronauts (As opposed to an awkward static model)

Yes, I would like to see this be possible within the Orbiter software.

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To me, KSP and Orbiter serve completely different purposes. KSP's a strategy game about planning and designing ships; Orbiter's a flight sim.

I've never flown a KSP craft from IVA, and perhaps never will. Mostly because I despise 3D cockpits where I have to scroll around to see the whole panel. Give me a good 2D cockpit any day.

Likewise I've never built anything in Orbiter, though I know it's possible.

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Everyone has their own spot on the realism scale where they'd like KSP to be. All opinions about it are valid, though I guess only Squad's opinion really matters.

FWIW, I'd like it to be a bit more realistic than it is now though not as realistic as Realism Overhaul makes it. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

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I, (and, I think, many other players) do not want KSP to be Orbiter 2. Otherwise we will lose VAB, one of most important game features.

Instead, i want to KSP to be just a little more realistic, in details.

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I, (and, I think, many other players) do not want KSP to be Orbiter 2. Otherwise we will lose VAB, one of most important game features.

Instead, i want to KSP to be just a little more realistic, in details.

Heathen! Sinner! There is only one correct way to play KSP and that is my way.

Thou shalt not use Mechjeb. Users of mechjeb are wusses who shall be punished for all eternity by being cast into a lake of flaming liquid fuel and shall flatulate oxidizer in order to more thoroughly roast their hind parts.

Thou shalt not save on the pad and reload when thy rocket dost fly asunder else like thy rockets thou shalt never ascend unto heaven.

Thou shalt not respawn dead Kerbals else thy liver will be torn out and fed to the beasts of the earth and thy soul shall be cast out of the wheel of life.

Thou shalt not screw with the vision of the divine HarvesteR or his apostles at Squad lest thy updates be garbled and thou shalt be forced to play in .25 for ever more and never achieve the Nirvana that shall be known as Kerbal Space Program Release 1.0.

So believeth the faithful. And death to all modders!

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Should I add oil to the fire and mention SpaceEngine? No gameplay to speak of yet, but the perfect bones to flesh out the defining space sim of the next 10 years. Give me KSP with a SpaceEngine universe and you will need to call social services, because I will not be taking care of myself any more :P Gorgeous views, amazing gameplay, awesome community.

Edited by Camacha
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If we could get Kerbin to look like Orbiter's Earth from orbit, then i would be very happy.






Orbiter no longer has ANYTHING looks wise over KSP. Space Engine is the mark to beat. Upon which KSP with those mods looks just as good if not better. This time next year I fully expect KSP to be the BEST/most realistic looking space game there is.

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ksp is most certainly not orbiter 2. ksp has a thing that orbiter lacks: fun. orbiter was at most a challenge for space geeks.

i would love if the orbiter code base was made open source and a community evolved around it. that would be great. but il probibly be too busy playing ksp to notice.

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Pfft. Everyone wants KSP to be more realistic. More strict... I say we abolish rules! Go the other direction!


- Hire developers from Goat Simulator, and completely revolutionize KSP's physics.

- Whenever a part bumps the ground, make it go up in a nuclear explosion with massive shockwaves.

- Add Michael Bay to the credits. He'll be responsible for much of this.

- Get funds by blowing up stuff, and add hit list contracts.

- Add aliens and three new categories of weapons. 'Nuff said.

- Put the KSC under a mile of water - the actual souposphere.

- Don't stop at destructible buildings. Make destructible planets.

Remember, kids...

With enough fuel, anything is possible.
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Orbiter is still being developed, slowly, and also has tons of add-ons that enhance the game.

ksp is most certainly not orbiter 2. ksp has a thing that orbiter lacks: fun.

Fun is relative, and there wouldn't be an Orbiter community if nobody enjoyed it. Orbiter is a much tougher simulation and takes a lot more effort to learn. Just successfully flying by a planet in Orbiter is a much greater feat than in KSP and can feel rewarding.

KSP is not as niche as Orbiter so it can appeal to a wider group that cares less about accuracy. It would be a bad idea for KSP to limit its audience by trying to be a more realistic simulation.

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