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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!


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Granted. Fried FTL Rockets are now common place.

The resulting spread in population means you have to travel several light years to your next neighbour and the grease stains smear all over the galaxy.

I wish for rain.

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Prototype used had ~50Mt... It gets delivered to your doorstep. It comes with an attached timer, going "5...4...3...2...", while you unwrap the package.

I wish for the ability to create posts, I do not have to edit before they become readable.

Edited by heng
typo and forgot wish, then forgot edit reason m( and a comma, i think...?
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Granted. Your airfield gets attacked by the Emmerian air force, leaving your fighter in pieces and you a quadriplegic.

I wish Shuttlecraft Systems had survived KSP 1.0. I never did get my white kite VTOL SSTO certified. :(

Edited by beabop
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Granted. You now have one free pizza. It has to last for your whole life, you will never get another.

@Xannari: Granted. You can do standup comedy. In perfect english. Deep in the middle of rural France. Noone willingly admits to understand you.

I wish for a Chicxulub-sized impact event on the moon, somewhere safe enough to not endanger life on earth, yet visible from ground.

PS: Holy Sh...

. Found while checking the spelling. Edited by heng
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granted, given a certain value of "bacon" and a certain value of "infinite".

Since you're asking for infinite bacon, every single atom of matter (and all other forms of existence) in the universe is instantly integrated into making said infinite strip of bacon. The entire universe is bacon, there is literally nothing else. Your strip of bacon has some very, very weird properties in places, but technically it is still bacon because everything is now bacon.



without anyone or anything to taste, smell, or otherwise appreciate it in any way shape or form.

I hope you're proud of yourself. :P

I wish for money, fame and power without any downsides associated with them.

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